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"Your daughter has just gone into surgery and you're not even willing to come to the hospital to see her, or me for that matter" I watched as Matthew paced around the relative's room. I was hidden from his view so I was basically eavesdropping on his conversation. "Damien, this..."

"You know, it isn't nice listening in on people's conversations" I jumped but rolled my eyes as I glanced back at Max who was lightly smirking at me.

"I'm not listening in" his eyebrows raised.

"Okay, Baby" I wrapped my arms around Max's waist and cuddled myself into his chest as his arms circled around my neck, his lips pressing gently against the top of my head.

"I'm worried about him."

"I know, Gorgeous" I released a sigh and closed my eyes, taking in the comfort of Max.

"Damien, you need to sort your shit out otherwise I'm done and we're finished for good" I pulled myself away from Max and glanced into the relative's room to see Matthew now typing rapidly on his phone. He'd obviously hung up on Damien.

"Matt?" he glanced back at me briefly before turning away and my heart ached as he lifted his hand up to wipe at his cheeks. "I'm thinking of grabbing some breakfast, you want to come?" a smile formed onto his face that I could easily read through. He nodded in reply with the same fake smile plastered across his face.

"You going down to the cafeteria?" I nodded. "I'll meet you down there" I gave him my best comforting smile.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too, Dems" I was hesitant to leave him but I eventually turned back to Max and reached out for his hand. He happily took a hold of mine and intertwined our fingers as we began towards the cafeteria.


I tried my hardest to eat breakfast but it was difficult due to my worry for Paisley, with every bite that I took, I just felt more nauseous. I'm surprised I didn't throw up the food that I did manage to eat which was only a few mouthfuls.

"You feeling okay?" I nodded over at Max with a small smile as we walked back towards the children's ward. Our fingers were tangled together, Max swinging our hands gently between us. Matt was walking beside us in silence. Max would occasionally give my hand a squeeze and I'd glance to him with a small smile. I'm so thankful that he stayed, I'm thankful it didn't take much convincing.

"You sure?"

"I just feel a little sick" I ran my hand along my stomach and sighed. "I'm nervous about Paisley, that's all" Max leant to press a kiss to my temple as we waited for the elevator.

"We'll ask if there's any news when we get back" I glanced to him with a small smile. His hand settled on the small of my back as we stepped onto the elevator which was thankfully empty. I glanced to Matthew who was once again, tapping away on his phone.

"You okay, Matt?" all I received was a nod in reply. I turned back to Max as he gave my hand a squeeze. The ride up in the elevator was silent and I jumped as the doors opened. I was surprised to find Damien stood by the main entrance.

"Damien?" I stood back with Max as Matthew began towards him, my heart hammering against my ribcage.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just..." his eyes momentarily locked with mine and he stopped himself from continuing.

"Shall we go and see if there's any news on Paisley?" I nodded over at Max and I allowed him to pull me away. The only news we got was that the surgery was going well but I suppose that's better news than nothing.

"You must be the guy that was over last night" Damien stared over at Max who nodded in reply, he had a smirk on his face that looked slightly sinister.

"Let's not do this now, okay?" Matthew hissed. Damien rolled his eyes and I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"What the fuck is your problem, Damien?" Max gave my hand a squeeze but I just ignored it. "If you have a problem with me, then tell me what it is because I can't do anything about it unless you tell me" I could see that he wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut. "I don't want you looking after Paisley by yourself" I glanced to Matthew who's mouth had dropped slightly in shock.

"You can't do that" I laughed without humour.

"As Paisley's mom, I think you'll find that I can" Max pulled me behind him as Damien stepped towards me. I never thought of Damien as someone intimidating. I mean he may be nearly 6 foot and he may tower over me but I've never found him intimidating.

"You stop me from seeing her and I'll take you to court."

"I'm not stopping you from seeing her, I'm stopping you from being alone with her. Take me to court if you fucking want, see if I care" Max wrapped his arm around me, as if trying to protect me. I definitely don't need protecting. I can hold my own.

"You weren't even supposed to be in her life in the first place, Demi. She was supposed to be our baby, not yours" I glanced back Matthew who rolled his eyes as his head shook in disbelief.

"Is that your problem? You hate that I'm in Paisley's life."

"I hate that you're in Paisley's life" my heart sunk into my stomach and I felt tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

"I was going to fuck off after she was born. I was going to leave because I thought it would have been easier for all of us, but I didn't because you asked me if I wanted to be in her life. You only have yourself to blame, Damien" the tears started pouring down my cheeks. "Matt, ring me if you hear anything, I'm not staying in here and listening to his shit any longer" I turned and stormed from the room with Max hot on my tail.


So, that kinda just happened😅😂

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