Chapter- Fourteen

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Kaden, a new friend

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Kaden, a new friend.

With my bag behind me, I push my key into the keyhole after I hear a small click I push the doors open but the sight before will forever be in my head as much as I wish it wouldn't.

Professor Jordan lays butt-naked on Sabrina as he kisses her, it seems they are too involved in their actions that they didn't hear me open the door but my throat clearing breaks them from eating each other's face.

I turn to give them privacy to put on their clothes. "Uh. . ."

"There's nothing to say, sir." I interrupt my professor. He nods and leaves the house. Facing Sabrina who doesn't look guilty instead she runs her fingers through her hair with a smile.

"You look like shit," I frown at her words.

"You have no idea what I went through," I mumble as I roll my bag up to my room with me.

The next day is a school day, but I've been on my bed deciding if I have to college or not.

Do I even need college with the drama going on in my life?

With, a sigh I get up from the bed and take my bath. After my bath, I put on a brown oversized sweater with black jeans and pair my outfits with brown boots.

My hair is packed in a messy bun as I leave my room, "You look like someone just died." Sabrina says as she opens the door leading to the halls.

"No one died," I answer adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"What happened at Deventer Kathrine?" Sabrina asks in a serious tone.

"Nothing," I sigh, "I'm just tired. Besides I'm mad I saw professor Jordan naked! I mean I thought you gave up on seducing him." Sabrina puts her keys in the ignition and starts the car with a smile on her face.

"Nope! Never gave up, I was preparing a strategy." She answers proudly, "And it worked but you came before I could fully enjoy my hard work." She rolls her eyes and I shake my head.

"You're unbelievable," I rest my head on the window as she drives us both to college.

Sabrina and I part ways after she stops the car, she goes to her department and I go to mine. On my way to my class, I see a guy standing by the wall, he's wearing a black hoodie, and his hands her buried in his pants pocket.

And I walk up to him even though he looks like he's about to set the building on fire, "Hi." I chirp.

He raises an eyebrow and I catch him pushing his golden hair back, he doesn't respond instead he faces forward ignoring me totally.

"Are you new?" I ask again. I don't even know why I insist on talking with him. He nods his head stiffly.

"Oh, I can show you around the school so you don't get lost--"

"What do you want?" He asks irritatedly.

"I just- I was-- nevermind," I say as I turn on my heels to go to class.

"Wait, you could show me around, sorry I was being an ass," he removes his body from the wall and follows me.

"I'm Kathrine," I say to fill the silence.

"Kaden." I nod, my morning was spent showing Kaden around the school.

Throughout the tour, Kaden stayed quiet only speaking when he needed to use the bathroom, which is why I'm standing by the bathroom door waiting for him to be done with his business.

Humming a tune I tap my feet on the floor but hands drag me and slap their other hand on my mouth to prevent me from screaming. My eyes widen as I think I'm about to get kidnapped.

Soon I'm slammed on the wall in a dark closet, the lights come up and I finally see the culprit. "Storm," I say, he places his palm by my head.

"Katherine." I push him away ready to leave but he pulls me closer.

"Leave me be Storm, I told you to stay away from me. Don't make me get a restraining order!" I warn.

"You're really not going to talk to me?!" Storm asks, anger laced in his tone.

"Yes! You know what? I'm ready to put everything behind me. I'm ready to pretend there was no explosion that almost took my life-- if you would tell me why you almost killed a baby, " I say as I cross my arms.

Storm looks away and steps back. "I can't-"

"Exactly. So I can't keep hanging out around you. Your presence is toxic! Just, just stay away from me." My tone turns softer at the last part as Storm clenches his fist.

I leave the closet and that's when Cooper passes by, "Hey--" I don't let him continue before I walk away.

I spent 30 mins searching for Kaden but I couldn't find him, so I gave up and went to class now it's the closing period and I couldn't be happier.

For one, it's Friday which means I could stay indoors the entire weekend without interacting with anyone. Two, I don't have a two I mean it's Friday!

"Kaden?" I call out to the black figure that rests his body by the tree puffing out smoke. "I have been looking everywhere for you."

"Well, you've found me now shoo!" I frown at his rudeness.

"Sorry, I'm having a bad day," he apologizes.

"That's not an excuse to be disrespectful." I cross my arms.

"You said you were going to show me around the school I went to pee and I came out only to find you gone, so excuse me if I'm rude!"

I stay quiet trying to find a perfect explanation for my disappearance. "Do you know him?" Kaden points to someone I squint my eyes and see its Storm who looks upset.

"I don't," I answer. "I'm sorry I disappeared I was called by someone but when I came back I tried searching for you," I say and Kaden nods.

"Well, goodbye see you on Monday. I guess." He leaves after waving soon I feel a presence by my side.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You want to know why I wanted to kill a baby?" I turn to Storm and nod with my eyebrows raised. "That baby is better dead!" I scoff and walk away from him.

"I give up Storm. I'm no longer interested in listening to whatever you have to say!" I shout as I walk further away from him.

When I get home I'm welcomed by an excited Sabrina, "Good, you're here! We have to go shopping!" She drops her phone and faces me with a huge smile.

"I don't need any new clothes," I answer as I lock the door.

"Well, you need one for the Halloween party!" I furrow my eyebrows trying to remember if I had agreed to any Halloween party. "Jenna McNamara is throwing a Halloween party." Sabrina explains and my mouth forms an 'o' as I realize that must have been her reason for excitement.

"And you are going."

I have a feeling it wouldn't end well.


This is a filler chapter! I've been extremely busy 😣 updates will be very slow now.


Thanks for reading!❤️

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