Thirty One

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I hadn't been able to forget about the baby I lost last year since Jimmy brought them up when talking about my album. I never properly mourned them. The guilt ate away at me and I found myself not enjoying New York much. All I could seem to think about was the baby I would never meet. The baby who would now be a year old and would be walking and probably be saying a word or two. They would have their own little personality. I wonder how they would have been with Paisley. When I thought about Paisley, I missed her, and suddenly I couldn't think of anything else but cuddling my daughter. I wanted to cuddle my daughter to rid of the guilt I felt for not completely loving and mourning the baby that I lost.

My alarm woke me at 6 on Wednesday morning as I had a plane to catch at 9. I groggily climbed out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I freshened myself up and changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. After Louisiana, I'm flying to Las Vegas for a mini concert to promote my album. I'm just glad I have today free to spend Odell's birthday with him. I quickly sent Odell a text as we headed to the airport, so that when he woke, he knew that I was thinking about him.

Me: Happy Birthday handsome!! I love you and I hope you have an amazing day 😘 I'm so sorry I can't be with you ❤️

Max and I boarded the plane and I shoved my earphones in, relaxing back against the seat, praying away the flight. I can't wait to see Odell because I've missed him terribly.


"Demi" Jasmine locked her arms around me as I headed off the plane and I smiled as I hugged her back.

"Hi. It's so good to see you again."

"Me too. Odell has been so miserable every time someone asks about you, he misses you so much."

"I miss him too" she gave me a wide smile before we headed from the airport, Jazzy only talked about how much Odell has said that he's missed me. "Where does he think you are?" I slid into the backseat of the car, Max taking the passenger seat while Jazzy drove.

"We're picking up our mimi on the way home" she sent me a wink through the rear view mirror. "You know since she met you, she hasn't shut up about you either. You have our whole family hooked on you, Dem" I rolled my eyes as she lightly laughed. "None of us are as hooked as Odell though" I found my cheeks lightly blushing and I bit down on my lower lip as I stared out the window and watched the scenery. The ride to Odell's grandmas was silent other than the sound of the radio. We picked up the adorable older lady who I think made a fuss over me more than she did over Jazzy. I'm so thankful that I get along with all of Odell's family, they're starting to become my own honestly. Butterflies erupted in my tummy as we pulled into the driveway of Heather's Louisiana home. I was obviously the last to arrive as the driveway was full of cars. "I'm texting mom to let her know that we're here, she's going to keep Odell away from the windows" I lightly laughed as Jazzy spoke while typing away on her phone. "He's going to be so excited to see you honestly."

"I'm excited to see him too."

"You can leave everything in the car. I doubt he's going to want to stay at mom's anyway when he finds out that you're here" I suddenly felt my cheeks flush at what she was implying as she smirked at me through the rear view mirror. "Okay, we're safe to go in" I climbed from the car and followed Jazzy and Odell's mimi up the driveway. I could feel my palms beginning to sweat, suddenly feeling nervous about spending the day with his family even though I know they all love me. Jazzy gave me one last wink before she pushed open the front door and stepped into the house. Everyone was in the main living area and from where I stood I could see Odell's side profile. He hadn't noticed me yet and even as he stood to hug his mimi, he didn't notice me. "We've brought you a surprise, Big Bro" his eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at Jazzy who smirked over at me.

"Happy birthday, Baby" his mouth dropped as he glanced over at me as I stood in the doorway, my cheeks flushing a light pink as everyone turned to sort of stare at me.

"What?" I lightly giggled as he stumbled to me, his mouth still hanging open as he obviously tried to find the words to say. "Wh-What you doing here?" his hands hesitated slightly as they reached out for me but the instant his finger grazed along my waist and he realised that I was real, he yanked me into him. I laughed loudly as I locked my arms around his neck.

"I couldn't not see you on your birthday."

"But you said that you had interviews?" I bit down on my lower lip as I pulled slightly from the embrace so we could lock eyes.

"I kinda lied" my face scrunched up slightly as I tried to act all innocent. He rolled his eyes and I lightly giggled.

"This lying better not become a habit?"

"Never, Baby" I ran my finger lightly along his beard. "I love you. Happy birthday, you're getting old" he lightly laughed, his hands moving to cup my ass and in that moment we both completely forgot that we were surrounded by his family.

"We're getting old together, Babe" my stomach fluttered.

"That better be a promise?" his eyes twinkled and the smile on his face just widened as he tightened his grip around me.

"I love you" a smile erupted onto my face as I leant to brush our lips together.

"Yo, love birds" I pulled away from Odell at the loud voice and glanced to Jazzy who sat on the couch closet to us. "Ew" she scrunched up her face and everyone in the room laughed. It was then that I remembered where I was and I nuzzled my face into Odell's neck as I tried not to die from embarrassment.

Liked by sirahsays, iamkittens and 2,617,628 othersddlovato Happy 33rd birthday handsome!! You've finally caught up to me 😜 I'll love you forever 😍❤️View all 153,873 commentsobj You still older than me baby 😂      ddlovato 🙄🙄🙄daveophilly Hap...

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Liked by sirahsays, iamkittens and 2,617,628 others
ddlovato Happy 33rd birthday handsome!! You've finally caught up to me 😜 I'll love you forever 😍❤️
View all 153,873 comments
obj You still older than me baby 😂
      ddlovato 🙄🙄🙄
daveophilly Happiest of birthdays dude 🎂


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