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Demi Lovato, 32, declares 22 month old daughter Paisley Montgomery missing after she disappeared from her father's house on Friday evening

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Demi Lovato, 32, declares 22 month old daughter Paisley Montgomery missing after she disappeared from her father's house on Friday evening.

I don't think I've done anything but cry since Paisley went missing. I don't think I've eaten. I don't even think I've slept. It's like every day has just rolled into one and the only thing I know is that Paisley has been missing for 3 days now. We've informed every one of our friends and family, all of them devastated and promised to keep their eye out. I've also been ignoring Max. I text him to say that Paisley was missing and I haven't spoken to him since. Why should I get to be happy when Paisley's missing? 

I kept my eyes locked on the ceiling as I lay under the covers of the bed. I've been staying with Matt since Paisley went missing and that's partly because neither of us want to be alone. We may not have spent much time together but we still don't want to be alone. The house would be far too silent without Paisley in it. I didn't even pull my eyes from the ceiling as a knock sounded on the bedroom door before it squeaked open. Batman and Ella suddenly joined me on the bed and I found myself lightly smiling as they began to lick at my cheeks.

"Baby?" my heart dropped into my stomach at the nickname. I locked my fingers into Batman's hair as the tears started their journey down my cheeks. "Dems?" a broken sobbed slipped from my lips as Max joined me under the covers and wrapped me up in his arms. I rolled over in bed and cuddled myself into him as I broke down. Once I finally calmed down, neither of us spoke. Batman and Ella had curled up at the end of the bed and I remained wrapped up in Max's arms. There was nothing to be said.


"You want to grab anything to eat, Baby?"

"No, I'm not really that hungry" I ran my hand along my stomach and lightly whimpered.

"You okay?" I nodded as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he went back to running his fingers through my hair. "Ow" I clenched my teeth together and I hissed out in pain as the cramping in my stomach intensified.

"You're not okay, Dems."

"I'm fine" I rolled into him and nuzzled my head into his neck as tears burnt at the back of my eyes. Max wrapped his arm around me and delicately traced patterns on my lower back with his finger. I hoped the pain would just disappear but it only seemed to get worse. "Shit" I pulled from Max and whimpered as I sat up, hunched forward and clutched at my stomach.

"Baby, you sure you're okay?" I shook my head in reply. "What's going on?" I grabbed at the sheet that was covering my legs and pulled it off me to reveal that the bedsheet beneath me was covered in blood. "Babe?" I pushed myself up from the bed and began into the en-suite, tears streaming down my cheeks as reality set in. "Demi?" I lowered my bottoms and choked on my sobs as I lowered myself down onto the toilet. "Demi?" I rolled my tear filled eyes and glanced up at Max who was stood in the doorway with worry etched across his facial expression.

"Can you grab me a change of clothes?"

"What's going on?" I sniffled and wiped at my cheeks.

"I'm currently losing our baby so can you please grab me a change of clothes because I need to go to the hospital" Max's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"B-But you're not pregnant" I rolled my eyes and went to stand up but was halted by Max's voice. "I-I'm going" I lowered myself back down onto the toilet and dropped my head into my hands and broke down.


"I'm really sorry but there's no heartbeat" I numbly nodded as I stared blankly up at the ceiling, the odd tear falling down my cheek. I removed my hand away from Max's when I felt his touch so that I could wipe at my cheeks. "I want to keep you in for a couple hours, okay? I want to make sure that baby passes before we discharge you. I'm really sorry for your loss, Demi" Dr Montgomery gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "I'll leave you two alone" the silence fell around us as she left the room and it just caused my tears to fall faster.

"Wh..." I jumped at the sound of Max's voice. "Why didn't you tell me about the baby?"

"I-I wanted to surprise you, but then Paisley went missing and I didn't really care."

"You-You didn't care?" I kept my eyes locked on the ceiling as I shrugged, tears still flowing down my cheeks. "How can you say that you didn't care? That was our baby, Demi" I flinched as he raised his voice and pushed himself to stand. "Did you want the baby?" I just shrugged which seemed to piss him off. That wasn't my intention. "I didn't think you'd be one of those people, Demi. One of those people that wouldn't look after themselves properly."

"My baby is missing, Max" I turned to glare at him. "My baby was snatched from her bed and I haven't seen her in 3 days. I'm sorry that our baby wasn't my first priority. I'm sorry that I didn't look after myself. I'm sorry that I had other things on my mind. I'm sorry that I'm such a shitty person. Now, will you leave."


"Leave" I hissed, staring him directly in the eyes so he knew that I was serious. He watched me for a second before he rolled his eyes and stormed from the room. I dropped back against the bed and released a sob. My hand running over my stomach as my heart shattered.


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