Proposals Darry

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     It was a hot summer day and you had spent it working at the hardware store down town. It was your first job so it wasnt much just stocking pieces on shelves and helping customers find what they need. When you got off you decided to stop by the small family owned grocery store just a few blocks away. You knew you guys needed milk and eggs at the house, and Darry would be furious if he came home and didnt have the things he needed to cook with. It seemed unconentional, but Darry always cooked when he got home, never anyone else. It gave him a sense of control and authority over all the younger members if the gang. After checking out you head back to the house to wait for your favorite person to arrive home from work.
None of the other boys had come home before Darry's truck pulled up. Pony had a date, Johnny, Steve and Two were all out at the movies and Dallas, well who knows where he was. The truck rumbled up the driveway and the engine cut out. Normally Daryl would bund up the porch steps and race into the house to kiss you nand greet the boys, but for some reason today he took longer than nomal to get in, you met him at the door.
On the porch you meet a tired and somewhat hunched over Darry. He is stopped with his hand holding himself up against the house.
"Darry? Are you okay? What is going on?"
"Really beautiful, its nothing, head on back inside I am right behind you." His voice was full of masked pain. You put your arm around him and take him to his chair so he can sit down.
"I cant sit down long I have to make dinner for you and the boys." Darry began to get back up but you stop and him.
"Don't you worry about all of that tonight tough guy, Ive got it handled." With that you go into the kitchen but quickly realize cooking has never really been your forte, but baking, baking is something you could do! About an hour later you come out of the kitche holding a large chocloate cake on a plate and two forks. Darry fell asleep in his chair a long while ago so you had to wake him up. He was so suprised and joyful to see your unconventional dinner. You two sat and ate for a while then you offered to rub out him back.
He lays on his stomach on the couch and you sit on his legs and rub out his back up and down his spine. After a good twenty minutes he reaches back grabs you wrist and leads you down off the couch.
"Hey beautiful could you grab my tool belt there is somethin' in there that I need."
"Of course, you stay here Ill grab it." You go across the room to the arm chair and grab his tool belt that had been slung over the back. When you brought it back to him he sat up reached into one of the small pockets pulling out a small brown box. Suddenly he got down on one knee and you knew exactly where this was going.
"I know that this might be kinda quick and not very spectacular. I don't have much but whenever I am with youI feel like I have everything the world could offer. I can't imagine having to take on this life without you with me. So with that being said, will you marry me?"
Tears had welled up in your eyes, it didnt take any thought, before you even knew you were speaking you were saying yes.

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