Dallas Request Part 2

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It was almost a week later that Dallas ran into Haley again. She was at the DX talking to her brothers friends, and waiting for Johnny to show up when she saw Dallas slowly walking up to the door, after getting out of his nicely waxed up car. 

Dally's hair was wavy and relaxed as he liked to keep it, and he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. The way he walked made Haley smirk a little. He stepped with so much unnecessary swagger, it almost seemed like a dance he did to impress others every step he made. 

Haley was leaning against the counter about to take on Steve in some arm wrestling when Dallas made it inside. He stopped for a second, as if to survey his surroundings and then proceeded to take off his sunglasses, putting them in his coat pocket for safe keeping. 

Soda sat up on the counter. "Hey Dallas, what going on man?"

When Dallas saw Haley standing there against the counter his breathe caught audibly in his throat. 

"Dally, you okay man?" Soda asked 

"Im fine. Why wouldnt I be." Dally ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his jacket. "Wasn't expecting to see you here little girl." He diverted his attention to Haley who looked at him in angered disbelief. Soda and Steve were able to feel the tension between the two. 

Steve laughed, "Whats going on here you two? Is there something we need to tell Johnny about?" He teased. 

"Yeah Dally, what is going on here?" Haley questioned. "I wasn't a little girl to you the other night, remember?" 

Soda and Steve laughed harder, Dallas tried to push Soda off the counter for making fun of him, but their laughter only grew. Dally took Haleys arm and dragged her outside with him. 

"I want my money back." He growled. 

Haley played innocent, "I dont know what youre talking about."

"My money Haley. You scammed me, I dont believe you."

"We had a deal and I was right. You are just too afraid to admit that I was right!."

Haley and Dally's faces were close to each others, just like they had been that night behind Buck's. As they leaned in closer, Dallas placed his hand on Haley's waste and pulled her in. Just as the tension became too much for them both, their lips were about to meet, Haley's feeling came back. She tried to keep it down, but it came up like word vomit. 

"The heater you are hiding in your car is going to get you in trouble, the cops are going to find you tonight." 

Dallas froze in his spot. He became awkward and uncomfortable suddenly, letting go of Haley and stepping away to fix his hair and adjust his jacket once again, something he did most when he was nervous. He would no longer make eye contact with Haley, and let out a small chuckle. 

"How do you know about that, huh?" 

"Know about what Dallas? What is going on? Why would the cops be looking for you, what did you do?" Haley became worried. 

Almost cutting off Haley's words johnny came walking around the corner of the DX. "Hey you two whats up?" He approached them, they all stood in awkward silence.

"It was cool seeing you Johnny, I gotta go man. Catch ya later." Dallas tossled Johnny's hair and headed for his car once again. 

"Come on Haley lets go inside, man he is acting weird isnt he?' Johnny said opening the door to the DX where inside he was greeted by Steve and Soda. 

"Yeah, strange." Haley mumbled as she watched Dally's car pull out of the parking lot and drive away.    

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