Your favorite thing he has ever said to you

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Darry- Darry and you were at the house baking. "What are you even doing? God I love you."

Soda- Soda and you were at the DX while you watched him fix a car, he rolled out to look at you. "Glory your beautiful. Damn."

Pony- Pony and you were walking home from school when he stopped and looked you in the eyes. "Your just like those girl heros in the books."

Johnny- Johnny and you were resting in the lot. "So do you think me and you will move away from here when we get married?"

Steve- Steve and you were chilling on the Curtis's couch. "Your straight gorgeous."

Dallas- Dallas and you were at Buck's house and in front of MULTIPLE people at the bar he said, "Golly, your smokin' tonight babe. Really."

Two-Bit- Two and you are sitting on the Curtis's floor watching Mickey. "So babe, when we are like 50, can I still watch Mickey with you?"

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