Thirty Three

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"Mama" the smile on my face was enormous as Paisley threw herself at me, her arms tight around my legs.

"Hi Princess. I missed you."

"Miss you too. You no leave again" I sunk down to the floor as Paisley loosened her grip on my legs.

"I'm not leaving for a long time yet" I softly spoke, stroking a strand of hair out of her face. I have plans to tour the summer next year but I have no plans until then. The smile on Paisley's face grew as she threw herself at me, her arms around my neck. "We can have so many cuddles" she giggled into my neck. "Were you a good girl for your daddy?" I glanced up at Matthew who was stood by the front door.

"Yeah, she was perfect" Paisley pulled away from me and I pressed a gentle peck to her cheek.

"Batman and Ella home?"

"No, Baby, they're still at nana's house" I gently laughed at her pout. "They'll be coming home soon though" she nodded and then reattached herself to me, her arms tight around my neck. I pushed myself to stand, lifting Paisley up and onto my hip. "You want to stay for a bit? I was thinking of ordering pizza. Odell's getting here for around 3, if you want to stay?"

"I have a show at 8 so you can feed me if you want?" I lightly laughed as he slid off his shoes.

"Delly?" Paisley questioned from where she sat on my hip.

"Yes, Princess" the smile on her face widened. I'm glad Paisley likes Odell. "You want to see Delly?" she eagerly nodded, Matthew and I laughing at her excitement.


"Hi Baby" I smiled as Odell stepped through my front door and leant to press a peck to my lips. Before I even had chance to greet him, Paisley came running in from the living room.

"Delly" he chuckled as she threw herself at him.

"Hi Princess Paisley" she squealed as he lifted her over his head and then settled her on his hip.

"Hi" she giggled as she dropped her head onto his shoulder. I smiled at the sight of them together. I love it.

"You stealing my boyfriend now, Pais?" she continued to giggle as I poked her gently in the tummy. "I've ordered pizza, and Matthew's here, is that okay?"

"Of course it is, Babe" Odell lowered Paisley to the floor and she began to tug on his hand. "Hang on, Pais" he chuckled as she released his hand and pouted up at him.

"Paisley, go and find daddy" she pointed her pout at me but I gave her my best stern look which included raised eyebrows so she ran off into the living room. "I swear that little girl loves you so fucking much" he chuckled as he stepped up to me.

"You jealous she's going to steal my love away?"

"Shut up" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. He chuckled as he ran his hand along my waist and pulled me into him. My hands sat on his chest as he ran his hands to my ass. "You miss me that much already? We've only been separated for an hour" he rolled his eyes and chuckled as he leant to give me a kiss.

"I love you" I ran my hand along his jaw and leant to press a kiss to his lips.

"I love you too."

"DELLY?" we both laughed at her loudness. I don't think I've ever heard Paisley sound so impatient either.

"I better go. I don't want to leave the princess waiting" I gave him a final kiss before I released him. He headed into the living room and I followed behind him, a smile forming on my face. I leant against the doorway and watched as Paisley thrust a baby doll at Odell who lightly laughed. I pulled my phone from my pocket and recorded the sweet moment that played out between Paisley, Matthew and Odell. Odell suddenly turned to me and his eyes rolled as he noticed my phone. I bit down on my lower lip and lightly laughed. "Mommy's recording us" he leant into Paisley and whispered as if it was a secret. Paisley suddenly turned to me, grabbed a baby doll and walked to me.

"Mama, come play" I cut the recording and shoved my phone into my pocket. She thrust the doll into my hand.

"Okay Baby."

— —

The next chapter is the last one 🥺

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