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"Mama" I smiled as Paisley remained cuddled into my chest.

"Dems" I glanced over at mom with my eyebrows slightly raised. "You're bleeding, Baby" she nodded down and I glanced down to find that I was bleeding through my sweats. I sighed and glanced to Paisley who was watching me intently.

"Mommy just needs to go to the toilet, Princess, okay?" I stroked Paisley's hair from her face and gave her a gentle smile as I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"No, Mama" I leant to press a kiss to her forehead.

"I'll be back so soon, Beautiful, I promise" she whined as I pushed myself to stand, ultimately detaching myself from her. "You stay with daddy and nana, okay? You're safe, Baby Girl. You're always going to be safe" I leant to press a kiss to the top of her head, whimpering as I turned and headed into the house, my hand clutching at my stomach that was cramping.


"Mama" Paisley whimpered as she watched Demi disappear into the house. "Daddy, mama gone" she turned back to me, pointing into the house.

"She's coming back, Princess. Shall we go and sit down, we can wait for her in the living room?" Paisley nodded, darting into the house, closely being followed by me and Dianna.

"How are you doing, Matt?"

"Just glad to have my baby home" Dianna nodded, a small smile on her face as we began into the living room. "How's Demi?"

"She's still cramping, but she seems okay."

"And Max?" I sighed as Dianna just shook her head.


"Come here, Princess" she toddled towards me and climbed up onto the couch, climbing onto my lap and cuddling back into me. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, gently running my fingers through her hair. "I think Batman and Ella missed you, Baby" Paisley giggled as Batman climbed up onto the couch and began to lick at her fingers. "Does that tickle?" she nodded.

"MAMA" Paisley squealed, standing up and throwing herself at Demi as she stepped back into the room wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of leggings.

"Hi Gorgeous" she lifted Paisley up onto her hip and began towards the couch, taking a seat beside me and adjusting Paisley so that she was sat on her lap. "It feels so good to have you home" Demi locked her arms around Paisley and pressed a kiss to the top of her head as Paisley began to play with Demi's fingers. I smiled as I watched them both, thankful that Paisley is finally home. Thankful that the police found her before the worst happened, before we lost her for good. "Would you like to watch your cartoons, Baby?" Paisley nodded. Demi grabbed the controller and turned on the tv, changing the channels so that Paisley could watch her cartoons. We remained quiet, Demi obviously not wanting to say anything until I spoke once I noticed that Paisley had fallen to sleep.

"How are you?" she just shrugged her reply. "I'm really sorry, Dems" she just shook her head but I could see that her eyes were starting to well up.

"It is what it is."

"Demi..." Dianna went to speak but she was cut off by Demi.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it. I have my baby home and-and that's all that matters, okay?" Dianna nodded in understanding. It fell silent around us, nobody having anything to say.



"Let's get you in the bath then, Baby" I whimpered as I knelt down to the floor, my hand clutching at my tummy.

"Mama owie?" she pointed at her own belly.

"Yeah, mommy has a little owie, Princess" she looked at me with concern. "Let's get these clothes off, Baby" I helped Paisley to strip from her clothes, my heart dropping into my stomach at the mark around her right thigh. "Baby, turn around" I helped Paisley to turn, tears welling in my eyes as it became obvious that the mark was a bruise and it was in the shape of a hand. "Matthew?" I loudly screamed causing Paisley to jump. "I'm sorry, Princess" I pressed a kiss to the back of her head, trying so hard to keep my tears at bay for Paisley's sake.

"What's going on?" I turned to Matt as he poked his head around the door, a look of worry spread across his face.

"He hurt her" his eyebrows furrowed as he stepped into the room. "She has a bruise on her leg, it's in the shape of a hand."

"Princess, can daddy have a look at your leg?" Paisley glanced between me and Matthew before glancing down at her leg.

"Owie" she pointed at her leg and my heart shattered.

"Look, it looks like fingers" I pointed at the inside of her thigh.

"Shit" I glanced to Matthew as he cursed under his breath. "We need to take pictures and we need to check and see if there's any anywhere else" I shook my head, my heart hammering against my chest, tears pouring down my cheeks.

"I'm going to kill him, Matt."

"Not if I get there first" I chocked on a sob. "Let's get you in the bath, Princess" Paisley watched me intently as I tried to stifle my sobs and tried to hold back my tears. He helped Paisley from her diaper and my heart broke as I noticed the bruises around her bottom. Matthew lifted Paisley up and into the bath, my heart aching more at her innocence as she began to play with her toys.

"We'll call the police, okay? We'll take photos and we'll call the police" I nodded in agreement as Matt stroked his fingers through my hair. "We just need to keep her innocence intact as much as possible, okay? Let's keep her a happy little girl" I nodded as Matt pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Okay, Princess, what are we playing?" Matthew crouched down onto the floor beside the bath and Paisley glanced up at him with a wide smile.


"Princesses?" she nodded, squealing and giggling as Matt played along with her. I smiled as I watched them but my heart still ached in my chest.


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