page six

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8 years later....


I snap my eyes open as my alarm shouted in my ears, in shock I stupidly jumped out of my bed and dropped on the floor with a thud. I groans when it hurts my butt, I stood up and went on my kitchen to prepare breakfast only for me and my little sister, our parents died from the Ekka laboratory and I'm working so hard to get our future less worsen. As I'm doing, my phone suddenly ring out of nowhere so I rushed to answer it whatever it was.

"Maureen speaking, who's this?" I ask while drying my wet hands at the back of my pants, i frowned when there's no someone spoke only I could hear is the harsh, and deep breathing at the other line.....

"Hello? Hello? Who is this?" I ask and someone began to mumbled which I can't understand, looks someone whispering but why? "Please louder your voice so I could hear you" I calmly said and went back on my cooking, still it was just mumbles. I'm starting to think that maybe there's someone doing pranks on me but I never drop my number into a stranger! The caller is unknown and I don't have any unknown contacts at all.

"I'm hunging the phone now if you won't louder you voice" I said while putting the bacon's at the plate, I could hear noises from the other someone is on a deep pain and I'm barely cautioned about the things that aren't supposed to be here.

"........., Ru~~...." Said from the other line. Those are just only two words but why the hell is seems its hard to say and couldn't even finished it?! What's ru? "I can't hear you! What did you say!" I yelled.


"!" What the fuck? My mind's suddenly went blank and trying to understand what I just heard. Wait, did it Why would I run?

"Who are you! How did you get my number!" I ask and put the plate on the sink while gritting my teeth. I didn't heard anything but the loud noises came from out of our house, seems on our backyard. The call suddenly cut and my sister run towards me and hug my tight, the loud noises looks footsteps but a gigantic footsteps!

"What the fuck!" I hissed and rushed to the window to look out, I wandered my gaze and to my horror, it wasn't just a thing but a monster with big shape of body and the loud footsteps came from it that leaving a big damage to the ground whenever it stepped! As if my heart slipped out of my cage and my breathing began to unsteady, my sister started crying and the thing.... my gaze.

A cracking roar fell on our ears and cold went on my spine. What the crap is that?! I didn't wait something will happen and I grab my sister's hand and started running as fast as we could make to reach my car....but we couldn't make it. The thing began chasing after us with the speed that doesn't normal.

"Keep running!! Jess! Keep running and don't look back! I'm here right by your side" I said and grab my gun that hid on my waistband, even all my nerves are trembling in this fear....I managed to fire towards that thing but only to make our situation more worse. I fired again and again until I'm out of bullet's but even one did not affect!

"Quick! Get inside the car!" I screamed and Jess managed herself to hop inside and lock the fucking door. The car roared for life and speeded the engine hoping to get away from it, I keep looking at the rear view mirror and see that it still after us while drooling! Shit! What's that thing? It looks like a dog but fuckin huge and gigantic fang's with sharp piercing claws and ever it could get in the car, sure we're hit in piece! I keep kicking the gas even were driving at already full speed, I take a quick glance on my sister who's been shaking on her seat with a terrified face. I knew everything is impossible but to the way that could be possible, first is there's a monster chasing after us!

"Jess, can you call the cops? Can you hurry?" I ask her and she nodded and started dialling the number. Im not very steady right now and no one knows how I'm so terrified! My hands keep trembling and my sweats began to fall, when I look at the rear view was gone? It was gone and there's nothing everywhere, where did it go?

"I can't contact the police! There is no signal here!" Jess said and screamed when the thing suddenly pop out on our way.

"Get the shotgun at the backseat! Hurry!"

What should I do? What should I do?! "Jess! Hurry! Get the fucking shotgun!" I yelled while feeling the crap on my stomach.

"Here! I got it!" I grab the shotgun and open the window, "Can you drive the car?!"

She look at me more terrified with wide eyes but then she nod and we exchange our seat. That's my sister. We've been living here at the woods and Jess could pass the zigzag way, I'm hunting dears and seems right now we're on doom!

"Turn right! We need to distract that thing!" I yelled and pulled the trigger with very loud noise, I only shoot it's shoulder and that makes it roars. I reload and shoot again, now on its neck and I saw it started bleeding. It's working! Four bullet's left and I shouldn't miss each of it. I should focus on its head.

"Keep driving!"

"But we're running out of gas!" Jess yelled back.

"Just......just keep driving!" I said and fired again. Three bullet's remain. If I couldn't make it, this is our ending.

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