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"Matthew" he wrapped his arms around me as he stepped into the room and the comfort had the tears pouring down my cheeks again. He just tightened his grip around me as a gentle sob slipped out, his hand running along my back as he allowed me to softly cry into him.

"How is she?" I pulled away with a sniffle and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"She's currently asleep, she's doped up on pain relief" I glanced back at Paisley who lay fast asleep, curled up on the bed with her bunny clutched into her chest.

"Who's the guy?" I couldn't help but to lightly giggle.

"That's Max" his eyebrows raised in question. "I'll explain later, I promise" he nodded and gave me a small smile before he leant to press a kiss to the top of my head. I watched in silence as he began towards the bed and it was then that I noticed Damien wasn't with him. I didn't question it; I just began around the bed and towards Max who ran his hand along my side as I took a seat beside him. At this moment, I couldn't give a shit where Damien was.

"Baby?" I lowered my head onto Max's shoulder as Matthew spoke to Paisley, she stirred ever so slightly.

"Daddy" her voice was weak and it broke my heart.

"Hi, Princess" he stroked his fingers through her hair and leant to press a kiss to her forehead. "What are we doing in this hospital bed, eh?" she faintly giggled as Matt lightly tapped her nose. "Have they said what's wrong yet?" I shook my head as he glanced up at me.

"Nope. They've ran loads of tests; we're just waiting on the results. She was really brave when they put the needle in her hand, weren't you, Baby Girl?"

"You being a brave big girl?" Paisley just whined and tried to nuzzle herself into Matthew. "I know, Princess, but the doctors are going to make you better" we fell into a comfortable silence. Matt doting on Paisley.


"Hmm?" I turned to Max as he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm going to get going, okay? Give you guys some privacy" I don't want him to leave.

"Can you not stay?" a lump suddenly formed in my throat. My eyes welling up as they searched his.

"Why don't I go and grab us some coffee then?"

"I could do with some caffeine" he lightly chuckled and leant to press a kiss to my forehead, his hand wrapping around mine and he gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Matt, you want anything?"

"I could take a black coffee. Thanks, Max" he nodded and turned back to me.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Baby" he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips and I smiled as he pulled away. I watched him as he left the room, glancing back over at Matt as the door closed and I blushed at his smirk.

"So, Max?" I rolled my eyes but the smile on my face just widened. I shuffled myself closer to the hospital bed and stared down at Paisley, taking her tiny hand in mine. She had fallen back to sleep, her hand wrapped around Matt's.

"We've been speaking for a couple months; we've been dating for just over a month now."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because I was worried about Paisley and how she would react to him. I haven't dated anyone since before Paisley was born. I wanted to make sure he was serious before I introduced them but I suppose that doesn't matter now."

"I'm sorry about Damien" I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"She was hysterical, Matt, and I don't just mean she was crying. I-I'm not exaggerating, she was practically hyperventilating" he stared down at our daughter with nothing but worry and sadness. "The last time that she was ill, she clung to me, you remember?" Matt nodded in reply. "I don't know whether she felt ill and just couldn't verbalise it and she asked for me. I-I don't know" I leant to press a kiss to Paisley's sweaty forehead. "Where is he anyway?"

"I rang him, he didn't answer so I've left him a voicemail."

"What's going on, Matt?" I was moments away from getting something out of him but a knock sounded on the door and a moment later it opened to reveal the doctor.

"Hi, how's our little patient?"

"She's fast asleep" I turned back to Paisley, my thumb running along the back of her hand. "This is Matthew, he's her dad" the doctor nodded with a light smile.

"I'm Dr Lopez, it's nice to meet you" Matt shook his hand that he held out towards him.

"You too. Do-Do you know what's wrong with our daughter?" my heart began to pound against my chest.

"I do. Paisley has an inflammation of her appendix which we call appendicitis" I glanced to Matthew who nodded.

"Yeah, I-I had it. I had to have my appendix removed" I glanced down at my little girl who lay fast asleep. I tightened my grip around her hand, my tears beginning to pour down my cheeks.

"If it's left, it can burst which can cause further issues. We need to get Paisley into surgery as soon as possible" I completely zoned out as the doctor explained the surgery, tears pouring continuously down my cheeks as I stared down at Paisley, at my little girl, my princess. I ran my thumb along the back of her hand and sighed.

"Dems?" I jumped, glancing up at Matthew. "You okay?"

"She's not even 2 yet and she's going for surgery" I sniffled and glanced back down at Paisley. "It-It's a successful surgery, right? Nothing's going to happen to her?"

"I can't promise that nothing won't happen" I nodded, chewing down into my lower lip as my chin quivered. "But the surgeons have performed this surgery so many times. They know what they're doing, Demi, I promise."

"Do we have to sign our consent?"

"I'll go and grab the papers" Matt gave Dr Lopez a smile before he turned to leave the room.

"She'll be okay, Dems" I nodded but covered my mouth as a sob slipped out. A moment later arms were locked around my body and I was in the familiar embrace of Matthew as I broke down.

My baby isn't even 2 and she's already going for surgery.


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