Twenty Two

565 30 20

Again I'm sorry for the delay in an update 🥺


Paisley and I met up with Dallas and Noah by the play area. The two children squealed at the sight of each other and instantly ran to play. I lightly chuckled as I pulled my older and pregnant sister into a hug.

"How are you?" she pressed a kiss to my cheek as we pulled away from each other.

"I'm doing good. Baby girl is seriously shoving herself into my ribs though" I beamed up at her. Dallas is now 7 months pregnant, and they found out at 20 weeks that baby is a girl. Apparently they've chosen a name, they just aren't telling anyone what it is yet. I understand their want to keep it secret but I'm so desperate to know her name.

"I miss being pregnant. Every time I look at Paisley, my ovaries burst, I swear, and she's my own daughter" Dallas chuckled. "I don't even have the sperm to have a second baby."

"You never know..." my eyebrows raised as she nudged me with a smirk. "You and Matthew could always have a second one."

"I don't even know whether he would want a second one."

"I'm sure he would. Have you seen Paisley? She's gorgeous" I couldn't help but to agree. Matthew and I have definitely made one adorable and beautiful daughter.

"Maybe we should make an arrangement. If I'm not in a serious relationship and ready for children by the time I'm 35, then we'll mix sperm and egg and create another Paisley" Dallas lightly chuckled as we headed towards a bench.

"Maybe you should" I glanced to the play area as I lowered myself down onto the bench beside Dallas. My eyes instantly locked on Paisley who was playing with Noah and another little girl. They were all giggling and the sight warmed my heart.

"You not on any dating apps or anything?"

"I was for a bit but they all just seemed a little too desperate."

"There wasn't one person you liked, at all?"

"There was this one guy that I was speaking to solely for a couple of weeks, but he ended up making some really inappropriate jokes and I just ghosted him" I shrugged as I glanced to Dallas. "Do I see myself getting married and having more children? Yeah, but I'm not going to settle for less than what I want. Max was..." I stopped myself.

"Max was sweet, but he ended up being a dick" I rolled my eyes but laughed at her joke.

"Yeah, pretty much" Dallas lightly laughed. "I'll find it one day, but for now I'm just going to focus on my daughter."

"Your very adorable daughter" my smile widened. It fell silent around us for a moment until a loud scream filled the air. I didn't need to look over at them to know that the scream came from Paisley. I darted up from the bench and headed into the play area with Dallas slowing following behind me. Noah was on the ground by Paisley who was holding onto her knee as big tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Baby" her eyes looked up to meet mine.

"Mama" I scooped her into my arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead as she curled into me.

"You're okay, Princess" I swayed us gently, glancing down at Noah who was staring up at her with worry. "What happened, Noah?" he wrapped his arms around Dallas' legs as she ran her fingers into his hair.

"We run to slide" he pointed over to the slide in the far corner. "She fell. She got owie" he pouted down to his own knee.

"Do you want mommy to kiss it better, Pais?" she nodded as she sniffled, tears still rolling down her cheeks. I pressed a gentle kiss to her graze knee and my heart swelled as she giggled. She squirmed slightly in my grip so I lowered her to the floor.

"You kay, Pais?" she nodded and allowed Noah to wrap his arms around her in a hug. The sight warmed my heart. They pulled from each other a moment later and Paisley grabbed his hand, beginning to pull him down towards the slide that they were originally heading for before she tripped.

"Oh my gosh, I love them together" I lightly laughed as I glanced to Dallas who had her hands clasped over her heart.

"Noah is going to be such a good big brother."

"Well, I think she's happy. Shall we go and sit back down?" I nodded, turning to head back to the bench. We made small talk and watched the children play until they headed to us, rubbing their eyes. I pulled a juice box from my purse and handed it to Paisley as she sat on my lap and leant back against my chest. I pressed the occasional kiss to her temple as they snacked on their goldfish crackers. Noah and Paisley spoke to each other in their own little language, which is the fucking cutest, until Paisley started to drop to sleep against me.

"I think we should start heading home. It was good to see you though, Dal. We should do this again at some point. I love watching Noah and Paisley together."

"Yeah, it's been fun. Now that you live closer, we definitely need to get together more often" I pushed myself up from the bench and settled Paisley against my hip. Dallas was parked in the parking lot across the street so I gave her and Noah a wave before I turned to head towards my own car. It was as I was walking out of the park that I heard my name.

"Demi?" I just thought that it was a fan so I forced a smile onto my face but the smile turned genuine as I turned to see who was calling out to me.



Who would you all like Demi to have bumped into?! This person will be a love interest for Demi 😜😜

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