Getting you ALL up to date!!!

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*The clock ticks 3am. Outside the sounds of train horns and dogs barking are drown out by smug, grim laughter. A sound that could cut through hair grease. A car door slams out front of the Curtis house. Only does  the slow creaking of the front door break the dark silence of the house. The front door clicks closed and our opening character lets out a small sigh while the sound of a truck engine rolls into the distance of the run down neighborhood. Inside, the household is as quiet as death, with the exception of one lone ticking clock hung on the living room wall. Everywhere is dark, not one speck of light shows through under any of our bedroom doors, creating the inference that everyone present is asleep. Our strange and mysterious character begins looking around the framilier-but-not-so-framiler living room. Everything is basically the same from what they remeber besides the new picture, framed and sitting pleasently atop the TV. With shaking hands they reach out to grab ahold of the odd picture, o ulling it closer to their face, inspecting it deeply. Seven framilier faces shown, standing smiling with their arms around each other. A stifled sob struggled to escape and with that they let go all at once of the picture, which went falling -almost in slow motion-through the air and onto the floor. There was an intense shatter of the glass and wooden sides of the frame and all that lay left was the picture covered in a decoration of sharp edged glass pieces. It was shock that held back the tears, the urge to run. It was only the sound of a certain "Who's in here?" That snapped the attention of our character back. There in the living room of the Curtis house stood Darry, Soda, Pony boy and DG Curtis. Shocked with the suprise of seeing the brunette all five stood in silence.

Darry: Mathews?

T.C Mathews: *with teary eyes* Yeah.

Soda: You came back.

T.C Mathews: I came back.

(The group joined in a hug there is the livingroom. Welcoming the raggy looking teenage girl back into the tight-knit family. Tears were shed, but silently. Darry and the girl had nevr really gotten along but secretly he thanked God for he safe return home, she had been missing since December, and finallly showed up again in April.)

Darry: You've sure as hell have a lot of explaining to do for your brother. And boy is he going to loose his head over you bein' home.

T.C Mathews: Don't remind me. Please.

D.G Curtis: Oh boy I sure do want to be there when that happens. Gee, can't we go get him now?

Darry: No, I'll spare the girl one night. At least let you sleep, looks like you need it, ya look like a mess kid. Where have you been?

T.C Mathews: Everywhere. But now Im home, and thats all that matters, because this is where I belong.

Soda: It sure is. (Soda and T.C share a long awaited hug between the two and after this the group heads back into the bedrooms to resettle for the night.)

Okayyyyyyy, so hi! Yeah its me, again. and that was my little way of saying "I am so sorry please forgive my absence" in a way that we all enjoy. that was also a figurative play on me being gone and coming home to you guys after a VERY long time. Sooooo yes. Thank you again to evryone who commented or DM'd me with requests! Those were very needed! Even though it took me about two months to even look at some of them. Oooppppss. Sorry. So I am on spring break so hopefully (Cross the fingers) I will have time to at least start writing the requests. Anyways i have to go but please stick with me, I am trying my best, I really am. Thank you Loves!!!!

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