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"Mama" I woke to a gentle poking on my cheek. "Mama" my mouth gently tugged at the corners at the sound of my princess' voice. "Mommy, you wake" I released a huff as she dove on me, her arms locking around my neck.

"Good morning, Princess" she giggled down my ear as I ran my fingers into her hair.

"Happy mama day" the smile on my face widened.

"Thank you so much, Baby Girl" I pressed another kiss to her temple. "Did we have a good sleep, Princess?" she nodded into my neck before she pulled away. "Did Max get you up, Baby?" she nodded again as she began to play with a strand of my hair, keeping herself pressed against me. I wrapped my arm around her, tracing patterns on her back. "Where is Maxi, Paisley?"

"Cakes, Mama" translation: pancakes.

"He's making breakfast?" she nodded and lightly giggled. "You didn't want to help him, Gorgeous?" she shook her head and dramatically flopped against me. Paisley loves helping with food preparation. She loves to help out with breakfast, especially when it involves cracking and whisking eggs. She finds it hilarious, for some reason.

"No, wake mama."

"Well, you did a good job, Gorgeous" she giggled as she curled into me, continuing to play with my hair. "Let's turn on the tv, Baby, and we can have cuddles until Maxi comes with breakfast" she nodded into my neck. I grabbed the remote off the nightstand and turned on the tv, flicking it to the children's channel so that Paisley can watch her cartoons. We remained cuddled up together, in a comfortable silence until Max entered the room.

"Good morning, Girls" Paisley giggled.

"Morning, Babe" he stepped towards me, carrying the tray carefully in front of him. It isn't often that Max stays over, he normally only stays over when Paisley's with Matthew. Paisley loves Max, she adores him and he's so good with her that it warms my heart, it's making me fall in love with him so much harder than before and no, we haven't said those three little words yet. I feel like I'm ready to say it but I don't want to scare him off because I've never been happier. "What do we have for breakfast then?" I asked, sitting up and shuffling myself back into the pillows.

"Pancakes with a side of bacon and scrambled eggs for little miss Paisley" she giggled as she cuddled into my side.

"We going to say thank you to Maxi" I giggled as Max rolled his eyes at the nickname. He shuffled onto the bed on the other side of Paisley and slid the tray onto my lap. "This looks so good" I practically moaned causing Paisley to just laugh louder. "Are you going to help me, Baby? Because this is a lot of food" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head as she giggled and nodded.

"Happy Mother's Day, Dems" I turned to Max with a wide smile as Paisley began to pick at the eggs.

"Thank you, Maxi."

"Shut up" I giggled and leant to press a kiss to his lips.

"You want a bit of the pancake, Princess?" Paisley nodded and waited very patiently for me to cut the pancake up.

Liked by maxehrich, maddelagarza and 5,815,463 othersddlovato So glad I was blessed to be your mama😩😍😘 Why do you have to grow up so fast though??🥺❤️View all 32,719 commentsdiannadelagarza Oh my😱 What a throwback😍matthew_scott_montgomery Our...

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Liked by maxehrich, maddelagarza and 5,815,463 others
ddlovato So glad I was blessed to be your mama😩😍😘 Why do you have to grow up so fast though??🥺❤️
View all 32,719 comments
diannadelagarza Oh my😱 What a throwback😍
matthew_scott_montgomery Our little princess❤️❤️


"Hi, Mom" I wrapped my arms around my mom as she pulled open the front door.

"Hi, Baby" she pulled from the hug and smiled down at Paisley who locked her arms around my mom's legs. "Hi, Princess Paisley" she giggled and held her arms up. "You're getting so big" mom lifted her up and onto her hip, the smile on my face widened as she cuddled into her nana.

"She's getting too big" I stroked my fingers gently through her hair and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"What did you get momma for Mother's Day then, Angel?"

"You got me this gorgeous little charm bracelet, didn't you?" I lifted my wrist up to show off the bracelet.

"Oh, that's pretty."

"You did such a good job, huh, Princess?" Paisley leant into me and I smiled as I took her from my mom. She dropped her head onto my shoulder and cuddled herself into me.

"Maddie's on her way over. Dallas is already in the living room" mom stepped out of the way so I could step into the house. "I'm surprised Noah hasn't..." she cut herself off as Noah darted straight into the entrance hall.

"Lee" he practically screamed causing Paisley to jump slightly but she smiled down at Noah.

"Well, hello to you too, Noah" I lightly ruffled his hair causing him to squeal. "You going to go and play with Noah, Princess?" she nodded and I gently lowered her to the floor, smiling as Noah took her hand and lightly pulled her into the living room. Noah and Paisley don't see each other often but they have such a close bond anyway. They're always attached at the hip when they're together, you won't find either of them alone and even if they are alone, one of them won't be that far away. I love the bond that they have. "Hi, Dal. Hey Luke, how's it going?" I lowered myself down onto the empty couch opposite them.

"Not too bad, Dems" I smiled over at my dad as he stepped into the living room.

"Hi, Princess" he wrapped his arm around me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Hi, Dad."

"Where's my other little princess?" I widely smiled.

"She's off playing with Noah."

"Of course she is" he pressed another kiss to the top of my head before he turned and began towards the playroom. The smile on my face widened at the sound of Paisley's squeal, followed by a fit of giggles.

Liked by diannadelagarza, sirahsays and 816,573 othersmatthew_scott_montgomery Happy Mother's Day to all the momma's out there, especially my baby mama😍😝View all 1,682 commentsddlovato Why do they have to grow so fast?😩🥺💗maxehrich this is the...

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Liked by diannadelagarza, sirahsays and 816,573 others
matthew_scott_montgomery Happy Mother's Day to all the momma's out there, especially my baby mama😍😝
View all 1,682 comments
ddlovato Why do they have to grow so fast?😩🥺💗
maxehrich this is the sweetest thing😍
          ddlovato 😘😘


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