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"Are we all clean, Little Miss?" I questioned Paisley who was sat in the bathtub, playing with the many toys she had floating in the water around her.

"Delly read me story?"

"I'm sure he will, Baby. We'll ask him, okay?" she nodded, a huge smile spreading across her face. "Let's get out then, Princess, before you turn into a little prune" she carefully stood up in the bath and I helped her to climb out. She giggled as I wrapped her up in a towel. I dried her off and got her dressed and then followed her into her bedroom. "Get all comfy and I'll go and get Delly so he can read you a story" she ran towards her bed and I laughed as she made sure to grab a book on her way. I turned and headed from the room. I found Odell in the living room, leant back against the couch with Cinderella curled into his leg. He pulled his eyes from the tv and diverted his attention to me as I stepped into the room.

"The little princess asleep already?"

"No, she wants you to read her a story. She's got a book; she's all cuddled up in bed and she's waiting for you" my heart burst at the smile that spread across his face.


"Yes and I'd hurry, because she can get very impatient" the smile on his face grew as he pushed himself to stand.

"Just like her mommy then" I rolled my eyes and hit him on the chest as he walked past me. He leant to press a kiss to my cheek and I smiled. I watched him disappear up the stairs before I turned back to the tv and grabbed the remote to switch it off. I did a walk around downstairs, checking that all doors and windows were locked before I headed upstairs. I leant against the doorway of Paisley's bedroom and smiled at the sight that greeted me. Odell was sat on the floor next to Paisley's bed and was reading her current favourite book. He alternated his voice for each character which made Paisley giggle. She was lying on her side, her teddy clutched into her chest, she looked moments away from dropping to sleep. I actually remained in the doorway until he had finished reading the story as the sight was too cute to walk away from. Paisley had fallen to sleep before Odell had even finished the story but he continued it anyway. He closed the book and placed it on her bookshelf. He switched on her nightlight and my heart burst as he leant to press a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight, Princess Paisley" he headed from the room, his eyes finally landing on me. His eyebrows furrowed as he stepped from the room and lightly pulled the door to a close behind him. "How long were you stood there for?"

"Almost the entire book" I went up onto my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Baby" I began to walk backwards, my eyes staring hungrily into his. He took the hint and grabbed a hold of my thighs, lifting me up so my legs would wrap around him. I giggled as he carried me into the master bedroom and dropped me back on the bed. I moaned as he began to kiss along my neck, my fingers tangling in his curls. He pressed himself into me so I could perfectly feel his length against my core.

"Odell..." he lightly nibbled on my earlobe, his hand running down my waist and into my leggings. He played with the hem of my panties, his eyes locking up to meet mine. "I love you" he pressed a gentle kiss to my mouth. "Move in" he pulled away from me, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Will you move in?"

"Like move my stuff in here?" I lightly laughed.

"That's what moving in usually means, Odell" he rolled his eyes and I just laughed harder. "Will you? You-You don't need to, don't think I'm pressurising you or anything. You can say no. It's just I don't really want you to leave. I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to fall asleep with your arms wrapped around me. I want..." I was cut off by Odell pressing his lips to mine.

"You were rambling, Baby" my cheeks reddened.

"Sorry" he lightly laughed.

"I'd love to move in. I want everything that you just said, the waking up next to you in the morning, the falling asleep with my arms wrapped around you, the never having to go back to an empty house" my lips twitched into a wide smile. I feel like I'm flying right now and nothing can ruin this feeling. "I love you so fucking much, Demi. I love you so much that I'm going to marry you one day" the sentence was so serious.

"Don't ruin the surprise, Baby. I want to at least be surprised when you propose" his smile grew but it was wiped away as he leant down to brush his lips with mine. We slowly lost ourselves in each other, unable to get close enough. I think I've finally found my happily ever after.


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