Twenty Eight

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ddlovato Instastory

Odell pressed a kiss to the back of my head as I shared the photo to my Instagram story

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Odell pressed a kiss to the back of my head as I shared the photo to my Instagram story. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I was leant back into him.

"It's so peaceful" I ran my hands along his arms that remained around my waist and linked our fingers together.

"It sure is."

"Thank you for this weekend. It's been amazing" I turned around in his arms and ran my hands along his neck.

"It has. I love spending time with you" the smile on my face widened as I leant up to brush my lips with his. "I love you" the smile on my face just widened and I suddenly felt all giddy.

"I love you too" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear. "And you make me so happy" he pressed his lips to mine.

"Well, today isn't over. I plan to make you happier so shall we get going?" I nodded, taking a hold of his hand. I linked our fingers together and allowed him to pull me along the path and towards his car. I climbed into the passenger seat as Odell climbed into the driver's side. He shoved the key into the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. The radio was playing quietly through the car as we drove and a wide smile spread across my face as he ran his hand along my thigh.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you for your birthday" he laughed loudly as I glanced to him.

"I'm sure you'll think of something, Dem" I bit down on my lower lip as I watched him, smiling at the love I felt for him. I've been in love before and I've thought that I've found the one many times before, but this time is so completely different. I feel so different with Odell. Everything just feels right. "You know that you don't need to do anything extravagant, right? As long as I get to spend my birthday with you, I don't care."

"Would you mind spending your birthday with Paisley?" I think I know his answer to this but I can't be sure.

"Paisley reminds me so much of you, Dem" I smiled. "She has your mannerisms. She has your attitude and she has your stubbornness" I rolled my eyes as Odell chuckled. "And don't even try to argue with me on that" I brought my lips into a tight line, trying not to smile as I stared out the window. "I would love to spend my birthday with Paisley" I couldn't hold my smile back anymore and I beamed as I turned to him. "I can't help but to love that little girl, Demi. She's part of you, and I love everything about you, even your stubbornness" I nudged him lightly in the side. "Hey, I'm driving" he laughed as he lightly pushed my hand away. I grabbed his hand and linked our fingers as I leant back against the seat and allowed the silence to settle around us. We drove for around an hour in a comfortable silence until Odell pulled into a parking lot. I glanced over at him with furrowed brows.

"Where are we?" he just glanced to me with a smirk and climbed from the car. I followed behind him, biting down on my lip as he held his hand out for me to take. I slid my hand into his and interlinked our fingers as we headed down a lit dirt path. "Is this where you plan to kill me?" I smirked as I glanced up at him. "You've brought me to a secluded area of town. You're leading me down a dirt path. Am I going to die?" he lightly laughed and my heart fluttered at the sound.

"I wouldn't kill you" he released my hand and wrapped his arm around me. I giggled as he held me against his side. I draped my arm around his waist as we continued down the path until we came to a clearing and my mouth dropped. There was a table sat on a wood deck that was lit up with fairy lights. The view of the miles of ocean was indescribable.

"Wow" I turned to smile up at him. "You are a right romantic, aren't you?" I ran my hand along his chest as he glanced down. His eyes met mine and my entire body turned to jello.

"All the best for my girl" my mouth twitched into a wide smile.

"I love you so much. You need to stop being so fucking cute" I leant up to press a kiss to his lips. I pulled away and turned back to the view in front of me. "I seriously don't know how I'm going to top this for your birthday. You're so good at this" he chuckled as he kissed my temple.

"I have been told that before" my mouth gaped.

"You mean you've done this for your other girlfriends?" he chuckled, lightly grabbing at my waist as I went to walk away.

"Nope. You're the first" I rolled my eyes but squealed as he began to nibble at my neck.

"Odell" my arms found their way around his neck, my fingers running into his hair as he dipped me slightly.

"You'll definitely be the last" the smile on my face widened as he pulled his face from my neck and pressed our foreheads together. "I love you so much too, Baby. I did this for you to show you how much I love you."

"You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."

"I will gladly take that title" I giggled. We shared a brief kiss before we pulled away from each other. He took my hand in his and led me towards the table. My heart swelled as he pulled my chair out for me. I pressed a kiss to his cheek before I sat down. Odell took a seat in the chair beside mine, his hand instantly running along my thigh as he poured us each a glass of water.

"What are we eating anyway?" I took the glass and took a sip.

"I hired a chef for the night. Dinner will be served in precisely..." he lifted his wrist to check his watch. "...5 minutes" I giggled as he glanced to me with a smirk. I pressed a kiss to that smirk before I cuddled into his side, smiling out at the view.

ddlovato Instastory

ddlovato Instastory

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