What he loves most about you

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What feature he loves most about you.

Darry- Your laugh. Darry loves your laugh because it reminds him about when he was a teenager. It makes him forget about all his responciblity and makes him feel good.

Soda- Your smile. Everytime he sees you smile it makes him smile even bigger because he knows that he can make you happy. It reminds him of how happy he makes you and how happy you make him.

Pony- Your imagination. Pony loves your imagination because you will randomly sprout crazy and outrageous ideas that makes him question how he went his whole life until now without knowing you.

Johnny- Your eyes. Deep and soulful your eyes are Johnny favorite feature of you because it gives him an inside look to how your feeling. This way he can always see how happy he makes you. He can always tell when you need a hug too.

Dally- Your legs. Let's get something straight, Dally is Dally, and he will always be Dally. Dally loves your legs because of how smooth they are and because they always look good in your skinny jeans.

Steve- Your hips. You have always had a way with dancing, expecially with your hips. Ever since the first time Steve saw you dance he has been obsessed with the way you could move.

Two-Bit- Your hair. Your hair has always been think and silky which is why Two-Bit loves playing with it so much, although sometimes it does mean having to cut a ponytail out of your hair.

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