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"Miss Paisley" she giggled and ran straight into Jill's arms as she held them open. "How are you, Sweetheart?" I smiled as Jill gave her a gentle squeeze.

"You've been a good girl, haven't you, Princess?" Paisley nodded as I ran my fingers through her hair. "You have any tips for getting a toddler down for a nap?" Jill chuckled lightly as she pushed herself to stand.

"Sometimes changing up the routine can help" I glanced down at Paisley who leant against my leg.

"It's honestly starting to become a struggle to get her to nap. She's refusing with Matthew too."

"How many naps does she normally take?"

"She normally has two, one in the morning and then one mid-afternoon. The most she's sleeping at the minute is an hour and that's like a power nap on the couch."

"Maybe that's all she needs. She sleep okay at night?" I nodded, glancing down at Paisley.

"She's not even two yet" I grumbled causing Paisley to look up at me, her arms shooting up for me to pick her up. "Oh, Baby" I lifted her up and onto my hip, smiling as she cuddled herself into my side. "You're growing up too fast for mommy to handle, Princess" she lightly giggled. "You think this is funny, Baby?" she just continued to giggle as I poked her lightly in the tummy.

"Now we've realised Miss Paisley is growing up, shall we get you ready for your shoot?" I nodded my reply before following behind Jill and into the dressing room where everyone else was, Paisley instantly the centre of attention.


Max😍❤️: Hi gorgeous😉How's your shoot going?❤️

My heart did a flip the moment that the message came through, the smile on my face widening which caught the attention of Jill and Paul who were the only two people in the dressing room.

"So, who's making Miss Lovato smile like that?" I rolled my eyes and began to blush.

"Nobody" I tapped out a reply.

Me: Hi handsome😘 It's going good thank you😝❤️

"The contact ID says Max with a love heart and a heart eye emoji" I rolled my eyes and gasped as I glanced back at Paul who was smirking down at me.

"You staring over my shoulder, Paul?" he chuckled lightly.

"Who's this Max then, Dems?" I could feel my cheeks burning as I turned back around in my seat so that Paul could finish fixing up my hair.

"Just this guy I've been seeing."

"What's his name?"

"Max Ehrich. He's an actor, he was in the movie 'Walk. Ride. Rodeo on Netflix."

"Oh, I've seen that movie, it was good. You got a photo of this guy that's captured our girls attention?" I rolled my eyes as Paul and Jill shared a smirk. I scrolled through my photo album, finding the first of many photos I've taken.

 I scrolled through my photo album, finding the first of many photos I've taken

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"Oh, he's cute" I only blushed harder. "How long you been seeing him for?" I locked my phone and dropped it down onto my lap, closing my eyes as Jill worked on my eye makeup.

"We've been talking for like 3 months but dating for 1. I know we've only been dating for like a month but he makes me so insanely happy already."

"Why is it still so hush?"

"Because of Paisley. I haven't had another man in my life since I've had Paisley. How is she going to react to some guy taking up all my attention? I want to make sure he's in it for the long run before I introduce him to her. I want him to understand that he isn't just getting me, he's getting Paisley too. I mean we're kind of a package deal."

"Well, you seem pretty happy with him" I nodded.

"I am."

"I'm sure Paisley will learn to adjust, Dems" I nodded, lifting up my phone as it vibrated.

Matthew: You possibly able to keep Paisley tonight?

Me: Of course but why?

"You okay?" I glanced up at Jill who removed the makeup brush from my cheek.

"There's something going on with Matthew and Damien but he won't tell me anything" I groaned my annoyance.

"I'm sure they'd tell you if it was anything serious" I sighed and shrugged, glancing over at the door as it opened and I smiled at the sight of Paisley darting straight towards me.

"Hi, Princess" I pulled her up and onto my lap, smiling as she cuddled herself into me. "And, now you're tired" I lightly chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as her thumb made its way into her mouth. "Mommy's got to get back to work, Baby."


"Yes" she squealed as I nuzzled my face into her neck. "You want to stay in here with auntie Jill? I'm sure she'll read you a story, Princess" she obviously had to think about it for a moment before she nodded. "Alright, Baby" I pushed myself up from the chair and carried her over to the couch. "There's some books in the bag, she'll probably just fall asleep because she looks pretty tired. Thank you, Angelo" Jill chuckled as she took the bag from me. "Be a good girl, okay, Baby? I'll see you so soon" I lowered her down onto the couch and leant to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Bye, Mama" I chuckled lightly as she just cuddled herself into Jill's side and sent me a wave.

"Bye, Baby" I blew her a kiss before I turned and began from the room, grabbing my phone as it vibrated.

Matthew: We've made last minute plans! Sorry😐

Me: Don't worry about it! Have fun😊❤️

They're hiding something from me and I'm not giving up before I find out what it is.


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