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"Fortune cookie?" I beamed as Max handed me one of the two cookies before unwrapping his own.

"What's your fortune?" a smirk formed on his face as his eyes danced up to meet mine.

"A very beautiful, smart and loving person will be coming into your life."

"It doesn't say that?" he chuckled lightly as he handed me the fortune all whilst taking a bite out of the cookie. "You added very" he loudly laughed and I swear my heart skipped a beat at the sound.

"Did I lie though?" my cheeks burnt. "What does yours say?" I snapped the cookie and pulled out the fortune.

"A lifetime of happiness lies ahead of you."

"Yes, it does."

"Did you plan these?" he laughed loudly.

"You can't plan the fortunes in the cookies, Baby" I rolled my eyes but dropped the cookie into my mouth, giggling as he leant to press a peck to my lips. I locked my arms around his neck and ran my fingers into his hair, smiling as he began to play with the bottom of my shirt. He pressed his lips back against mine, the kiss rapidly growing heated. I was laid back against the couch before I knew it, Max settled perfectly between my legs that had wrapped around his waist to stop him from pulling away. I kept my fingers locked in his hair as our lips danced together. I moaned against his mouth as his hand ran along my thigh and began to fondle my underwear, but I only pulled away with a grumble at the sound of my doorbell. "Who the fuck is that at nearly 10 at night?"

"I don't know" Max moved off me as I sat, standing up and trying to make myself look like I wasn't about to get laid.

"Babe..." Max's hand wrapped around my wrist and I smiled slightly at the worry in his eyes.

"It's fine. The only people who can get in are people who know the code" Batman and Ella started barking as the doorbell rang again. "And Batman and Ella are here to protect me" I lightly joked but even though he lightly chuckled, he still looked hesitant but released my wrist and I began into the front entrance, combing my fingers through my hair to tame it slightly.

It's safe to say that when I opened the door, I didn't expect to get attacked by two little arms.


"Baby" Paisley was on the verge of being hysterical as she clung onto me as if her life depended on it. "You're okay, Princess" I ran my fingers into her hair and rocked her gently as I glanced over her shoulder at Damien. "What the hell is going on?" he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm being serious here. What the hell have you done to my daughter?" Paisley whimpered at the raise in my voice but when your daughter comes home from her daddy's house, practically hysterical, you're going to be a little pissed.

"She wanted you, I didn't do anything to her."

"Where's Matt?"

"He got called away to work last minute" I nodded, keeping my grip tight on Paisley who had thankfully calmed down, her face nuzzled into my neck.

"Well, thank you for bringing her home but a warning would have been nice."

"Yeah, that's a nice car by the way" he nodded over at Max's car that sat beside mine in the driveway. There was a look on his face, a look that I didn't like.

"Do you have a problem with me, Damien?"

"Why would I have a problem with you?" he chuckled as if me suggesting that was completely absurd. I narrowed my eyes slightly but decided to let it go as I didn't want to start anything with Paisley slumped over my shoulder.

"Alright, whatever. I'm not in the mood to argue with you" I watched as he just rolled his eyes and turned around to begin down the driveway. "Asshole" I hissed under my breath as I shut the front door. I released a breath and decided to put all my attention on Paisley who began to fidget. This isn't how I wanted Max to meet Paisley, that is for sure.

"Baby" I tried to get her to release me but she just tightened her grip around me and whimpered. "Baby, you're going to strangle mommy" she loosened her grip slightly around my neck but still kept her grip on me. "Shall we go and have cuddles?" Paisley nodded into my neck and I couldn't do anything but smile. I carried her into the living room, sending Max an apologetic smile as his eyes turned to meet mine from where he sat on the couch.

"Everything okay?" Paisley pulled her head from my neck at the sound of the strangers voice.

"Princess, this is mommy's friend Max, can you say hi?" I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear as she shyly waved.

"Hi, Paisley. It's very nice to meet you" I lowered myself down onto the couch beside Max, settling Paisley onto my lap and I smiled as she instantly cuddled into me.

"Baby, can mommy ask you a question?" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, waiting a moment before I continued with the question. "Has dada ever hurt you, Princess?" Paisley shook her head but kept herself nuzzled into me. "Has daddy ever hurt you, Baby?"

"Love daddy" she replied with a shake of her head, the smile on my face widened but there was a hint of sadness behind it. Why didn't she say she loved her dada? Why didn't she say that she loved Damien?

"Shall we try and get some sleep, Princess? It's way past your bedtime" Paisley giggled as I gently poked her in the tummy. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and sighed before turning to Max who was staring at us with a smile. "What?" he chuckled lightly and shook his head. "I'm sorry for this. It isn't exactly the night we had planned" he shook his head and gave me a small smile as he leant to press a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"You don't need to apologise, Baby. Being a mommy is an amazing trait on you and it should always come first. I don't mind watching you be a mom" I rolled my eyes and blushed slightly causing him to chuckle. "She's adorable, by the way. She's literally like your double."

"Yeah, everyone says that" I glanced down at Paisley who had settled herself to sleep, her hand clutching at my shirt.

What's going on with my baby?


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