Twenty One

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"Mama, we go park?"

"You want to go to the park, Princess?" she nodded with a smile. I leant forward and gently stroked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Shall we sort your hair out and get dressed then?" she nodded and I giggled as she jumped around with excitement. Paisley is now nearly 2 and a half. She's so much more vocal and she's finally back to being her independent little self. We've also managed to move into a new house in Calabasas. We're closer to my entire family and further away from Hollywood. My house is a dream. It's perfect.

 It's perfect

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I've also been back into the studio a couple times this year and I'm hoping to release an album by the end of 2025

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I've also been back into the studio a couple times this year and I'm hoping to release an album by the end of 2025.

"I wear bow?" she pointed at the bows she had hung up on her wall. I lifted her onto my hip so she could pick which bow she wanted to wear for the day. She went with a white bow that had baby blue polka dots dotted over it.

"Good choice, Baby. It matches" she giggled as I lowered her to the floor and took the bow from her. I tied it into her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "You look beautiful, Baby."

"Thank you, Mama" the smile on my face widened.

"You're welcome, Princess" she giggled and locked her arms around my neck as I crouched to her level. "Can I have a kiss?" I puckered my lips and Paisley giggled as she gave me a peck. "Shall we get your sneakers on?" she nodded, skipping towards her closet. This little girl, I swear, owns my entire heart.

"We ask Noah?"

"I'm sure I can ring aunt Dallas and see what she's doing today" I grabbed Paisley's sneakers. She took a seat on the ottoman in the middle of her room and held her feet out. She giggled as I pressed a kiss to the top of her foot. "Can you fasten the velcro, Pais?" she nodded and the smile on my face widened as she fastened the Velcro on her sneakers.

"I did it."

"You did, Baby" she squealed as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me, pretending to eat her neck. She squirmed out of my grip and laid on the floor, breathless and giggling. I couldn't not laugh along with her. "Shall we ring aunt Dallas then, Booger Butt?" she nodded, beginning to jump around with excitement. "You're so crazy, Baby Girl" she squealed as I reached out to tickle her belly. I pulled my phone from my pocket as I continued to laugh at my crazy daughter. "Are we going to calm down then so we can hear what she says?" Paisley suddenly stopped, she turned to face me and placed her finger over her lips. I lightly laughed as I dialled Dallas' number and placed it onto speaker.

"Hey Baby Sis."

"Hi Dal."

"Hi" I lightly laughed as Paisley spoke up.

"Hi, Princess Paisley" she quietly giggled as she stepped up to me and lowered herself onto my lap.

"How's baby girl, Dal?"

"She's doing good. She's an active baby that is for sure" Dallas found out in January that she's having a baby girl. She's now 28 weeks pregnant. "So, what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?" I glanced down at Paisley who was playing with my fingers as she remained leant back against my chest.

"Well, Paisley fancies a trip to the park and she wanted to invite Noah. I was just calling to see if you were free?"

"Yes, oh my gosh, I need out of this house" I lightly laughed. "No, Dem, I swear. Noah is driving me crazy."

"Hopefully, we can get him to burn off some energy."

"I'm praying" I chuckled. "Noah?" a silence settled around us for a moment. "Do you want to go to the park with aunt Demi and Paisley?" there was a squeal of excitement.


"I think it's been decided. Meet you there in 30?"

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you then" we spoke our goodbyes and hung up. Paisley glanced up at me as I lowered my phone. "You ready to see Noah?" she nodded, a cheesy grin on her face.

"Batman and Ella come?"

"No, Baby, we'll leave them here. If you're both good we might even treat you to some ice cream?"

"Yeah, like chocolate."

"I know you like chocolate" she lightly giggled as I poked her tummy. "Let's grab a jacket, Baby" Paisley grabbed her jacket off the hook by her bedroom door. She took a hold of my hand as we began from her room. "Take a hold of the railing, Babe" she held the stairs railing with her other hand and we began down the stairs at her pace. She jumped off the last step of the stairs and giggled. "You're crazy, Miss Paisley" I twirled her tiny ponytail around my fingers. I grabbed my purse and keys, making sure that Batman and Ella didn't have full reign of the house before we left. "Say bye to Batman and Ella, Pais."

"Bye, doggies" my heart warmed as she blew them a kiss.

"You're so sweet" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Let's go then, Miss" I pulled open the front door and followed Paisley out. She skipped towards the car as I locked up. I unlocked the car and helped her climb in, she managed to buckle herself up and beamed over at me as she did it. "Good job, Princess" she lightly giggled as I pressed a kiss to her temple. I closed the back door and climbed into the driver's seat. "What do you want to listen to, Pais?"

"Disney" I lightly laughed as I plugged in my phone. I watched her in the rear view mirror for a moment as she danced around in her seat. I began from the driveway and headed down towards the park, listening to Paisley sing her little heart out.


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