Steve Imagine (requested)

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Hello guys, so I got one of my first requests today and I am so excited to share it with you. This imagine is for godisgood101, I hope you enjoy!

My story is complicated. The life of a greaser is obviously always going to be hard, but it's even harder when your older brother is Dallas Winston, and when your name is Kalee Winston. Key word, Winston. I grew up learning to be tuff, to be hard and to be cool. But honestly, and if im being, completly honest, I let all of that go for one person. Someone that I never thought would sweep me off my feet. Steve Randle. He was different then what other people saw. Most people looked at him and saw, well, Steve Randle, but I saw Steve Randle. He treated me good, and right. He was sweet and manly at the same time. Three months. Three months of sneaking around with each other, avoiding the suspicious looks of Pony and Soda, the only two who actually suspected anything. Finally we decided we were going to tell the gang.
"Dont act so jumpy." steve said to me as I sat on the counter in the DX, watching him restock some cigarettes.
"Are we doing the right thing?" I asked, partically afraid.
"Of course we are." Steve stopped what he was doing and held my hands. "We've been going out for three months now, and I am tired of sneaking around. I want people to know. You know about us."
I smiled and gave a little chuckle as he pecked my cheek and went back to pushing packs of cigaretts into the spring loaded dividers.
Later that night we went out, Soda askd us where we were heading as we left the DX and we told him that we were going to the diner because we had to catch the "discount on cake today". It was a lie. But we did actulaly go to the diner. The night was exciting as always, it was always exciting when we were together. We had fun, we laughed and we talked, he was actually pretty funny, sometimes funnier than Two. I was going to miss him if the gang got mad at the idea of the two of us, what if we were forced to break up.
"Hey Hon, you alright?" Steve was driving us back towards the house, I was spacing out, looking out the car window.
"Yeah- yeah Im fine."
"Are you worrying again?" He seemed a little upset.
"No, Im fine, Im excited to tell them, Im more than excited, Im ready." I put on a pretend estatic look.
Steve took a deep breath in and looked me in the eyes. "You know we don't have to do this if you don't want."
"No steve." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "We will tell them, we've got to."
"You sure?"
"Im sure."
Later in the night when we walked through the front door of the Curtis house the whole gang was there. Johnny, Pony, Two and Soda were all in the livingroom watching Mickey. Dallas must have been in the kitchen with Darry.
"Hey Kalee." Soda said from the couch. Pony gave us a knowing look, he had infered Im sure, he was a smart boy. Steve walked in front of me a little and stopped.
"You gonna sit down or what?" Two asked Steve while he stuffed his face with cake.
"No, actually we have something to tell you guys, me and Kalee."
"Well Stevie, what is it?" Soda asked slightly chuckling.
"Actually we need Dally and Darry in here too." He said it loud enough for the boys in the kitchen to here, they came in as well.
"Whats up pipsqueak?" Dally asked me, sipping his beer.
"Um-" I began to stutter so Steve took over.
"Kalee and I wnted to tell you guys that, that uh we have been going steady."
Dallas choked on his beer and Two dropped his cake on the floor.
"Really?!" Two asked, a bit suprised.
"Wow that is a couple that I wasn't ready for honestly." Darry added.
"Hold on! Hold on, back up." dallas was wiping his lip. He set down his beer and on the coffee table and stormed over to Steve. He got in hid face, pointing his finger at him. "Who do you think you are?" He had Steve by his collar and against the wall. Dallas yelled profanaties at my boyfriend while I stood with everyone else wondering what to do.
"Dallas! Dont get blood on my floor!" Darry yelled from the edge of the room.
Dallas let up a little then dragged Steve to the porch and threw him out into the front yard. steve got up from the grass just in time to dodge Dallas's swing. the moment I saw Dallas's fist rise up near his ear I leaped off the pourch and and grabbed him by the shoudlers, holding him tightly, in a grip that was almost soothing. "Dallas stop!" My voice cracked as I said this.
I could feel his rapid heart beat against my hands and from the side I saw his nose flare. He attempted to throw me off but my fingers clamped across his body in a harder grip. "Dallas please!"
To mine and everybody elses suprise he let go of Steve and turned towards the house slamming the door as he went in.
Steve and I walked back to the pourch where everyone else was standing. There was silence for a moment before darry congratualted us. He told us he was proud that we had the guts to tell Dallas. Everyone else was pretty okay with us, Dallas took time to get used to the idea of "us". But after about a month he didnt seem to have a problem so much anymore. I actually think that I caught Dallas talking to Steve about treating me right, so to me that was the fianl official okay.

Alright I hope you all enjoyed! Please remeber that you can request at anytime, normally it wil tke a day or less to write. Thank you!

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