A Night Without Darry

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Hello, so this one features two of my own OC's. I thought of this one a while ago with the help of a friend (she actually came up with the idea) hope you guys love this as much as I do. 💛🤘

Pony's POV

When I woke up the lights felt brighter than normal, my head was pounding and there was a strange soreness in my back. As I got up I saw Johnny nestled in Darrys chair and Dally along with Two-bit sprawled carlessly across the floor. Then I realized I wasn't in my room, but on the couch. The house was still dead silent, I stood up maybe a little too fast because my head started to spin. Darry would flip at the sight of this mess. A pizza box and 10 beer can were spread across the coffee table and 3 blankets plus 6 pillows were thrown around the room. Slowly I stumbled towards the kitchen. Steve was on top of the kitchen table, Payton on the kitchen counter and Vienna and Soda were under the kitchen table.
Everyone was still in there normal day clothes most even with their shoes still on. "Payton. Payton wake up." I shook Payton until she finally woke up.
"Darry?! I swear I dont- pony? I thought you were Darry." She said scratching her head at the mention of Darry name Soda shot up and smacked his head on the bottom of the table, awakening Steve. "Darry?!" They both shouted. "No guys Darry isn't here yet. We should probably clean up this mess though before he does get here." I said.
"Soda could you wake the rest of the guys up real quick?" I asked him. He rubbed his head and quickly got up from under the table and went into the livingroom. There we heard make a fake trumpet sound and start doing "jubilee". That woke everyone up real quick.
"Cut it out would ya?" Dally said throwing his shoes in Sodas direction.
Vienna got up from the ground and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs.
"What happened last night?" She asked picking leaves out of her hair.
"Not sure." Payton responded quickly hopping off the counter and into the living room.
Steve pipped up. "I vaguely remember something about a bonfire, and us sitting around it."
"Yeah I remember that too." I said throwing a cup into the sink.
"Sshhhhh. Let's talk a little quieter." Two-bit whispered walking into the kitchen while he rubbed his eyes. "All I remember is racing Dally at something."
Johnny walked into the kitchen to join us and leaned against the counter. "I remember most of last night. I'm not suprised you guys don't though."
Immediately we all began asking questions. "Calm down now I'll tell ya." He shoved his hands in his pockets and began.

Narrators POV

Darry had told the gang about a little trip he had to take. He would be back the next afternoon, but was trusting the gang to keep it together one night without him. After some reassurance he got the courage to leave. "Now if I come back and my house is dirty I will be mighty upset. You hear me? Don't mess up my house." That was the only rule besides don't do anything stupid. Don't mess up the house. After some goodbyes he left and the gang was free to do what they pleased.
"So what do you guys wanna do tonight?" Two-bit asked excitedly.
"I say we wing it." Vienna suggested.
"Yeah Darry ain't here so we don't gotta plan nothin." Payton agreed.
"We should get a pizza for dinner." Soda said holding up some cash.
The gang agreed.
By 7:30 the boys and two girls were stiffed with greasy pepperoni pizza, the kind Darry would never get, they even ate it in the living room! "How about a bonfire?" Two-bit suggested.
"Sounds good, I'll help you get it started." Soda went with two-bit out back and Steve tagged along.
"Payton. Payton!" Vienna was whispering to Payton from the hallway and eventually Payton looked up. Vienna was motioning her to come.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Payton said standing up and walking that direction.
"I have an idea." She smiled slyly.

Outside the boys were struggling to create a fire from there small wood pile. Two-bit had been trying until Steve pushed him aside babbling on about how he could do it him self. He couldnt. Suddenly, while Soda was standing watching his best friend fail at creating fire he felt someone's hands come from behind him against the sides of his head, moving his perfected hair out of place. He knew who it was when he heard the giggles.  "Vienna. I'm going to give you the chance to run." He said slowly before turning around and seeing Payton holding a tube of hair grease and Vienna standing and laughing with some smeared across her fingers.
"What's going on over here?" Steve got up from a squatting position near the fire pit and saw Sodas hair on the sides of his head sticking out like gills. Then Vienna and Payton. "Uh oh." Was all he could say before soda sate red running towards Vienna who screamed and started to sprint beside Payton.
At the sound of the scream Dally, Pony and Johnny all came onto the front porch, expecting to see a group of Socs or something but instead witnessed Vienna getting caught by Soda around the waist. "Let me go or I'll mess up the rest too!" She yelled while laughing.
"No way! Dally." Soda looked towards Dally who threw him a small pocket sized bottle of hair grease.
"Ew, no!" Vienna laughed.
"Figured I'd return the favor." Soda said as he squirter a small blob onto the top of her head then continued to smear it.
"Payton!' Vienna yelled. Payton came running back over and quickly shot more into her hand. Vienna turned around and messed up all of Sodas hair, then spread some of the extra grease onto his face. He stood stunned with his eyes closed. Eventually the attacks turned into a full in grease war in the front yard. People were slipping and falling, making grass stains on there jeans. The after math was incredible, everyone's hair was messed, even the girls. While the gang settled down around the newly started bonfire  (thanks to Dallas's fire building skills) they fingers their own hair.
"How can you go all day with this in your hair?" Payton asked no one in particular.
"Really you just have to learn not to touch it. You kinda get used to it ya know?" Johnny answered back. By then each boy had taken a comb out and had begun re-constructioning their hair, since it had been messed up.
"Golly, it must take forever to do that everyday. I just gotta spend 5 seconds puttin'my hair up. But you guys must spend, I don't know, 10. . .15 minutes?" It came out in a statement sounding question and Vienna knew immediately that she shouldn't have brought how long it took to do their hair.
"Five minutes, max." Steve challenged crossing his arms.
"No, I've seen you do yours, it takes him at least 15." Pony leaned towards Payton and told her.
"Yeah well it takes Soda here 20." Steve smiled and hit Soda hard on the back.
"Steve!" He punched his buddy's arm. "No it doesnt." He said to Vienna. "Really?" He whispered to Steve, "we promised we wouldn't talk about it."
"I got an idea. Hows about a good 'ol game o truth or dare?"
"Yeah ok." Everyone agreed.
"OK I'll go first. Um. . .Pony." pony rolled his eyes, Dallas always comes up with some lousy stuff. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Pony said playing it safe.
"Ok, uh. . .your first kiss pony, when was it, who was it, or has it even happened yet?" Dally gave a sly smile.
Pony's ears began to turn red and he fiddled with some grass. "Uh. . . Er. . ." Was all pony could get out before Dally interupted him.
"Well spit it out kid. Have you had your first kiss."
"No, I haven't." Pony looked embarrased. Greasers normally have their first kiss at a very early age, it was rare to find one who hadn't and was 14.
Soda put a hand on Pony's shoulder. "Its ok little man."
"What about you Two? You had yours right?" Dally looked towards Two-bit, everyone knew he was gonna start gilding around the circle and asking.
"Of course." Two answered chuckling.
Dally looked to the next person, Steve. "Dally I have a girlfriend of course I have kissed her."
When he got to Johnny he didn't make to big of a fuss to get it out of him that his first kiss was some girl in the 2nd grade who did it on a dare.
Finally he got to the girls. These were tough chics tougher than some of the boys in the neighbirhood. Dally knew to chose his words wisely, so he didn't even say anything they only answered at their own will.
"Uh yeah. Yeah I've had my first kiss." Payton smiled crooked and glanced towards Dally which was something only Pony and Vienna saw.
"Uh. . .well-" Vienna struggled to finish the sentence. "No." She left it at that.
"No? Tuff grease girl, no first kiss. Ok." Again Dally smiled mischievously.
"Pony its your turn." Dally said. He was thinking about something, the whole gang could tell.
"OK, Two-bit truth or dare?"
"Um, I'm gonna go with dare."
Pony thought for a moment then said, "I dare you to...... "

As I promised guys, and unfinished one. Sorry if it has tons of spelling errors. Love you guys ❤❤❤❤

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