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"We're finally going home, Baby Girl" Paisley smiled as she cuddled herself into my chest. It's been over a week since Paisley was unexpectedly admitted to hospital with appendicitis. She has a little scar on her tummy that she refers to as her 'owie', but it no longer causes her any pain, thank god.

There was a gentle knock on the door and a moment later the door opened and Matthew stepped into the room.


"Hi, Princess" he gently closed the door behind him. I haven't heard anything about Damien since our blowout while Paisley was in surgery. I've tried to talk to Matt about him but he just changes the topic so I've given up. "Are we ready to get home, Gorgeous?" he took a seat on the bed beside me and ran his fingers through Paisley's hair as she tried to not fall asleep against my chest.

"Yeah" I smiled as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"We're just waiting for the doctor to come back with her discharge papers and everything" Matthew nodded, his eyes remaining down on Paisley. There's been tension between us since the blowout with Damien but I'm trying to not let it affect our relationship or the relationship he has with Paisley. I don't want her to pick up on the tension between her mommy and daddy.

"Hopefully, it won't be too much longer then."

"Are there paparazzi outside?" Matthew nodded. I rolled my eyes and nuzzled myself more into Paisley. It fell silent around us and I so wanted to break it. I wanted to ask Matthew about Damien but now really isn't the time and I don't want to have this discussion around Paisley. Paisley hasn't asked about Damien at all, it's like he doesn't exist.

"She's fallen to sleep" Matthew lightly whispered as he smiled down at Paisley who had fallen to sleep against me.

"I can't wait to finally get her home" I stroked my fingers through her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"She looks so peaceful" Matt took Paisley's hand in his and gently stroked the back of it with his thumb. I only looked up from Paisley as a knock sounded on the door and Dr Lopez stepped into the room with Paisley's discharge papers. The smile on my face just widened.

"Oh, thank god" he lightly chuckled at my delight.

"I just need to get you guys to sign a couple things before you can all leave, if that's okay?" I nodded, glancing to Matt who took the papers and started to sign, passing me the pen so I could sign in the correct places. Matthew had read through everything and I trusted him so I just signed. "If she complains of any pain or anything just bring her straight in and we can get her checked out but she should be fine. She has an appointment booked in for a check-up, it's all in this pack here" he handed a stack of papers to Matthew. "And you're free to go" Matthew and I shared a smile.

"Come on then, Princess, let's get you home" Paisley whined as I adjusted how I was holding her so I could climb off the bed. She settled herself on my hip and kept her head resting on my shoulder.

"Take care, Little Miss Paisley" Dr Lopez held his hand up for a high-five which Paisley happily gave him. She cuddled herself back into me with a giggle.

"Shall we say thank you, Baby Girl?"

"I was just doing my job, but you're very welcome" luckily the paparazzi kept at a distance as we stepped out of the hospital. Paisley kept her face nuzzled into my neck and her grip remained tight around me. Matthew shielded us slightly from the flashing of the cameras but I knew it was inevitable that they'd get their money shot.


"Hi, Baby" Max and I shared a gentle peck as I pulled open the front door and invited him in. Batman and Ella were instantly lapping up the attention they received from him.

"Hi, Guys. This is a nice welcome" I lightly giggled as I closed the front door behind him. "How are you? How's Paisley?" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and wrapped his arm around me as I sunk into his side.

"I'm so glad to finally have her home and she's currently napping on the couch" he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Did Matt not stay?"

"He said he had some stuff to sort out" I pulled myself away from Max's side and began into the living room where Paisley was all curled up under her pink fluffy blanket that has her name engraved into it.

"She looks so peaceful" I nodded, smiling widely down at my little princess as the cutest little noises left her mouth. I took a seat on the couch next to her and stroked my fingers gently through her hair. She stirred slightly but remained asleep, her mouth forming a pout.

"You want to order pizza or something?" I spoke, glancing to Max who had Cinderella curled up on his lap.

"I'm down for pizza."

"Cool" I lightly giggled. "Thank you for coming over to keep me company" he shook his head with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me, Baby. I don't have anything better to do anyway" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled, turning his attention down to Cinderella as I smiled over at Paisley who looked so peaceful.

Liked by sirahsays, theoneandonlydallaslovato and 7,518,628 othersddlovato This is my happy place😍❤️ The past week has been challenging due to an unexpected hospital visit with my little princess but we're finally home and Paisley is almost back ...

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Liked by sirahsays, theoneandonlydallaslovato and 7,518,628 others
ddlovato This is my happy place😍❤️
The past week has been challenging due to an unexpected hospital visit with my little princess but we're finally home and Paisley is almost back to being her normal bubbly self! Thank you everyone for your messages. I love and appreciate every single one of y'all❤️
Oh, and thanks @maxehrich for this gorgeous photo😍🥺
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maxehrich Couldn't resist😍😜🥺❤️😘
diannadelagarza The most gorgeous mama and her beautiful princess😘


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