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We're only 5 chapters in but there's already so much drama😜😂🤩


I startled awake but was unsure as to why I woke up so suddenly and unexpectedly until I heard a loud cry travel through the baby monitor that's sat on my nightstand. I practically dived out of bed which startled Max awake who previously lay asleep beside me. I grabbed my robe as I left the room and wrapped it loosely around my body as I began into Paisley's bedroom.

"Princess?" Paisley whimpered as she stood in her crib and as I got closer I noticed the vomit. "Oh, Baby" I lifted her up and into my arms, trying so hard not to cry as she cried out and clung to me. Her breathing was rapid as she whimpered against me. "You're okay, Gorgeous" I ran my fingers through her hair and gently rocked us. Paisley nuzzled her face into my neck and sobbed. "Baby, you're breaking my heart" I pressed a kiss to her temple.

"You okay, Babe?" I jumped slightly and turned to Max who was stood in the door, worry evident on his face.

"She's been sick. I-I need to get her cleaned up but..." I turned back to glance at the crib as Max stepped up to me and ran his hand along my lower back.

"Okay, I'll clean the crib, you go and get Paisley sorted."

"You sure?" I glanced back at him as he nodded. "Thank you" I leant up to press a peck to his lips. "Come on, Baby, let's get you cleaned up" Max headed towards the crib as I left the room and I was quite thankful I asked him to stay.

After the whole issue with Damien dropping Paisley off without any warning, Max suggested he go home but I suggested he stay and I'm thankful that he did. Paisley hasn't been sick since she was around 10 months old and that was only a cold, she was fine after a day or two.

"Baby" Paisley screamed as I attempted to unwrap her arms from around my neck and lower her down onto the floor. "You're okay, Baby Girl. Mommy needs to get you clean, Gorgeous, we need to get you out of these pyjamas" she whimpered but reluctantly removed her arms from around me and allowed me to lower her down onto the tiled bathroom floor. "Oh, Paisley" I could feel myself growing emotional, tears burning at the back of my eyes. "Okay, Baby, let's get these off" I gently removed her pyjamas, Paisley sobbing the whole time. Her breathing was rapid, it's like she's having a panic attack. She hunched forward and I moved her in front of the toilet in time for her to start vomiting. I pressed a kiss to her temple and stroked my fingers through her hair as she sobbed through her heaving. I watched as she almost clawed at her tummy. "Does your tummy hurt, Baby Girl?" I ran my hand along her stomach and she practically jumped about a foot in the air. "Baby, it's okay" Paisley flopped herself against me. "MAX" I called, Paisley jumping at the loudness of my voice. "I'm sorry, Princess" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and sighed, my arms tight around her.

"You okay, Baby?" I shook my head and glanced back at Max the best that I could.

"There's a thermometer down in the kitchen in the drawer by the sink, can you grab it for me, please?" he nodded and then disappeared. I turned my attention back down to Paisley, my hand settling on her stomach, she recoiled away from my touch and whimpered but settled as I just pressed a kiss to the top of her head. I kept it quiet around us, my worry still strong as I listened to Paisley's rapid breathing.

"Here you go, Babe" I sent Max a grateful smile as he stepped into the room with the thermometer.

"Thanks" I took it from him and lightly pressed it into Paisley's ear. She didn't react at all as she remained slumped against me, her breathing still rapid.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know" I pressed a kiss to the top of Paisley's head, glancing down at the thermometer as it beeped. "It's 101. I want to take her to the hospital" I glanced down at Paisley, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'll drive you, okay?"

"You don't need too" I glanced back at Max.

"I want to, okay? Come on" I gave him a thankful smile and allowed him to help me stand.

"I need to ring Matt."

"We'll sort everything out when we get there, okay?" I nodded, keeping my grip tight on Paisley as I began from the bathroom with Max following behind me.

"I need to change. I can't go to the hospital in a robe."

"Come on" I followed Max into the master bedroom and I was thankful that Paisley settled herself on the bed beside Max so that I could change. I literally just threw on a pair of leggings and a sweater. I have tears rolling down my cheeks and it's three o'clock in the morning, I don't care what I look like, my main concern currently is Paisley.

"You coming back to mommy, Princess?" Max pressed a kiss to my temple as I lifted Paisley onto my hip.

"She's going to be okay" I nodded but I found it difficult to ignore the heaviness in the pit of my stomach. "Come on, let's get you checked out, Paisley" she nuzzled her face into my neck, her breathing still rapid and slightly laboured.

"I love you, Baby Girl" I mumbled before I pressed a kiss to her sweaty forehead.


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