Sodapop-Promise Ring

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Hey guys I'm back with another update, this one was requested by
tenneesseewalkerI'm writing this so late at night because I feel so sick and I can't sleep,  so I hope you guys enjoy.

The stars were bright that night. Just like they always were on summer Oklahoma nights. That night was nothing special not a birthday, not an anniversary, Soda just begged you to go out on a nice date with him, so of course you said yes.
Normally your dates with him involved sitting at home on the couch watching the chaos of 6 other teenager boys try to beat each other up, but tonight Soda wanted to do way more. It almost made you feel bad that he was spending that money, you knew he didn't have a lot but his love and attention was always enough for you. He suggested the drive in, then going to the diner, taking a drive and ending at bucks with the rest of the gang to party a little.
Everything went purely amazing. At the drive in Soda saved you from 2 socs trying to hit on you and he made you miss half the movie because he was kissing you so much.
When you finally made it to the diner the waitresses were eyeing Soda up and down so you made sure to keep close to him, he was all yours.
During your drive with him though, he seemed. . .off. Like he kept starting to say something but just stopped. He was never shy toward you so this made you really wonder.
Finally you guys ended at Bucks. The whole gang was inside where music was blasting, people were drinking and everyone was having a blast. You were never one to say no to a good party. After Soda and you greeted the rest of the gang Darry took Soda aside to talk and left you with the others.
After a few minutes Soda came back downed a sip of beer and stood up on the bar.
"Excuse me! Excuse me everyone!" The music stopped and the attention was on him. "I would like to introduce you to my beautiful doll Samantha." Fatty lifted you onto the bar also so you were standing next to Soda. You were blushing as hard as ever. "She's mighty beautiful and she is all I will ever need in my entire life. And I'm only 17, and I don't have the money right now to marry ya, if I did I'd marry ya in a heart beat ya know that right?" He looked at you and you nodded. Slowly a reached into his back pocket and knelt down on one knee.
"Now sweet cheeks, this ain't a wedding proposal. I just love you so so much, you are my everything and I can't ever imagine my life without you and although I don't have a lot and I won't for a while, this is my promise. My promise that someday I will ask you to marry me. Will this be your promise that someday you will say yes?"

Hey guys, so I hoped you liked it. You can tac on your own ending there loves 😉. I love you guys!!!

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