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"What time is Paisley getting home?"

"Around 12" I ran my lips along his neck, smiling against his skin as he ran his hands along the arch in my back.


"So what?" I ran my fingers into his hair as I momentarily nibbled on his ear lobe.

"You ready to be exclusive yet?" I pulled myself away from him but remained straddling his waist. My hands settled on his chest as I stared down into his eyes.

"Not yet. I'm sorry" he gave me a small smile and shook his head, his hands lightly taking a hold of mine.

"You don't need to apologise" I sighed, glancing down at our hands as he played with my fingers.

"I just..." I stopped myself for a moment before I continued. "I-I have a daughter to consider, Max. It-It isn't just me. She's never had a guy taking up her mommy's time before. You're the first guy I've even been interested in since before Paisley was even thought of. I just-Soon, okay? I promise" he gave me a smile and shook his head.

"There's no pressure, Baby" a wide smile instantly erupted onto my face at the nickname. "What?" I shook my head, squealing as Max instantly flipped us over. "What was that smile all about?" I shook my head, giggling as he began to tickle at my sides.

"Max" I squealed, my arms locking around his neck as he nuzzled his face into my neck and began to nibble on my sweet spot. I arched myself into him and gently moaned.

"So, what was that smile about?" he pressed kisses down my neck and along my collarbone causing me to smile.

"I just love when you call me baby."

"Aww, Baby, that's sweet" I rolled my eyes but giggled as he separated my legs and settled himself between them, his lips gently brushing against mine.

I've known Max for around 3 months, we've been dating for around a month but it's still pretty hush. We met through mutual friends and we've been speaking nonstop since. He makes me so insanely happy and I'd love to flaunt my relationship and scream how happy I am from the top of my lungs, but I need to think about Paisley. I need to put her first. I need to make sure Max is in it for the long run before I even think about introducing him to my little princess.


"Baby" I caught Paisley as she threw herself at me.

"Mama" she giggled as I twirled her in a circle.

"Oh, Sweetheart. I missed you" I ran my fingers into her hair as she dropped her head onto my shoulder.

"Miss, Mama" I smiled before I glanced up at Matthew who was stood on the porch.

"Did you come alone?"

"No, Damien's in the car" I gently lowered Paisley down to the floor, running my fingers through her hair as she leant herself against my leg.

"Does he not want to come up and say hi?" I watched as Matthew briefly turned away. "Matt, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Dem" I rolled my eyes and huffed to show him my annoyance at the situation.

"Matthew, I swear to god."

"I'm not talking about it in front of Paisley" I glanced down at Paisley who was sucking on her thumb as she remained leant against my side, her grip tight around my leg. "She refused to nap, by the way" I rolled my eyes and playfully glared over at Matthew.

"Well, thank you for bringing home a grumpy toddler" Matthew lightly chuckled and stuck his tongue out which caused Paisley to giggle against my leg. "Shall we go and watch some movies, Baby? We'll have a movie and junk food kind of day?" Paisley nodded up at me with a giggle.

"Well, looks like my girls have their day sorted."

"I love that you call us your girls."

"You are my girls, without you, I wouldn't have Paisley" the smile on my face just widened. "And you are my best friend."

"You're very sweet" he released a chuckle.

"Okay, Princess. I'm going to get going" Paisley ran back to Matthew and locked her arms around him. "I'll see you soon, okay? You be a good girl for mommy" she nodded into his neck and giggled as he lightly tickled her side. "Love you, Baby Girl."

"Love you, Daddy" she pulled from the hug and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she darted into the living room where Batman and Ella instantly lapped up the attention. I watched silently as Matthew pushed himself up from the floor and brushed off his jeans. He glanced up to meet my gaze and sighed at the look I was obviously giving him.

"What's going on between me and Damien doesn't involve you but I will tell you when the time is right."

"Are you sure it doesn't involve me? Because over the past couple weeks, he's been very hostile towards me. It's like he never wants to be around me, it's like he hates the sight of me" Matthew shook his head and stepped up to me so he could wrap me up in a hug.

"Don't worry about anything, okay? I'm sorting it" I released a sigh and relaxed into him as he pressed a gentle kiss to my temple.

"Okay, I'll trust you to sort it" he gave me a grateful smile. "I'll see you soon, okay?" he nodded and sent me a wave as he turned and began down the driveway. I waved them off and then turned and began back into the living room where I found Paisley curled up on the couch with Ella practically sat on her lap. "You look cosy, Princess. Shall we watch a movie and have some cuddles?" Paisley nodded and I smiled, taking my seat beside her on the couch, my heart doing a somersault as Paisley curled herself into my side. "I love you, Princess."

"Love you, Mama" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head before I grabbed the remote and picked out a movie.

Liked by sirahsays, theoneandonlydallaslovato and 3,185,474 othersddlovato my precious princess😍❤️View all 15,916 commentsfrenchtoastkiller the f*cking cutest😩jillpowellglam she's the sweetest little angel🥺

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Liked by sirahsays, theoneandonlydallaslovato and 3,185,474 others
ddlovato my precious princess😍❤️
View all 15,916 comments
frenchtoastkiller the f*cking cutest😩
jillpowellglam she's the sweetest little angel🥺


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