Page Twenty Six

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Maureen followed him, keeping her guards are up and acted cool. The fact that she was so nervous, not that she was scared because dangerous people's who took her sister and held as a hostage but thinking that maybe they done something to her sister scared her to the bone.

"Where's my sister?!" She asked the man that seems everything is just a normal day for him. He was tall, wearing a black tuxedo and Maureen couldn't be wrong that he is the right hands of what he called Lord. She verbally cursed for him ignoring her. "I said, where's my sister!" She yelled while jerking her hands abruptly. He whirled around and look at her, "You'll see her at the dining room" he said. Maureen didn't pleased from what she heard, she wanted to see her now! But then again, what else she could do?

They walked passed the hallway then at the staircase leading the big dining room, she wouldn't feel uneasy if there's no camera's watching her.

She look around at the huge place, didn't mesmerized about how glamorous the bright red chandeliers at the top. She would like to focus her eyes to her sister if only she was here. Panic run's on her blood which he sensed it.

"Come in!" He said and the hidden door through the wall suddenly opened—slowly and she norrowed her eyes to see what it is.

"Jessica!" She yelled happily and was about to run and hug her sister buy stopped when he blocked himself with stern cold eye's enough to tell her to stop. And she stopped, even she wanted to kill him for stopping her to hug Jessica.

"Ma–chan! I'm scared Ma–chan!" Jessica cried out, two men's gripped her arm's so she won't run. The sight of her tears broke Maureen's poor heart, her sisters hair was cutted from being long, and God knows how she hated it.

" done to her!!" She yelled out loud, eyes full of anger as she clinched her hands. Dedo Hara didn't even react, he was already used to this.

Dedo cleared his throat, already bored in this play and he wanted to end this as faster as possible.

"We'll give her back, if you give the data first" he nonchalantly said, bending her hands caused her to laugh sarcastically. "Oh what?"

"You know? I don't need this piece of shit and you can have this for all you wanted! Just give my sister to me peacefully "

"Ok, let the girl go to her" Dedo ordered and they let go her sister. Jessica run as fast as she could towards her neesan and hug her. Maureen cried, now that she could touch her, hug her.

"Your safe your safe now" she said while rubbing her hands at the back of Jess.

"Here's your data" she handed the paper and Dedo heartily grab it. A smile crept on his face, "Very well"

"Now that you already have it, tell this to your shitty and disgusting name of your Lord; don't ever, ever bother us again!" She said through the chattering teeth. Jessica hid herself behind Maureen and peered, Dedo was looking at her while smiling.

"Sure, i'll tell that to him" he said.

"Let's go Lala" it was Jessica's nickname. She nodded and smiled as they turned their back and walk. Dedo’s creepy smile become even wider, "Make sure you have a bonding!" He said.

"Don't look behind" Maureen mumbled but Lala dared to obey her; she look behind and saw that Dedo smiled at her and waves his clothed hand's. Lala quickly look away and wanted to hide.

Maureen was relief, finally, she saw the front door and she feels her sisters hands on her. She was so happy that they didn't do anything at her except for cutting her hair.

"I will never gonna lose you" she said. Lala smiled at her and the bright light flinched on their eye's as Maureen pushed the door open.

This is it.

They walk towards the van where the three patiently waiting. The fresh air is irritating at Lala’s nostrils, she don't like it.

"Are we going home Ma–chan?" She look up to see Maureen smiled and nod.

As they approach the van, Lala sensed something.

"Oh my god! Jessica! I was so worried about you!" Rico bounced his butt on his seat, Lala smiled and cried while giving him a hug. "Rico-kun!"

"Are you hurt? Oh my god, your hair!" Lala ignored it and her eyes just drifted at the backseat. Lala’s gaze slumped at Sake’s raven piercing eye's. Lala don't like her here. Maureen noticed it, "Let's go. Lala, this is Sake and Kira" Maureen introduced, Lala quickly smiled but Sake could feel it was a fake.

Rico turn on the engine and started driving. He was really happy to see Jessica was fine and Maureen. As the car started running, Sake glanced out the window for one last chance, to see the shadow at the window walk away.

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