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Sorry for the slow updates 🥺❤️


Demi Lovato seen leaving court with best friend at her side.

Demi Lovato, 32, was seen leaving court today with her best friend and the father of her daughter, Matthew Montgomery.

Just last month ago, the Confident singer reported her nearly 2 year old daughter missing. An arrest was made just a week later. Damien John, Matthew's husband and the stepfather to Paisley, was arrested on accounts of kidnapping, child endangerment and child abuse.

We're still awaiting the final report from the trial so there is more on this to come.

"Mama" I smiled as Paisley threw herself at me. Paisley has been home for over a month now. She has also been attached at my hip ever since. She hates when I leave her. Because of the trial, my mom and dad are looking after her a lot and once I'm out the door and have pulled out the driveway, apparently she just screams until she wears herself out. That thought alone breaks my heart because she used to be so outgoing. She used to love spending time with her nana and papi, even when I have work and she goes to Matthew's, she isn't the same because I'm not there. I hate what Damien has done to her.

"I missed you, Princess" she nuzzled her face into my neck and gripped tightly onto me. "Okay, Baby, momma needs to breathe" she lightly giggled as she loosened her grip. "Were you a good girl for nana?" she nodded, her head resting on my shoulder.

"I good girl" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and headed into the living room.

"Hi Baby."

"Hi Mom" I lowered myself down onto the couch, adjusting Paisley on my lap. She curled herself into me, beginning to play with my necklace. "Was she good?" mom nodded, a small smile on her face as she glanced down at Paisley. "Did she cry?"

"Yeah" I lightly sighed.

"Baby?" I pressed a kiss to the top of Paisley's head and took a hold of her hand to grab her attention. "Why do you get sad when mommy goes to work?" Paisley looked up at me and her gorgeous dark brown eyes melted my heart.

"You go way."

"But I always come home, Baby" I stroked her hair off her forehead as she pouted.

"No" she nuzzled herself into me.

"I love you, my Beautiful Girl."

"Love you, Mama" I leant back against the couch, keeping Paisley snuggled into my chest. I ran my fingers along her spine, pressing kisses to the top of her head. Her thumb made its way into her mouth and I watched with a content smile as her eyes slowly closed.

"Bless her" I glanced to mom who was leant sideways against the couch.

"She used to be so outgoing, she used to love spending time you and dad, she..." I released a sigh and shook my head as I felt tears pricking at the backs of my eyes.

"She'll get back to that, Baby" mom stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, but how long is it going to take? She's been home for a month and she still hates me leaving her. She even sleeps with me at night."

"She will get her confidence back, alright? This is just a little blip."

"I really hope so because I hate to see her so sad" mom gave me a tiny smile.

"Have you..." she stopped herself for a moment, her eyes met mine and I nodded for her to continue. "Have you heard anything from Max recently?" I rolled my eyes at the mere mention of his name, and I shook my head in reply.

"Not since the morning after I lost the baby. He was so quick to blame me for losing them. I hated myself as it was and I felt so guilty but he just added to that" I quickly wiped at my cheeks. "I think I'm just going to focus on Paisley at the moment. Nobody knows what the future holds, right?" mom leant and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"I'm going to get going, okay? When are you back at work?"

"I'm not back until next week now. I'm taking some time off to spend with my daughter who I feel needs a little more mommy time."

"When is the next court date?"

"It's on Friday. You still able to watch her?"

"Yeah. I love spending time with my gorgeous granddaughter" my mouth twitched into a smile. "Message me if you need me, okay? I'm always just a phone call away" I nodded. She wrapped her arm around me and gave me a gentle squeeze, her lips pressing another delicate kiss to my temple. "I love you, Baby, and she will get over this separation anxiety, okay? The poor girl went through a lot and we probably don't even know half of it."

"I know" we shared a small smile.

"Alright, Baby, I'm off. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom" she pressed a kiss to my temple and pushed herself up from the couch. I sent her a wave as she began from the living room and out the front door. I sighed and glanced down at Paisley who was now clutching at my shirt as she slept. "I love you" I gently whispered as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, my eyes eventually turning to the tv.


"Baby, you are so silly" Paisley giggled as I tapped my finger to the tip of her nose. She was sat in the bath, bubbles covering her nose and mouth. I scooped up a handful of bubbles and dropped it onto the top of her head.

"No" she squealed and I widely smiled.

"Right, shall we get you washed?" she nodded, beginning to play with one of her toys that sat in the bath with her. "Tip your head back for me, Princess" she dropped her head back with a giggle. I grabbed the cup and began to wash her hair. If you look closely, you can faintly see the bruises on Paisley's back. Most of her bruises have faded but there are still the odd couple marks that he left on her body. I hate him for this.

"Mama" Paisley squealed making me jump from my thoughts.

"Sorry, Baby" I quickly grabbed the towel to wipe at her eyes. "Mommy's so sorry."

"Ducky" she grabbed the duck that began to float away from her and I smiled at her innocence. No matter what Damien did to her, she will just grow stronger because of it.


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