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"My baby looks gorgeous" Paisley giggled as she twirled. "You're getting so big" I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a squeeze causing her to loudly squeal. "I love you, Princess."

"Love you, Mama" I pressed a kiss to her forehead as she giggled.

"What shoes do you want to wear, Baby?" she pointed to the sparkling pink ballerina pumps. "You're going to look like a real princess with those shoes."

"I like Elsa" she leant into my side and nibbled on her nail as I slid on her shoe.

"You are like Elsa, Princess" she dropped her head onto my shoulder and giggled. Today is Thanksgiving and we're spending the day with my parents who have recently moved to Calabasas. Since they moved, I've been looking to move also. I want to be in a neighbourhood away from Hollywood, somewhere that's near a good school and away from the prying eyes of paparazzi. I want Paisley to have some normality in her life. I have also spoken to Matthew about this and he is completely in agreement, so he's also looking to move too.

"Okay, shall we go and see nana and papi?" she nodded excitedly and I giggled as she began to jump around. "Let's go and find Batman and Ella then, Baby?"

"They come?"

"Yeah, Baby" I held out my hand for her to take. "We're thankful for Batman and Ella, right?" she nodded and I smiled as I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb as I headed out of the room and towards the stairs. "Take a hold of the railing, Princess."

"I know, Mama" I lightly laughed.

"The sass, Baby Girl" she giggled as she glanced up at me. I grabbed Batman and Ella and placed them into their carrier as Paisley stood and waited very patiently at the front door. I slid on my shoes and smiled down at her. "You're such a good girl" she flashed me her big cheesy grin causing me to giggle.

"I carry" she pointed at the carrier.

"It's a little too heavy for you, Princess."

"Oh" her lower lip jutted out and my heart broke slightly.

"Why don't you carry my purse?" she perked up and eagerly nodded, giggling as I pulled it off my shoulder and handed it to her. I laughed, my heart warming as she struggled to get it onto her shoulder. "Come here, Baby" she giggled as I helped her to place the strap over her shoulder. "Don't drop it, Baby Girl."

"I won't, Mama" I smiled down at her, the smile on my face widening at the concentration on her face. I pulled open the front door and followed Paisley down towards the car.

"Can you fasten yourself in, Princess?"


"Yes, you can" she giggled. I lightly laughed as I placed the carrier onto the seat. "I'll be round in a second, Baby, okay?" she nodded. I strapped the carrier into the seat before I shut the car door and walked around to Paisley's side. "Right, show mommy how we fasten it, Baby" she took the clips and pressed them together. "Push them together, Princess" I placed my hands over hers and helped her to fasten the buckle. "You did it, Baby" I laughed as she cheered. I leant to press a kiss to her forehead. I made sure that she was safely buckled in before I climbed into the driver's seat. I started the car and headed out of my driveway. Paisley was singing along to the music playing through the car, which is currently a bunch of Disney songs. She is so obsessed with Disney at the moment. I kept glancing back at her through the rear-view mirror, laughing as she shook her little booty in her car seat. "You having fun, Paisley?" she nodded with a shy little giggle. It took a total of 38 minutes to reach my parents new house. I tapped the passcode into the front gate and pulled up into the driveway.

"Nana" Paisley squealed from the backseat as she stared out the window. I lightly chuckled as I unclipped my seatbelt. Batman and Ella were eagerly wagging their tails once they realised where they were. I climbed from the car and unfastened Paisley from her car seat first before I grabbed out the dogs. I smiled as I headed up the driveway and watched Paisley as she was embraced into a hug by my mom.

"How are you doing, Princess?"

"I good. Papi?"

"He's in the kitchen, Baby" she pulled away from my mom and headed for the kitchen. "Hi Baby Girl" mom wrapped her arm around me and gave me a squeeze.

"Hi Mom" I lowered Batman and Ella down to the floor and unfastened the carrier. They eagerly began to jump at my mom's legs, begging for her attention. I headed into the living room as mom fussed the dogs and smiled over at Maddie who was leant back against the couch, tapping away on her phone. "Hi" she held her finger up for me to wait and I playfully rolled my eyes. I lowered myself down onto the couch and smirked over at her. "And who are you texting that is so important that you can't say hi to your big sister?" she locked her phone and dropped it into her lap as she turned to me with a smirk.

"Nobody important."

"And I so believe that" she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Hi. I missed you" I smiled as she cuddled herself into me and I locked my arms around her.

"I missed you too. How was New York?"

"It was fun, and it was a good experience. I just can't wait to graduate and finally get out there."

"I'll be so proud of you when you graduate" I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear as she pulled away from me. "You'll be the only one of us sisters to graduate collage."

"What can I say? I obviously got the brains" my mouth dropped as she laughed.


"Aunt Mad" she flashed me a smirk before she turned to Paisley who ran into the room.

"Hi Princess Paisley" she pulled Paisley onto her lap and gave her a squeeze. "I missed you so much, my Sweet Little Girl" she pressed a kiss to Paisley's temple causing Paisley to giggle.

"Miss you too" she cuddled herself into Maddie and I smiled. I leant back against the couch and watched with a content smile on my face as they doted on each other.


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