Johnny Imagine "Yeah, It gets okay after a while."

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Alrighty now, this one is for *scrolls through long list of usernames all praising love for our gang* 80smovies_trash. I hope y'all enjoy!!

"Whats your name?" The kid in the blue shirt asked me, as he held the sharp blade beside my shoulder.
I stayed silent. "Come on pretty baby, tell us your name." One of the others tried.
His blade got closer, and his grip on my neck got tighter. Two others held my arm to my side so I couldnt hit. But they forgot about my legs. As the glistening switch blade stung against the soft pale tissue of my cheek, I raised my knee with great force, hitting him between the legs. His knife fell to the ground, we all made a run for it. In a pianful pile we fought over the blade, me eventually winningbcause apparently soc's cant handle being bitten on the hand. When they alll noticed Id rebounded the knife first they backed away.
"Knifes arent for little ladies." One said.
"Well as a matter of fact Im not a little lady. Im a woman."
"Put down the knife sweetheart."
"Oh Im sorry honey I just dont think I can do that for you." I mocked them in return. It was working until for some resean they began laughing and coming closer to me.
There was a sharp pain in my right temple when I woke up. The sun was no longer bright, but much lower in the sky and the air was a bitter and cold.
I heard it. "Hannah."
There was a face, above me. Familier and soft, but I could place no name to it.
"Hannah." It came again.
"No." Was all I said in responce. My eyes started to open wider and I became more clear of my surroundings. I remembered what had happened. The soc's. The knife. Johnnny, was kneeling beside me, helping my sit up.
"Hannah. Are you alright?"
" Yes. Im fine. Just a little shaken."
"It looks like you got hit in the head, and you've got a nasty cut on your face but besides that your okay. " Johnny began to examine me further.
"Im scared Johnny. What if they come back?"
"Yeah, it gets okay after a while. and they wont come back. Because if they do, they deal with me."
"Thank you Johnny." We were silent for a moment. The way the late afternoon sun hit his goden skin made him look even more beautiful than he was already. And thats when I did it. I kissed the love of my life.

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