The First. . .

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The stars are blazing in the night sky and the moon lights up the clearing where you two have parked the truck far away from the road. Getting away from the road was your idea. Somehow it made you feel like you weren't in Tulsa anymore, like if cars couldnt see you then you didnt exist. Just you and him in a world of empty souls. The radio was blarring The Wanderer and he was just looking at his hands on his lap while you fiddled with the zipper of your jacket.
"Im sorry. How mamy times do I have to say it?" he broke the ice.
You just looked at him in awe. How could he think that what he did was forgivable. You start to think that maybe the reason you wanted to be away from the road was so no one would be around if you happened to murder him. You roll your eyes and gaze to your right out the passenger seat window. Maybe if you ignore him long enough he will just disappear.
"Are you even listening?" he stares at you for a minute, you don't move, so he throws his head back to the head rest on his seat and sighs. "Why do I even bother trying to apologize if you're too damn stubborn to listen?"
"What did you just say to me?" He had your attention now. No one ever said something like that to you before. Stubborn. What did he know? He was the one that was in the wrong, why should he be putting you in your place right now?
"I said, why do I even try apologizing if you're too damn stubborn to listen?"
"Stubborn my ass! Are you suddenly 'Mister Im In The Clear'? Because you ain't. Ok? I dont have to forgive you!"
"You're right you don't have to forgive me but you can sure as well hear my apology at least!"

. . . . To be continued.

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