Twenty Four

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"Odell's jaw is going to hit the floor when he sees you" I bit down on my lower lip and blushed as I glanced at my reflection. I'm wearing a form fitting, light pink, velvet dress that hugs my body in all the right places. My chest was on display, not enough to look slutty, it looked classy and sophisticated I thought. The dress came to my mid-thigh to show off my legs, something that I know Odell used to love. He loved them when they were wrapped around him when we were fuck buddies. The amount of times he spent showering my thighs in kisses as we fucked was honestly insane. My hair was lightly curled and I had on a light layer of makeup. I don't want to overdo it. I know how much Odell used to enjoy my bare face. If it hadn't have been 2018 and I hadn't have ended up in rehab, we may have ended up getting together.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with Paisley?"

"She's asleep. What trouble is she going to be?" I bit down on my lip, my eyes dancing to the photo frame sat on my dresser. Sat inside was a photo of myself and Paisley on her second birthday which was only a matter of months ago. "You deserve to have a night to enjoy yourself. Just let me know if you aren't coming home, okay?" I nodded my agreement. My stomach filled with butterflies at the sound of the doorbell. Sirah squealed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Stay up here" it was Sirah's turn to roll her eyes as I playfully glared down at her. "I don't need you embarrassing me" I slipped on my heels and grabbed my clutch as I headed for the door. "I'll see you later."

"Go and get him, Dems" I blushed as she winked. I headed from the room and began downstairs. I pulled open the front door and as Sirah predicted, Odell's mouth dropped. I couldn't help but to lightly giggle, the sound pulled him from his stare.

"Wow" I bit down on my lower lip and glanced down at the floor as my cheeks burnt. "I-I mean..." he stopped himself, his hand running over his head as we locked eyes. He lightly chuckled. "You look gorgeous."

"You don't look too bad yourself" I giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you ready?"

"Yep" I slid my hand into his as he held his hand out. My entire body covered itself in goosebumps at the touch. I took one last glance back into the house as I headed out the door. I pulled the door behind me and locked it, allowing Odell to walk me towards his car. "Sweet ride."

"She sure is" my heart fluttered as he opened the car door for me and helped me in

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"She sure is" my heart fluttered as he opened the car door for me and helped me in.

"What a gentleman" I pressed a kiss to his cheek and I giggled as I noticed his cheeks beginning to redden. "You're a cutie" I poked his cheek and laughed harder as he just rolled his eyes.

"Just get in the car" I continued to laugh as I slid into the seat. I strapped myself in as Odell walked around to the driver's side. Butterflies were still fluttering in my tummy as I anticipated what Odell had planned for our date.

"So, what are we doing?" I turned to him as he backed out of my driveway.

"There's this restaurant that I've been to a couple of times and it's incredible. I rang them and I have reserved us the best table in the entire restaurant" my smile widened. "So, you better be hungry" I giggled as he smirked over at me.

"I did have a little snack earlier with Paisley but I could definitely eat something more filling" he gave me a smile. He slid his hand onto my thigh and took a hold of my hand to link our fingers. I bit down on my lower lip at the touch and I swear it sent a jolt of electricity to my lady parts. I haven't had sex since I was with Max, so I'm in need of some intimacy. The car ride was silent as we drove until he pulled into a parking lot. The restaurant looked adorable. "This is so cute" Odell climbed from the car and walked around to my side. He helped me out and I slid my arm through his as we headed up to the entrance.

"I reserved a table under Beckham" the woman behind the counter gave us a smile as she reached for two menus.

"Of course. If you would like to follow me" she gave me a wink which I found odd but I ignored it as she led us through the restaurant. I was confused as we walked through a set of double doors and towards a set of stairs. The moment we stepped out onto the roof; my mouth hung open. This is why she winked at me. There were fairy lights hanging all around and a table sat in the centre. A candle was flickering in the centre of the table. The view of the hills was incredible. I turned to Odell who stood behind me, a nervous look on his face.

"Odell, this's so cute" my mouth tugged into a wide smile.

"If I want you to be my girl, I need to treat you right, right?" I giggled as I nodded. We took a seat at the table and ordered our food. We shared small talk over a glass of non-alcoholic wine. As we enjoyed our food, the memories of 2016 and the date we shared many years ago, flashed into mind. Why did I ever let him go?!

"Thank you for this. I've had an amazing night with you."

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it."

"We definitely need to do it again some time" he nodded, his eyes locking with mine as he stared at me with a look that I could only describe as adoration. "What?" he shook his head, his lips curled up in a smile. I watched him as he moved his chair around the table and settled himself beside me. I naturally turned myself into him and as he ran his hand along the back of my chair, my hand ran along his thigh. His eyes remained locked on mine as he leant into me and my heart skipped a beat as his lips brushed with mine. Electric shocks shot throughout my body. I don't think I've ever felt this way during a simple kiss.


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