Two-Bit Wedding Part 5!

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Alrighty y'all Im going to start wrapping up this story because I have some requests to get to soon! Enough drama going on in the story for you guys? Im trying not to make it too cheesy, but still keep it spicy a little. Soooo with the said there will probably only be a few more updates for this specific story. We WILL get to the wedding, I promise! Y'all just have to hold your horses and stay along for the ride.

"Is the reason you are acting out because Two is giving more attention to his fiance than you?" The words came straight out of Darry's mouth and stabbed me like the sharp end of a knife. Acting out? Was I really acting out? I didn't think so. I knew that if I said that no one would belive me though, being the youngest it is hard to find others who belive what you are saying most of the time. That is why I fell so hard for that dumb, charming wing nut Soda, he didn't treat me like a teenager, he treated me like a person.
"Are you telling me that I shouldnt voice my side of the story?" I retorted back to him.
"Well, you didn't have to voice it that loud. Especially since we were all sleeping."
"Darry, he is the asshole who barged in and started all that shi-"
"Watch your tongue young lady."
I nodded in apology to him. I knew I wasn't aloud to speak like that. Even Two wouldn't let me. They both always taught me that it was a bad practice of grammer, and I was smarter than to use words or phrases that were offensive to the ears of the sophisticated. Two wanted one of us to turn out right.
"I am acting out because of Two and his girl. I don't want him to sleep next to her."
"What do you mean kid?"
I leaned into his shoulder. "When they are married they are obviously going to sleep next to each other. But she doesn't know how to sleep in the same bed as him. I have had to do it my whole life. I know he likes the left side because he thinks that 'the right side is wrong' or whatever. And when he is drunk he talks in his sleep. And sometimes when he is sick he gets night terrors that make him sleep deprived and you have to keep your hand on his bicep to let him know you are still there. He won't smell like leather boots and beer bottle caps, or wooden bar stools, or nights out on the town. Two-Bit is going to be gone. Instead there will just be Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mathews. I am not scared of losing my brother Darry, I am scared of losing my friend."
"Well Kid," he wrapped an arm around my shouders. " People have to grow up. Some faster than others. Trust me, I know. I cant imagine how it must have felt for Soda and Pony to lose their big brother, and gain a new guardian. Two will learn eventually. He will learn how to balance out the married life with the old life. And just think, maybe him growing up won't be so bad after all. When they have kids, you get to be the aunt. You are still his sister and he loves ya more than you will ever know, and that means you get some of those benifits too. You can spend holidays with them and your mom, meet some new people maybe? Look on the bright side, you always have use. You always have you. Don't like the way your brother ended up? Fine. Fix it for yourself, focus on making you better and earning those grades and making a life for yourself."
"You're right Dar. Thank you. I really needed that. And Dar?"
He had gotten up and started headed toward my bedroom door."Yes Kid?"
"Do you belive me when I say nothing happened last night?"
"I do. I don't think you could be that stupid, even drunk." He smiled and walked out to the hallway closing my door behind him.
Somehow Darry had always had that sort of magic to him. He was always able to make the raging sea calm. He could always make me see the right before the wrong. There is a lot of stuff I probably would have tried to do without him having my back. Darry was someone you could really count on.
After he left my room I spent a while looking back on all the times I might have been ungrateful towards Two, there were plenty, but he was my big brother. It is hard not to give him grief sometimes. I tried to convince myself that it wasn't always my fault, because it wasn't. Like downstairs, he should have listened to me. He should have heard what I had to say. I really hadn't done what he accused me of, like Darry said, I wasn't that stupid, even drunk. I just wished I could show Soda that. I burried my face in my pillow. How could we have messed up that bad, that fast?
When Two came home, I would be grounded, I just knew it. He might honestly send me home to mom. Darry would force me to apologize too, in front everyone, something I really was not looking forward to.

Two-Bit's POV
After the whole ordeal my girl drove me out to relax. Somewhere away from Tulsa. I am not quite sure what the name of the town was but it was small. There was a Dairy Queen she took me to for lunch, which made me feel better. We sat at the outdoor table, food in hand, for an ackward ten minutes before either one of us said anything. When something was said, it was said by her.
"Two?" I glanced up from my fries that were chilling in the basket, I wasn't in the eating kind of mood.
"Hmm?" I grunted back at her in acknowledgment.
"Am I intruding on your family?"
The question hit me like a bullet. Never had I ever thought of our situation in this way. I surely didn't think so, but what about T.C. Is that what she had been seeing this whole time? "What makes you say that?"
"Well, I mean your sister doesn't seem very happy about our whole marrige ordeal. The guys don't seem to care. It is just her I am worried about."
Frustration ran through my veins. "Look, don't worry about her. Okay? She doesn't matter right now. Not in the same conversation of our wedding at least. I want to marry you. No one is going to change that. Not even her. T is a child, she may not think she is, but she is. A meer child. Don't listen to the things that come out of her mouth because normally they ain't true. Okay?"
My answer seemed to take her by suprise and shock her, or more like hit her like a bull dozer. Her mouth just hung open a tad as if she wasn't sure how to speak anymore. It wasn't like I said anything horrible about her. Why should she care so much about how I talk about my own sister?
"I hardly think that was appropriate Two-Bit." she murmured quietly. "After all she is still your sister, grudge or not. You know what? Forget I ever said anything."
Just like that we dropped the subject. Or tried to at least.
"What are we going to do when we get married?" she didn't look up from her food when asking.
"Well I figured we would pretend to be husband and wife or something like that. Play house, ya know." I chuckled a little at my own joke.
"No Two, I mean with your sister. What is your plan with her?"
"Well, babe she is still my baby sister. I plan to take care of her just like I do now."
"Two. I know you think you will be able to but, what about the new life you are going to lead. You are going to be gone. Remember?"
"Yeah, but you guys are still gonna be with Darry aren't you?"
"Well I expect so Two, but at some point I would like to have a life and a house of our own. This all works out now, but what about the future?"
"Hey beautiful? Let's not talk about the future just yet. Let's just focus on getting married soon." I slid my food to the middle of the table and grabbed the car keys from next to my girl. "We should probably get out of here. It is getting to be afternoon."
The drive back home was quite silent, but I didn't mind. It gave me the chance to think about the day so far. About life in the future, if I had life in the future.
When we pulled into the drive way, Dallas, D.G., Pony and Johnny were still out.

End of chapter 5! Sorry this chapter was so boring, but I have to get through all this to get to the good ending stuff. So hold on and we will be there shortly! Thank y'all! Please leave your comments below and have a beautiful day!

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