Dallas One Shot- "I just. . .cant "

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We have a lot of Dallas lovers out there appently :) Always feel free to request, I know sometimes I get pretty behind but I rely do try. This one is for struggl. I hope you enjoy!!!

His face was blank. I searched his eyes to find some trace of emotion. Nothing. This certainly is not how I had planned this to go.
"Babe, say something. Anything." I reached out for his arm, but all he could do was back away. Slowley, he began shaking his head. Dallas grabbed his coat off my couch and rushed out the door, I followed closley at his heels.
Once he jumped into the drivers seat of his old T-bird he fumbled hurridly for his keys. Still his face made no emotion.
"Dallas! Dallas get out of the car." I hung to the open window of his door, clinging to his jacket but he shoved me off.
"What the hell! Just talk to me. Say anything!" He froze. Then rested hung his arm out of the window and sighed.
"I just. . .can't." He mummbled.
The next thing I remember was the tail lights of his car beaming from down the road until all at once, he was gone.
That was the last time I ever spoke to Dallas Winston. Not the last time I ever saw him though I saw him at the hospital, staring through the window of the nursery at our baby boy. I named him Donny. He said nothing when he saw me, all he did was stare then tunr and dissapear again.
At first I was upset, I was absolutly furious, but I get it now. And im glad he made a quick decision.
I was 16 then. Not in school, so I was doing some work. The Curtis's were the biggest help.
Forever I will remember the day I watched Dallas Winston's tail lights dissapear.

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