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First chapter, hope you guys enjoy😜😉❤️


"Mama" I widely smiled down at Paisley as she crashed straight into my legs causing me to lightly giggle.

"Hi, Princess" she giggled up at me and my heart swelled.

"Up" she bounced on her feet as she held her arms up.

"Of course, Baby Girl" I lifted her up and onto my hip, only smiling wider as her chubby little arms locked around me. "You ready to watch mommy sing, Gorgeous?" Paisley nodded as I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose. "I love you, my Beautiful Little Princess" she giggled and nuzzled herself back into me, glancing to Matthew and Damien as they stepped into the room.

Paisley is now 16 months old and she is the light of my life. She is my world and no one will ever come before her. She is everything my life currently revolves around.

"Hi, Dems" Matthew leant to press a kiss to my cheek and wrapped me up in a loose hug.


"You ready for tonight?"

"I'm excited that my baby's here to watch the show" I bounced Paisley on my hip causing her to loudly giggle.

"It's all she's spoke about all day" I glanced to Damien who I noticed rolled his eyes. I turned back to Matt who gave me a small smile and a subtle shake of his head.

"She's really excited, aren't you, Princess?" Paisley nodded and my smile just widened. My baby will forever make me happy, there's no doubting that. Again, she is my world.

It was in that moment that my assistant stepped into the room, a wide smile on her face at the sight of Paisley. Every single person on my team adores Paisley.

"Hello, Little Princess."

"Hi" Paisley shyly waved back.

"You know Tiffini, Baby Girl. Why are you acting all shy?" Paisley giggled as she nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Oh, she's so gorgeous" I smiled proudly. "I'm sorry to pull you both away from each other but they're ready for you, Dems" I nodded with a small smile.

"Mommy's got to go and sing, Baby" I stroked a strand of hair behind Paisley's ear. "You going to go with your daddies?" she pouted but eventually leant into Matthew as he held his arms out towards her. "I will see you so very soon, Princess" I leant towards her with a pout and she instantly leant to plant a kiss on my lips. "I love you, Baby."

"Love you, Mama."

"Let's go and find our seats, Baby, so we can watch mommy do her thing" Paisley giggled. "We'll see you after" I nodded and watched as they left, Paisley waving at me over Matthew's shoulder.

"Bye, Baby" I waved back until they disappeared and I then turned to Tiffini who was stood beside me with a smile.

"You guys are honestly the fucking cutest" I lightly giggled, my cheeks burning ever so slightly.


"Come on, let's go" I nodded and followed her out of the dressing room, my hands shoved in my jeans pockets.


Throughout my entire performance, I kept taking glances at Paisley who was stood at the front, off to the side with Matt and Damien. She looked like she was having the time of her little life. She had the cutest little pink headphones on and she was dancing away, shaking her little booty.

"Thank you, Guys, so much for coming out tonight and make sure you don't forget to buy my brand new album 'All The Love' out now. I love y'all" I gave my fans a wave before I walked off the stage and smiled as I was instantly attacked by the cutest little arms. "Hi, Gorgeous" I lifted Paisley up and onto my hip as I removed my earpiece. "Did you like mommy's singing, Princess?" she nodded in reply and nuzzled her head into my neck.

"I have the cutest little video of her shaking her little booty" Matthew lightly chuckled and I smiled as he pulled out his phone and turned it to me so I could watch the video.

"Oh, you're such a good little dancer."

"We could look into getting her into some dance classes when she's a little older."

"Yeah, definitely. If it's something she wants" I was rocking Paisley who was rubbing at her eyes. "You tired, Princess?"

"I'm going to go and grab the car so we can get her home" I pressed a kiss to the top of Paisley's head as Damien spoke, my eyebrows furrowing as he put a little more emphasis on the word 'home.'

"Yeah, we'll be out in 5" Matt and Damien shared a look before Damien turned and disappeared. I glanced to Matthew with a look of confusion but he just met my eyes for a moment before he turned away.

"Is everything okay between you two?"

"Yeah, it's fine" I wasn't entirely convinced but I just let it go. "You ready to get home, Baby Girl? We can get you into bed before you fall asleep on your mommy" Paisley tiredly giggled as she continued to rub at her eyes.

"You'll make your eyes sore, Princess" I lightly pulled at her wrists. "I'll see you tomorrow, Baby, okay?" Paisley nodded and reluctantly let go of me and leant into Matthew. "Love you, Baby Girl" I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Love you, Mama" I pressed another kiss to her cheek before turning to Matt.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. You did amazing tonight" I gave him a smile before pulling him into a one-armed hug. I watched as they left, a small smile on my face. I only turned away as Tiffini stepped up to me with a smirk.

"Your boy is in your dressing room" I rolled my eyes causing her to lightly chuckle but I felt my cheeks burning.

"He isn't my boy."

"Not yet he isn't" I shook my head and completely ignored her smirk as I turned and began towards my dressing room, a smile suddenly forming on my face.


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