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"I would like to say a few words before we tuck into this delicious meal" I glanced to Paisley who sat in her booster seat beside me, chatting up a storm with Noah. She giggled as I placed my hand over her mouth to quiet her. I held my finger up to my mouth and I quietly laughed as she placed her own finger over her mouth. "We are all here today as a family to give thanks. This yearly tradition is one of my favourites as it brings together all of my favourite people. We all have such busy lives that there are limited opportunities for us to get together" I smiled down at Paisley as she glanced up at me with my favourite cheesy grin of hers. She lightly giggled as I tapped the tip of her nose. I turned back to dad as he continued. "I want to say thank you for the amazing food on this table, the health of every single person sat around this table. So before we dig in, dear family, thank you for this day, thank you for each other, thank you for making this day what it is and thank you all of you for just being you. Happy Thanksgiving" we all lifted our glasses and cheered, clinking our glasses together in a toast. We all dug into the meal, keeping the conversation light as we all enjoyed the delicious food that my mom and dad had lovingly prepared for us all. I kept glancing over at Paisley who was giggling at the faces Noah kept pulling at her.

"So, Luke and I have some exciting news to share" our attention fell on Dallas. "You want to tell them, Noah?"

"I big brother."

"Your pregnant?" Dallas nodded with a wide smile. The room filled with cheers as mom pushed herself out of her chair and began around the table to wrap her and Tom in a hug. "Congratulations, Baby. I'm so happy for you both" I glanced down at Paisley who grinned up at me. I leant down to press a peck to her smile causing her to loudly giggle. "How many weeks are you, Baby?"

"I'm 12 weeks. I'm due mid-June."

"You excited to be a big brother, Noah?" he rapidly nodded causing everyone to chuckle. "You're going to be an amazing big brother" he squealed as mom ruffled his hair.

"Congrats, Dal" she was sat beside me so pulling her into a hug was easy. She ran her hand along my back before she gave me a squeeze. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Dems" we focused on finishing our dinner after that, Paisley and Noah keeping us entertained.


"You tired, Princess?" she shook her head before she nuzzled herself into me. I lightly chuckled, running my fingers delicately along her back as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Yes, you are, Baby" she pulled away with a giggle.


"Yes" I pressed a kiss to her nose causing her to squeal. "You want to have a quick nap before daddy gets here?"

"No. I no tired" she wiped her face from her hand and pouted.

"You want to have cuddles then, or do you want to continue playing with Noah?"

"Cuddle" my smile widened as she cuddled into my chest. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. I glanced over at Dallas as she stepped into the room with a tray of drinks.

"Hey, you shouldn't be carrying anything, Preggo" I lightly chuckled as she rolled her eyes at me. Maddie lightly chuckled from where she sat beside me, tapping away on her phone. "Are you really still texting your lover?" she rolled her eyes as she glanced to me with a glare.

"He isn't my lover, Demi. Shut up" I shared a chuckle with Dallas as Maddie nudged me lightly in the side.

"So, who is this lover?" she rolled her eyes as Dallas teased her, shoving herself down onto the couch beside her so that she was nestled between me and Dallas, her two teasing sisters.

"I'm just texting a friend of mine, who just happens to be a boy."

"Why are you blushing then?" she shook her head and stared down at her phone, my smile forming into a smirk as her cheeks just seemed to burn red. "Do you have a crush?" she slapped my hand away as I lightly poked her cheek. "You kissed him?" I watched as she bit down on her lower lip and stared down at her phone. I shared a glance with Dallas who gasped.

"You done anything else with him?"

"Dallas" I laughed as I glanced to Tom who rolled his eyes but he had a smirk plastered across his face.

"Hey" I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't need to be embarrassed, Mads. We're happy for you. We only care that you're happy and are being safe" her eyes turned to lock with mine and I could see her embarrassment. "You are being safe, aren't you?" she bit down on her bottom lip and nodded.

"I don't want a kid yet so I wouldn't do it if I wasn't being safe" I gave her a smile and leant to press a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm sorry I embarrassed you" she shook her head.

"It's what sisters are for, right?" I nodded with a smirk.

"It sure is" Dallas leant back against the couch and Maddie curled into herself, glancing back down at her phone as it pinged. I glanced down at Paisley who had fallen to sleep against my chest, her hand fisting my shirt. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and sighed out in contentment. I only glanced to Maddie when I heard the sound of a camera. "Did you just take a photo?" she nodded with a wide smile.

"And it is the cutest thing ever" she turned her phone to me so that I could see the photo and I beamed.

"I love it. Send it me" she nodded, glancing back down at her phone as I went back to running my fingers through Paisley's beautiful light curls as she slept against me.


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