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Matthew: You home?? I need to tell you something.

My eyebrows furrowed at the message but I replied instantly, glancing over at Paisley who lay on the floor with Max, scribbling all over a piece of paper.

Me: I'm in but Max is here! What's up?

I stared down at my phone and watched the three little dots appear and disappear repeatedly until Max spoke up.


"Hmm?" I glanced up and I smiled at the sight that I was instantly greeted with. Paisley was stood in front of me holding out the piece of paper she was scribbling on. "What's this, Princess?" I pulled her onto my lap and smiled as she cuddled back into me and I took the drawing. "Oh, Baby, it looks so good" I pressed a kiss to her cheek causing her to giggle. It was just a load of scribbles but they were definitely the most gorgeous scribbles ever. "Shall we go and put this on the refrigerator? And then I think we need to change your diaper" I gave her a squeeze causing her giggle to louden. "Let's go, Gorgeous" she pushed herself off my lap allowing me to push myself up from the couch. I kept a hold of the drawing in my left hand and took Paisley's in my right as I began into the kitchen. "Where shall we put it, Baby Girl?" I lifted her onto my hip as I grabbed some alphabet magnets.

"There" she pointed right in the centre of the refrigerator.

"Pride of place" I stuck it to the fridge. "I'm so proud of you, Gorgeous" I pressed a kiss to her cheek causing her to giggle and drop her head onto my shoulder. "Okay, let's change this diaper" I began back into the living room and glanced at Max who was now sat on the couch. "If there's a knock on the door it'll probably be Matthew, could you answer it please?" he nodded and gave me a smile. "I'm going to change little misses diaper."

"That isn't a problem" I adjusted Paisley on my hip as I began from the room and towards the stairs.

"Okay, lay down, Princess" she dropped down to the floor with a loud giggle and the smile on my face widened. "You're such a drama queen" she squealed as I lightly tickled her. I grabbed what I needed to change her diaper, changing it as quickly as possible. "Okay, we're all clean" I pulled her up onto her feet, releasing a playful huff as she flopped against me. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and smiled as she cuddled into me. "Are we tired, Baby?"

"No" I lightly chuckled.

"I think we are, Gorgeous" she was sucking on her thumb, curled perfectly into me. "Shall we try and get a nap in?" Paisley grumbled and adjusted herself so her head was resting on my shoulder. "Come on, Princess" I stood and lifted Paisley onto my hip, beginning towards her crib. She was asleep practically as soon as her head hit the pillow. I smiled down at her for a moment and ran my fingers gently through her hair before I made my way from the room. I closed the door behind me and began downstairs and into the living room where Max was sat on the couch beside Matthew.

"Hey, Matt" he glanced up at me with a brief smile.

"Hi, Dems" I leant down to wrap him up in a hug.

"Everything okay?" Max tugged me down to sit and I smiled as his arm instantly draped around my shoulders. I cuddled myself back into him, his hand resting on my thigh.

"I'm divorcing Damien" my mouth hung open slightly as my attention fell solely on Matthew.


"Because he isn't the man that I married" he shrugged as if that was obvious, and it was, but I didn't think any of this would end in a divorce. "He's changed. And I don't want to blame Paisley, but it all started to change when she was born" my heart suddenly ached.

"It's because of me, isn't it? It's because you let me be a part of Paisley's life. You let me be her mom. He ended up regretting that decision because he wasn't solely with her 24/7" Matthew sighed and stared down as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Matthew, you don't need to lie to me, he already told me that he hated that I was in Paisley's life" Matthew's eyes glanced up to meet mine and they were filled with sorrow. "How did he react to the divorce news?"

"He's pissed."

"I-I don't think Paisley ever truly bonded with him and I think that had something to do with me" Matt instantly shook his head in disagreement.

"No, it didn't. He didn't bond with her because he was a dick. I found out that whenever I left for work and he had Paisley, he'd always shove her off to his parents but he'd always make sure to pick her up before I got home. He didn't care about her, Demi, and that wasn't your fault" Matthew took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "I mean, I think she has a closer bond with Max then she ever did with Damien" I glanced back at Max who gave me a small smile, he leant to press a kiss to my cheek and my mouth tugged at the corners, it only growing as he pecked my lips.

"She loves her Maxi" he rolled his eyes and I giggled. "I can't blame her though, he is amazing" his eyes sparkled and for a moment I forgot that Matt was sat beside us.

"Oh yeah?"

"I'll say it if you say it" he playfully smirked up at me.

"I love you" my heart burst.

"I love you too" wide smiles spread across our faces, my fingers running into his hair as I leant to brush my lips with his. I giggled into the kiss, butterflies in my stomach. We only pulled apart as Matthew awed.

"You guys are the fucking cutest" I blushed hard as Max chuckled and pressed a kiss to my red hot cheek.


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