Dallas imagine (request)

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Hello there guys, I have gotten already 2 more requests so please keep them coming. This on is for Ordinary_Legend, I hope you enjoy it!

When D.G woke up that morning the sun was already shining through the windows of her room. She took a minute to register the time after she looked at the alarm clock on her dresser. 8:45 am, Wednesday, December 15th, 1963. 8:45am She squinted her eyes, thinking. Thinking. Oh God!!! School! Panic Stiricken she stood up from her bed, but the floor was cold and her head began to pound. There was a certain growning pain in her throat that only grew in pain.
In a sick daze D.G shuffled into the kitchen. Everyone had already left more than an hour ago, including Darry. They all either had school or work. Besides Dallas. In the kitchen there sat Dallas Winston in a chair with his boots propped up on the table. Honestly it shocked D.G at first, she wasnt expecting any one to be in the house this late in the morning. She walked over to the cabnet and struggled to reach the cereal. Darry normally took it down for her but he was already gone. In the process of her struggle someone reached up over her and brought down the cereal. Dallas.
"Thanks." she said plainly
"Welcome." he stuck around while she poured some into a bowl. He towered over her, peering at her every move.
"What?" she asked sternly.
"Nothing, nothing." He did his odd jaw thing, and not a moment later Dallas leaned down to kiss her. She blocked his mouth with her hand.
"Babe, i'm late. I dont have time."
"Late for what?"
"Um, school."
"Darry said you didnt have to go."
"Yes, I'm sure he did. Im sure he also bought a private island too, and how about a speed boat? Theres no way he said I dont have to go to school today." D.G began to cough, but when the coughing cesed, dalls was right back to talking.
"Your sick. He said you can stay home. Your really think I would lie to you abou this babe. Im not trying to be murdered by Darry."
She donsidered it for a moment and shrugged. "Well if Darry said I can stay home."
"Yes!" Dallas celebrated to himself, something he would never do with the other guys around.
Dallas was different around D.G. No one knew it but he was. He was much different. They were more like a couple. In public he was Dallas Winston, tuff, tough greaser who bordered on hood. In D.G's (and only D.G's) presents he was Dallas Winston, boyfriend who actually was a pretty great boyfriend, sweet, funny, and a tad bit sassy. Their day was spent laying on the couch together, watching T.V and napping. A lot of napping. By the end of the day when Darry and the rest of the gang returned home D.G was even more sick than at the beginning of the day. Darry took over from there and became basically her at home nurse.
While taking car of her Darry turned to Dallas and simply thanked him.

Hello there, I know this on was short but it has an important idea behind it. Love you guys, hope you enjoyed!

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