Twenty Three

586 31 11

So, the majority of you wanted Odell, so here ya go 😜


"Odell" my mouth hung slightly in surprise. "What-What are you doing around here?" I adjusted how I was holding Paisley who felt like a dead weight sat on my hip.

"I recently moved" he shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweater. I felt my cheeks burning as his eyes seemed to roam along my body. There were rumours in 2016 that Odell and I went on a date, well I suppose they weren't rumours because we did in fact go on a date. He was fun to hang with and I could have totally seen us becoming more but at that point in my life, I wasn't ready for a committed relationship. I'd just come out of a 6 year relationship and I was in no way ready to move on. "I retired from football nearly a year ago now, after an injury that nearly took my life" my heart ached.

"I'm sorry. I-I know how much football meant to you."

"Football was a major part of my life but now I'm older and there's other things I hope to do with my life" his eyes locked with mine and I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up. His eyes briefly danced down to Paisley. "Congratulations, she's gorgeous" the smile on my face just widened and even though he was talking about Paisley, I felt my cheeks beginning to blush.

"Are-Do-Do you have kids yet?" I wanted to ask if he was in a relationship but I didn't want to seem desperate. I don't tend to keep up on celebrity gossip.

"Not yet. I want them someday though" I nodded, glancing down briefly at the floor as butterflies erupted in my tummy. "We..." he stopped as I glanced to meet his gaze. "Do-Do you fancy going out sometime? Just us" my eyebrows furrowed and I found my mouth twitching into a smirk.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Odell?" I felt elated as I noticed the redness forming on his cheeks. He glanced down at the ground and shrugged.

"The date we had 4 years ago and then the little fling we had in 2018..." my cheeks burnt and my stomach clenched at the memories of what we had. If only I wasn't so dependent on the alcohol and the drugs. The sex we had was incredible but in 2018, that's all it was to me because I wasn't aware enough for a relationship. "Life just seems to bring us back together, Dem."

"I'll go on a date with you" his lips spread into a wide smile which I found myself mirroring. Odell pulled his phone from his pocket and held it out to me. I followed his lead and pulled mine from my pocket so that we could exchange numbers.

"I'll text you."

"Okay" he leant to press a kiss to my cheek and the feel of his lips against my skin caused my body to goosebump. "I hope to see you soon" my stomach fluttered as he sent me a wink before he turned and headed off down the sidewalk. I bit down on my lip as I watched him walk away, pulling from my thoughts as Paisley moved against my hip.

"Mommy's in trouble, Princess" I pressed a kiss to her temple as I pulled from my stare and headed for the car.


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Liked by matthew_scott_montgomery, diannadelagarza and 4,517,583 others
ddlovato 🤓
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arianagrande Queen 👸🏻💗
obj 😻🤤

"Why is Odell Beckham Jr suddenly commenting on your posts?" my cheeks flushed as I poured some coffee into two mugs. I grabbed the mugs and turned to Sirah who was staring down at her phone as she sat at the island.

"We-We bumped into each other earlier" her lips spread into a smirk as her eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes as I bit my lip.

"So, what's going on?"

"He's asked me out on a date and I said yes. We've made plans to go out next Friday. It's Paisley's weekend with Matthew."

"You thinking of bringing him home?" I rolled my eyes but my cheeks just seemed to burn hotter. "It'll be like familiar..."

"Shut up, Sirah" she loudly laughed.

"Do you remember what he felt like?"

"Shut up, Sirah" she continued to laugh as I hit her lightly on the arm, my cheeks just burning harder from embarrassment. Sirah continued to laugh as I pulled my phone from my pocket as it vibrated and I smiled widely at the message.

Odell: Hi Gorgeous! Don't think I can wait till next Friday to see you. You free at all tonight?

I bit down on my lip, glancing up at Sirah who was eyeing me.

"You okay?"

"You think you could stay here and watch Paisley for me?" her lips twitched into a smirk.

"Is it lover boy? Does he miss you already?" I rolled my eyes, focusing my attention down on my phone. "I can stay. I don't have any plans. I don't even have anything to do tomorrow so if you fancy going back to his" she chuckled as I just glared. "I'm messing with you, Dem, but I seriously don't have anything to do tomorrow. If you want me to spend the night I can" I bit down on my lip as I tapped out a reply.

Me: I can do tonight! Where do you want to meet?

Odell: Can you get to mine for 7? Or I can pick you up?!

I sent me my address and agreed to be ready for 7.

"You need to help me choose what to wear" Sirah squealed out her excitement.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Come on" I giggled as she pushed herself from the stool and grabbed my arm, tugging me from the kitchen. She pulled me into my room where we spent the next hour trying to decide what I should wear, all while Paisley slept.


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