My Little Orange Dress

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"I had this orange flowing dress that I loved. The day I bought it I took it home and stared at it in my bedroom for what seemed like an hour. It was rusty orange with white flowers that had green stems. The front laced up on the top. It made me feel beautiful. Well, I went to school in it the next day, and somehow the dress that I thought would bring me luck and happiness somehow brought me more grief than I had ever experienced in a day."
His eyes stared down at your hands while you swallowed and took a deep breath.
"That morning I did my hair and my makeup, put on the dress and I felt real pretty. Prettier than I had ever felt as a mater of fact. I tied a black lace band around my pinned up hair-due and swiped on some lip gloss. When I went downstairs I was expecting my mom to tell me I looked pretty, like most other moms do. Instead she told me that my dress shouldn't go down so low and that no boy aint never gonna want to be with me if I go flauntin' myslef off. But I just brushed it off my shoulder. Dont care nothin' of what my momma thinks. So I got to school and Im getting off the bus when I trip and fall into a mud puddle in the sidewalk. Got a little stain on my knee, but aint nothin' too bad. I went into the school to rinse it out in the bathroom before anyone saw. Lucky me the boy I liked walked right into me in the hallway, or rather I walked right into him- you see I was just so distracted trying to get the mud off me i forgot to look where I was goin'. Walked right smack into him and fell on the floor, got laughed at a little for that one.
Well eventually I got to the bathroom and go the stain out. It all went well until lunch. Courtney Crovers dropped her chicken chili all over my lap. I laughed it off and told her it was ok-that these kinds of things happen to me on a normal basis. And by now they did. As you can say that day went pretty bad so I was relived when I got to leave and head home. You see, then my car ran out off gas and now well, here I am."
YOu look up at the handsome cashier who is waiting to check you out at the DX. He looks at you and says "Well it seems youve had a pretty crappy day. Mind if I help you carry that gas canister down to your car?"
"That would be swell."
As you guys start to walk he looks over to you and says "How funny my bestfrined told me that the babe he wants to ask out ran into him in the hallway today. Ran right smack into him. He was so embarrased he had to turn around and walk away before she saw how red he was."

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