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"Ah" Paisley squealed as I lowered her to the floor. She darted straight to the dollhouse that sat on the rug, for once, she completely ignored Batman and Ella as they danced around her.

"What is it, Paisley?"

"House" she began to bounce on the spot as I lightly giggled.

"It's a dollhouse, Baby" I lowered myself down onto the floor beside her. "It opens too" her mouth dropped open as I opened the house so that she could see inside. "What do you think, Baby?"

"Thank you" she leant into me, her arms around my neck.

"You're so welcome, Princess" I pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Happy birthday, Baby Girl. I can't believe you're two" she giggled as I gave her a squeeze and pretended to nibble her neck.

"Mama" she squealed, the sound music to my ears.

"So, what would my little birthday girl like for breakfast?"


"Nana" Paisley flew at my mom who laughed as she locked her up in a hug. "Hi" she giggled as she nuzzled herself into my mom.

"Hi Sweetheart" mom pressed a kiss to her cheek. "There are so many people here, all for you, Beautiful" Paisley giggled as mom poked her in the tummy.

"My buffday."

"It is your birthday, Beautiful" she just continued to giggle, leaning back on my legs and reaching up for my hand. "And you look very gorgeous in your dress. You look like a princess" she nuzzled her face into my thigh, and I smiled at the fact she was blushing. I ran my fingers through her hair and shared a brief smile with my mom.

"Shall we get inside, Baby?" Paisley nodded, pulling away from my leg but she held her arms up, wanting me to carry her. I lifted her onto my hip and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She dropped her head onto my shoulder and giggled. I followed mom into the house, and I headed straight into the living room. Paisley instantly spotted Matthew.


"Hi Princess" he took her from me and she settled on his lap, leaning back against his chest. "Happy birthday, my Beautiful Baby Girl" she giggled as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. I settled myself on the arm of the couch, gently combing my fingers through Paisley's hair. "You okay?" I nodded, a small smile on my face as I met Matthew's gaze.

"I just can't believe we have a two year old. I didn't know so much could happen in two years" I lowered my hand into his and he gave it a squeeze.

"What did mommy get you for your birthday then, Paisley?"

"House" the room filled with a light chuckle.

"A house? Well, aren't you a lucky little girl" she giggled, turning into Matt as her cheeks reddened.

"You got a dollhouse, didn't you, Princess?" she nodded.

"I always wanted a dollhouse when I was younger. I'll need to come over and we can play it sometime."

"Noah?" I smiled down at my daughter.

"Of course. I can't possibly come without Noah" she giggled, pushing herself off Matt's lap. She ran at Dallas and threw herself at her causing Dallas to lightly chuckle. "If you got into the kitchen, you'll find Noah with papi and uncle Luke" she pulled from Dallas and ran straight into the kitchen, not once glancing back at me. Paisley has become better over the last month. She still has her moments when she doesn't want me to leave but it's nice to be getting my smiley and independent little girl back.


Paisley kept herself snuggled into me as we sang happy birthday. She had a smile spread across her face and her cheeks were a light pink. She doesn't always like the attention. She doesn't crave it like I did as a child.

"You going to blow out the candles, Baby Girl?" Matt and I leant towards the cake with Paisley, laughing as she blew the hardest that she could. The room filled with cheers as the candles eventually blew out.

"Yay, Baby" she giggled and cheered, her arms locking around my neck.

"Yay, Mama" I pressed a kiss to her cheek as she pulled away from me.

"You have a good birthday, Princess?" she nodded as she detached herself from me. She then threw herself at Matt who cradled her against his chest.

"You really need to stop growing, Baby Girl" she squealed as Matt began to tickle her tummy.

"No, Daddy" she pushed at his hand, squirming in his grip until he lowered her to the floor.

"You want a slice of cake, Baby?" she nodded, giggling as she instantly ran off with Noah. "Okay" Matthew chuckled as he grabbed the cake. I followed him into the kitchen and grabbed out a knife so that we could cut the cake into slices. "Just put it on a plate and everyone can take what they want" he nodded as he took the knife from me.

"You got a photo before I cut it?" I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Do you know me at all?"

"Silly me" I giggled, grabbing out a plate and handing it to him. "So..."

"So, what?" Matthew briefly glanced to me before he focused solely on the cake.

"Damien got in touch with me" I leant against the counter with my arms crossed over my chest. I raised my eyebrows at him, wanting him to elaborate further. "He said that he's sorry for everything. He said that he didn't mean to cause us all that stress" I just rolled my eyes.

"He kidnapped our daughter and took her all the way to New York. He hurt her, Matt."

"I know that, Dem. I told him to leave me alone. I told him that our divorce would happen whether he liked it or not. He hurt her, and I can never forgive him for that. He deserved everything that he got."

"I still don't think a year imprisonment is enough for what he did" Matthew gave me a light smile.

"All we need to focus on is Paisley. For the next year, he can't hurt her. After that we can get a restraining order sorted out. He won't ever hurt her again" we shared a smile as I nodded.

Nobody will ever hurt her again.

Liked by diannadelagarza, sirahsays and 7,517,863 others ddlovato My precious princess is two 😩😍 I honestly can't believe how fast the last two years have gone (stop growing please?) 🥺🥺 I love you so much Paisley

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Liked by diannadelagarza, sirahsays and 7,517,863 others
ddlovato My precious princess is two 😩😍 I honestly can't believe how fast the last two years have gone (stop growing please?) 🥺🥺 I love you so much Paisley. You own my entire heart and soul ❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS 🥺😍❤️
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jillpowellglam Happy Birthday Beautiful 💞💞
maddelagarza The cutest two year old ever 😍


So, I'm struggling a little with inspiration for this so anyone have any suggestions on what you want to happen?? I'll really appreciate the help 😜❤️

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