Im sorry

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Hey guys.  My life has been really crazy lately and a ton if stuff is about to change.  So here is a short update for y'all. 

Darryl sat in the living room waiting for he younger brother Soda to arrive back home.  Normally this would be him waiting for Pony,  but pony was peacfully asleep in the room he shared with his older brother.  This was an anomoly. 
Lately the Curtis house had been a bit of a wreck.  Dallas ran off to Texas again,  Steve was working full time at the DX and Two-Bit had been gone missing some time ago. If you were to ask any of them,  they would all be able to tell you every detail of the day that Two never came home.  The phone rang late that night when Steve picked it up.  The ringing was unusal,  normally no one really ever called.  But then person on the other end of the line was unexpected also.  Two-Bits mother who had been waiting for him to come home to her,  she explained that she hadn't seen him in almost a month and he had agreed to stop by to see his little sister, Kathrine ,  and herself. He never showed 
The search never stopped, even then the boys looked for him in ever crowd,  every place they went,  together or not. 
Darry was sure that this is why Pony was back everynight,  well before his curfew, but normally soda was too.  He got up and went to the telephone,  dialing the number of the DX,  maybe Steve knew where he was, best case scenario, Soda was at the DX with Steve. 
There are three rings and Steve picked up "This is the DX, your talkin' to steve."
"Hey Steve. "
Steve chuckled.  "Oh, hey Dar. Whats up big guy? "
"Soda wouldn't happen to be with yiu,  would he?"
Steve sighed, "Um, I'm afraid not Superman. Ya know unless he's hiding under a car or something." He chuckle a little more. 
Dar stayed silent for a minute.
"Dar? Everything alright?" Asked Steve concerningly. 
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok. "
"Gee,  Dar,  I'm sure everythin in gonna be ok? Ya know im sure Two-Bit is just being Two-Bit. You know he he likes messin with us. He's ok."
"Yeah. Your alright  I'm just afraid that it was my fault,  ya know,  that Two-Bit is gone."
"No, come on Darryl Curtis, pull yourself together. "
"Your right,  well thanks, Steve,  and if you see Soda,  tell him to come home."
"Will do. Catch you later Dar."
"Catch you later. "
Darry went back to his chair and sat down, his weak attempts at reading the evening newspaper were usless. 
2:33 am. 
The front door opens, Soda walks in  Darry's passed out in his arm chair.  The feeling was still pounding in sodas chest,  and moving down through his organs, tearing him up through his veins. 
He thought he had made it through the living room but someone was coming towards him. 
It wasn't darry.  The voice was too high to be Darryl.  He was asleep
Soda couldn't get words out.  Everything was too much.  He just looked ahead of him at a tired pony,  innocent. Innocent Pony.  Soda tired to push out the words "Pony,  go back to sleep,  I'll be up in a minute kid brother." But someone said it before him.  A strong hand came down on his shoulder,  Darry. 
"Pony go to bed soda is gonna be up for a little with me."
With a confused look Pony turned back around and went to the room.  Darry waited to here the Ponys door close until he began to speak with Soda. They say together at the kitchen table I  silence for quite some time.  Darry brought a glass of water for both him and soda then began his heckling. 
"What were you th-" But before Darry could finish his sentence he noticed the suddenly fierce wins of his younger brother.  Soda was crying, no this was more than crying,  the only way this could be explained is that he was letting every built op feeling of the past few months out through this hysterical sobbing.  Darry was shocked,  sure Soda was one of the more open,  emotional ones of the gang, but he didn't cry,  no he never cried, especially in front of other people.  
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry.  I'm sorry. " he repeated between sobs and breathes. 
"Soda, calm down before you cry yourself sick now. Talk to me."
"I'm sorry. Darry.  I'm sorry. " Soda slid off his chair and knelt on the kitchen florr,  his back heaving with the strength of his sobs.
"I know Darry. I know. Ive known for a while now  I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Soda,  calm down and tell me what is going on!"
"It's Two. I know Dar, I forgot but now I remeber."
"Soda tell me. What about two? Where is he Soda?" Darry dimener changed in an instant.  Would he finally finished out where two was?
Soda looked up at him sobbing so hard nothing came out, tears rolled down his face and he rocked back and forth and shook his head. 
"It was the night two's mom called.  We went out,  I don't remember where,  but we got hammered.  We decided to drive because because he said he had somewhere else to be,  but his car broke down. It broke down darry. It broke down. I remember a mustang pulling up to us asking if we needed help, they got us Dar."

Alright guys,  I know it's a bit of a cliff hanger  I just wanted you guys to know that I'm still here.  I'm sorry I've been gone,  school is just really kicking my but right now,  along with sports.  I love you guys!!!!

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