A Mistake

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Greetings All! I am back once again, FINALLY on winter break. I had to take a short hiatus because of finals and this crazy 10 page research paper for my college level composition class. BUT now that that is taken care of here I am! With the holidays coming up keep your eyes open for a few holiday themed stories coming your way! Also if you don't celebrate Christmas please feel free to tell me what you celebrate in the comment s below I am very interested in others cultures and beliefs. As always make sure to check out my other stories as well, Papas India and my Phantom Of The Opera Collection, show her some love yall! xoxoxo

The sun was almost blinding as it shown through the crack in the curtains. Angela's eyes burned as she tried to open them all the way. The bed was warm and unusually soft. It was almost impossible to get up, she had slept so soundly the night before. As she began to fall slowly back into her peaceful slumber, there was a loud pounding on the door. It startled her so much that she jumped from the bed and  her bare feet hit he cold hard wood floor. 

Hard wood? No. No her room had carpet. She began to realize this was not her room at all, and this was definitly not her bed. 

Another loud pounding on the door was followed by a familiar voice. "Soda, Darry says its time to get up. You can't sleep all day man." 

Soda? What?!

As if it all happened in slow motion Angela turned around to face the bed to see Soda standing from the bed and turning around as well. Almost in sync both let out a horrified yelp. 

"Angela?! What- what are you doing in here?! What the hell?" he began pulling blankets off the bed to hide his nudity.

"What do you mean? I dont know!" Angela grabbed a blanket that was flung over a near by chair to cover herself as well. 

"Um....Soda? Whats wrong with your voice? Are you okay? Are you sleep talking again?" Pony questioned Soda from outside his door. 

"No." Soda's voice squeaked and cracked. " Im- im okay just not feeling well this morning."

"Soda?" Pony called again. "Its 2 in the afternoon."

"What!?" Both Angela and Soda reacted at the same time. however, Angela continued on. "2?! Soda Two- Bit is supposed to pick me up in ten minutes from my house!?" 

As Angela began to make a rush towards the door, still wrapped in her blanket, Soda took a leap over the bed and placed his hand over her mouth. "Angela Pony will hear you! Please please stop talking."  He whispered to her intensely. Angela nodded her head. She didn't like the feeling of Soda being so close to her body. 

She shoved him off and paced back to the center of the room. Soda joined her. They began to argue on what really happened the night before and how they should get out of it. Their arguing grew louder and louder until it was fully audible through the other side of the door to Pony. 

In one grand gesture Pony opened Soda's door and made entry. 

"Pony get out!" Soda yelled, moving in front of Angela to block her blanket covered body from Pony's view. 

"Angela? Soda, when did Angela get here?" he asked innocently, furrowing his eyebrows trying to peer around Soda. 

"Pony please. Get out." Soda's voice cracked once again. But this time not out of fear, but sadness, as if he were going to cry. 

"Soda, did you- oh no Soda, Two is going to be so so mad. . ." pony continued standing in front of the two in Soda's room. Soda couldn't say anything. 

"Pony. . ." Angela tried but could not continue through her tears,

Pony slowly backed into the hallway. "Darry. . ." Pony called loudly and then ran to the kitchen to find his oldest brother. 

"No Pony. . .please. . .stop Pony.!" The pair sprinted through the house after him, but were too late.  

"Pony slow down."Darry was in the living room watching TV when Pony found him. The other two were right on his heels and came sliding around the corner moments later.

"Sodapop Curtis, what in the hell is wrong with you?!" Darry took Soda by his ear and wrangled him in to the middle of the living room. "Does brotherhood mean nothing to you? Does friendship mean nothing to you? I thought you had been raised better than this Sodapop Curtis! You're acting like Dallas now! Is that who you are? Are you Dallas?"

"No sir." Sodapop squealed in pain, as Darry squeezed him harder. 

"Darry please let him go youre hurting him!" Angela yelled to Darry. 

"Angela stay out of this, I am so dissapointed in both of you. How dare you two! To go behind your bestfriend and boyfriends back?! What is wrong with you?! You two will be telling Two-Bit yourselves. And then stay the hell out of my house for a day or two. 

"Telling me what?" Two-Bit walked through the screen door. His hair was greased to perfection. He was done up in his best boots, jeans and brown leather jacket. In his right hand was a bouquet of flowers. Immedienty, his happy go lucky charm wore off and a look of confusion and shock settled over him. In front of him were his best friend and girlfriend wrapped in blankets being man handeled and yelled at by Darry, with a scared Pony standing not too far away. 

Darry released Soda's ear. 

"Angela. . . I was just coming to get you, I thought I would stop here for a glass of water. . ." He motioned to his flower bouquet in his right hand. He looked her up and down slowly approaching closer. "Angela, you dont. . .have  clothes on." Two scratched the back of his neck. 

"Why are you here, I thought. . . well I thought we had a date right now. I uh- I got these for you."

Angela stood looking into Two-Bits eyes and began to tear up once again. "Two we um-"

"Two look please listen, it was an accident, we got really drunk last night and- i swear- please you hafta believe me. You're my brother man." Soda set his hand on Two's shoulder. 

"No. No, Angela tell me this is a joke." Two looked longingly at Angela, who began to sob once again. The expression on Two's face became blank, as if he had turned off all his emotions at once. "Let go of me." He shoved Soda's hand off his shoulder and kicked open the screen door, slamming the floors onto the the pavement out front and driving away in his truck. 

This one was short but I hope you guys liked it! Remember to comment and vote, check out my other stories!


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