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Me: I miss you crazy amounts😩😞❤️

It's been a couple months since Matthew announced him and Damien were in the process of a divorce. It's been a bit of a rocky road since in relation to the divorce but it's finally on the move so hopefully it won't be long until Damien's out of our lives for good. We don't need the toxicity around.

Max😍❤️: Miss you too Beautiful😍

Max has been gone for around 2 weeks. He's in New York, filming for a movie which I am so insanely proud of him for, but I miss him like crazy. We've officially been dating for 4 months and I've never fallen so hard for someone before. I've never felt such an amazing connection with someone.

Me: I love you😉😍

"Mommy" I glanced up from my phone and smiled at the sight of Paisley who climbed up onto the couch beside me and cuddled into me as she rubbed at her eyes.

"Are we tired, Gorgeous?" she nodded into my side and the smile on my face widened as I began to run my fingers gently through her hair. "How about we go down for a nap and then we can be all awake to go to daddy's?" Paisley nodded and adjusted herself so her arms were locked around my neck. I pushed myself up from the couch with Paisley locked around me and began out of the living room and towards the stairs. Paisley had fallen to sleep with her head resting on my shoulder before I'd even stepped off the stairs. I smiled as I gently lowered her down into her crib. "Sleep well, Baby Girl. I love you so much" I spoke, pressing a delicate kiss to her forehead.


"Have fun with daddy, okay? Don't miss me too much" Paisley locked her arms around me and lightly giggled.

"We'll have the best time ever, won't we, Princess?"

"Yeah" she pulled away and I pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose just causing her to giggle harder.

"I love you, Baby Girl."

"Love you, Mama" I wrapped my arms back around her and gave her a squeeze, suddenly feeling an unsettling feeling in my stomach and a heaviness in my heart. "Bye" I couldn't help but to lightly giggle as she pulled herself from me and skipped into the living room. I pushed myself up from the floor and glanced up at Matthew who was watching me with a look of concern.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, why?" I kept my eyes locked on him as he gently wiped at my cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"You're crying, Dems" I wiped at my cheeks and chuckled.

"It's not like I haven't dropped her off before" Matthew chuckled and lightly pulled me into a hug. "Ring me if you need anything but I'm sure she'll be fine" he pressed a kiss to the top of my head before pulling from the hug.

"I will do. I'm sure she'll want to ring mommy before she goes to bed anyway."

"Paisley, you want to come say bye to mommy?" it was only a moment later that I was attacked into a hug. "I'll see you soon, Gorgeous, okay? You be a good girl for daddy" I ran my fingers through her hair, feeling the exact same heaviness in my tummy and heart that I felt earlier.

"She's always good."

"Okay, Baby. I love you."

"Love you" she pressed a kiss to my cheek before she ran back into the living room. Leaving Paisley at her dad's has never been so hard.


"I can't explain it, it was like there was this heaviness and unsettling feeling in my heart and stomach" I spoke, staring at Max through my phone screen.

"She's at Matthew's, Baby. I'm sure she's fine."

"I can't explain it" suddenly my eyes began to well up with tears and I felt on the edge of a meltdown.

"Baby..." I took a deep breath, my hand covering my heart as it began to pound in my chest. "Demi, listen to me" I sniffled, tears suddenly flowing down my cheeks. "Oh, Baby" my hand covered my mouth as I broke down. "Demi, breathe for me" I tried to catch my breath but it honestly wasn't easy. "Demi. Baby, why don't you call Matthew? He can show you that she's tucked up safe in bed?" I sniffled and just blankly stared at the phone screen.


"I love you" I nodded and sent him a weak smile.

"Love you too."

"I'm going to hang up, okay? Ring Matt" I numbly nodded and watched as the screen suddenly went black. I wiped at my cheeks and tapped onto Matthew's ID but before I had the chance to dial, my phone began to ring and it was Matthew's caller ID. Coincidence. I didn't hesitate for one second to answer.

"Hi, Matthew."

"Dems?" the voice I was greeted with sounded as broken as mine did and that terrified me to my very core. My entire body covered itself in goosebumps and I suddenly felt extremely nauseous.


"P-Paisley's gone" and my whole world crumbled.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"She's not in her bed" there was no way I could stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks. I was seconds away from a full on mental breakdown. "She-She's gone, Demi. I don't know what to do."

"You call the fucking police, Matthew" I hissed through my tears, a sob slipping from my lips.

"I have. They-They're coming, I-I don't know what to do" he broke down and I couldn't hold back my sobs any longer. And this is why you don't ignore a feeling.

"I'll be over as soon as possible, Matt, I swear."


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