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"Baby?" I turned to the door as it was pushed open and my mom stepped through. The sight of her just caused my eyes to well up with tears and I was sobbing all over again. "Oh, Demi" mom quickly walked up to the bed and wrapped me up in her arms allowing me to sob into her. She stroked her fingers through my hair and pressed numerous kisses to my forehead as my heart ached in my chest.

"I-I want her back" I chocked on my sob.

"I know, Baby Girl."

"It hurts, Mom" I whimpered as I pulled from the hug and wrapped my arms around myself. I couldn't work out whether or not the ache in my heart was worse than the cramping in my stomach.

"We'll get Paisley back, Baby Girl" mom stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and gently wiped my cheeks with the pad of her thumb. She leant to press a kiss to my forehead as I sniffled, she left them there for longer than necessary but I was thankful for the comfort.

"How-How did you know I was here?"

"Max called me. He said he was worried about you."

"He-He blames me for losing the baby" mom shook her head and lightly cupped my face in her hands.

"He doesn't, Baby" I chocked on a sob, mom leaning to press another kiss to my forehead. The silence fell around us, mom lightly wiping the tears from my cheeks and pressing the odd kiss to my forehead. I enjoyed the comfort and I was glad that Max had called her. I've been ignoring everyone the last couple of days and I'm kind of glad my mom is actually here. My phone buzzed from where it sat on the table beside the bed and my mom leant over to grab it. "It's Matt, Baby" I took the phone from her and answered the call, placing it instantly on speaker.


"Demi, they've found Paisley" my hand shot up to cover my mouth and I wanted to scream out in excitement but there was part of me that didn't believe him.

"What?" I glanced up at mom when I heard a sob.

"She-She's in New York with Damien" my eyes welled up with tears that rapidly flowed down my cheeks.

"What...How...Is-Is she okay?"

"She's scared which is understandable" I released a sob, mom wrapping her arms around me as I broke down against her. I could hear Matthew crying down the phone. "The-They want me to fly out and get her" I pulled away from my mom and sniffled.

"I-I can't..." I cut myself off.

"Demi's in the hospital at the minute, Matt."

"Why? What's wrong?" worry was evident in his voice.

"I-I've had a miscarriage" my voice cracked.

"Demi, I'm so sorry" I shook my head and sniffled as more tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Just get her home, Matt, please. I need my baby home" I chocked on a sob, mom wrapping her arms back around me.

"I'm on my way to get her, Demi, and as soon as we're home we're coming straight to you" I nodded as I nuzzled my head into my mom's neck.

"Let us know when you're on your way back, okay, Matt?"

"I will. I promise. I love you, Dems."

"I love you too. Let her know that I love her."

"I will do" I burst into tears the moment Matthew hung up and I nuzzled myself back into my mom as I broke down, heartbroken because of the baby that I had just lost but thankful because my baby girl was finally coming home.

Max😍❤️: I'm sorry.
Max😍❤️: Losing the baby wasn't your fault and I shouldn't have said that it was. I love you Demi!!

I rolled my eyes at the messages and locked my phone, dropping it into my lap as I curled into myself, smiling as Batman instantly curled himself into me. I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself and ran my fingers through his fur.

"Paisley should be home soon, Baby" I pressed a kiss to the top of his head and sighed, staring off at the tv that I hadn't even thought about switching on. I was discharged around 3 hours ago and I haven't moved from the couch since. My mom has refused to leave until Paisley's home because I can tell, even though she won't say anything, that she's scared I'm going to do something stupid. I don't blame her but sometimes I wish people would have more faith in me. 

It wasn't more than a moment later that the sound of a car driving up the path, pulled me from my thoughts. Batman jumped off my lap as I pushed myself up from the couch and started towards the front door, a dull ache in my lower tummy making me wince but nothing was going to stop me from meeting my baby girl at the door. Mom wasn't far behind me as I yanked open the front door, tears beginning their journey down my cheeks as Matthew stepped from the driver's seat. I stepped out onto the porch and started sobbing as Matt helped Paisley from the backseat.

"Mama" if mom wasn't stood beside me with her arms around me, I would have sunk to the floor in sobs.

"Baby" she toddled straight to me as Matthew lowered her to the floor and the moment she crashed against my chest, I sobbed. "My baby. Oh, Paisley" I nuzzled my head into her neck and ran my fingers into her hair. Paisley's arms were tight around my neck and even though my stomach was cramping so bad, I didn't care. My baby girl is finally home. After 3 days, my baby is finally back where she belongs.


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