Twenty Seven

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Demi                                                                                                                           [Mature]

Odell didn't reply, he just removed his arms from around me, took a hold of my hips and turned me to face him. I was worried that he didn't reciprocate my feelings of love but the smile that was spread across his face helped to settle my nerves slightly. He still didn't say anything as he cupped my face in his hands and leant to press his forehead to mine. His eyes were staring intently into mine and I licked my lower lip, wanting so badly for our lips to touch.

"I love you, Demetria" my stomach quivered at the way my name rolled so effortlessly off his tongue.


"Good?" he lightly chuckled. I bit down on my lower lip and nodded with a giggle as my cheeks burnt from embarrassment. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Yeah" he locked his hands behind my back and pressed his lips to mine, the kiss soft and sweet. It didn't take long for the kiss to fill with passion. Odell turned us around and walked me back towards the bed. I squealed as I dropped back onto the soft mattress and Odell chuckled as he hovered himself over me. He used his hand to separate my legs and I moaned against his mouth as he pressed himself into me so that I could feel his desire for me. He slid his finger into the waistband of my leggings and began to push them down my legs. I aided by lifting my hips, my arms around his neck, my fingers running through his hair. He detached our lips and began to kiss down my neck, nibbling and sucking on just the right spot. My neck arched and gentle moans slipped from my mouth. He began to kiss down my chest, his fingers sliding my shirt up my body as he continued to pull my leggings down my legs until he slid them off and disposed of them on the floor. He licked his lower lip as he stared down at me, my stomach clenching with a need. I removed my shirt and unclipped my bra as he hooked his fingers into my panties and he yanked them down my legs. He wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me down to him so his face was level with my pussy. I ran my fingers into his hair and bit down on my lower lip as he moaned his delight, his tongue sliding out to lightly flick my clit.

"You taste so good" my back arched and I moaned out as he began to devour my pussy. My fingers remained tight in his hair, tugging it gently so he knew to continue. My legs were locked around him, the backs of my heels pressed into his back. I clutched at the sheet beneath me as I felt my high building. My back arched and I bit down on my lower lip to stifle my screams as his tongue brought me to orgasm. My thighs clamped around his head as my body convulsed beneath him. Odell pulled himself away from me as I continued to quiver on the bed. He removed his shirt and unfastened his jeans, pushing them down his legs along with his boxers. His erection fell free and my mouth watered at the sight. I pushed myself up on the bed and crawled towards him, my eyes never once leaving his as he watched me with curiosity. I licked my lower lip and I smirked as he swallowed. Odell stiffened as I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. "Fuck Babe" I wrapped my mouth around his tip and he sucked in a breath as I took him as far into my mouth as I could until I felt him hit the back of my throat. "Oh fuck" his fingers ran into my hair. "Lie on your side" I did as instructed, taking him back into my mouth once I was situated on my side. Odell ran his hand along my hip, my legs opening on instinct as he dipped his hand into the gap between my thighs. I moaned as he dipped his finger inside me, his cock still nestled in my mouth and he hissed out at the vibrations it obviously caused. "Baby, I'm close" I didn't stop and just continued to suck him until he exploded in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop and pulled away from him, glancing up at him with a smirk. "You're so good at that" I giggled, my cheeks burning as he cupped my face in his hands and leant to brush his lips to mine.

"I've had years of experience" he chuckled against my mouth, his tongue coming out to run along my lower lip.

"Well, you're the best I've ever had" I dipped my head back against the pillow as he began to nibble on my neck. "Happy birthday, Gorgeous" my eyes closed as I smiled. "I love you so much" his fingers ran into my hair.

"Am I getting birthday sex or what?" he chuckled, the vibrations against my body causing me to shiver.

"Shit, the condoms are in the car."

"I'm on the pill. Just fuck me, Odell."

"Somebodies horny" I rolled my eyes as he continued to laugh. His hand slid down my waist and to his erection that was poking against my thigh. He gave it a few strokes before lining it up with my entrance. I sat up on my elbows and watched as he slowly eased himself inside me. I moaned out, my arms wrapping around his neck as I dropped back against the bed, my legs locking around his waist as he moved against me. "You are so fucking tight. Shit Baby" he began to nibble on my neck, gently biting at my skin before smoothing it over with his tongue. It took less than a minute for me to reach my second high, the feel of his cock sliding in and out of me and then the way he nibbled on my sweet spot just sent me over the edge.

"Fuck. Oh my god, Baby" he quickened his pace, the only sound in the room being from our moans and the sound of our skin slapping together. "Shit. You feel so good" he reached down with his hand and I gasped as I felt his thumb on my clit.

"Come with me, Gorgeous" my vaginal walls clenched around his dick as I hit a high. He stiffened as he shot his load. My body was still quivering as he pulled himself from me and dropped down onto the bed beside me.

"I swear I just blacked out" Odell chuckled as he wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled into his side. "That was some amazing birthday sex. Thank you, Handsome" he smiled down at me and I leant up to press a kiss to his lips before I went back to cuddling into his side, enjoying the quiet that fell around us.


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