Chapter- Twenty- Nine

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The beauty in Storm

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The beauty in Storm.

The elevator doors open and we enter an apartment. The apartment is a bit cold and dimly lighted, two brown couches are facing the large size TV on the wall, my eyes move to the human-sized window that would enable someone to see the beautiful city.

A smile automatically makes its way to my lips as I see the fireplace, "I'll go fix us something to eat." Storm says.

"Ok," then I roll my bag as Storm motions for me to follow him.

"This is your room. Mine is across yours--"

"Can I sleep in the same room with you?" The words escape my lips without realizing, surprise crosses his face, "I mean, since we already sleep in the same room in Boston it wouldn't be--"

"You don't have to explain yourself, Kathrine," he rolls my bag and I follow him.

His room has a big balcony, it also has a big bed and a small table. Along with a bathroom connected to the room.

"If you need me I'll in the kitchen." He closes the door softly and flops on the bed as the cool atmosphere hits my skin.

With a smile on my face, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Kathrine." I feel someone touch my shoulder and I slowly open my eyes and see Storm.

"Hey," I whisper and stretch my arms.

"C'mon the food is ready." I follow him to the kitchen and I take my sit on a stool by the table island. I giggle as I see the smiley face eggs.

"This is so cute, thanks." We finish eating and I offer to wash the dishes and Storm goes to have a shower.

Later I call Sabrina, "Hey!" I shout the moment she picks.

"How is the apartment?" She asks immediately.

"Oh, my gosh Sabrina. It's so beautiful. Seattle is so beautiful." I gush.

"And Storm?"

"He is so-- what do you mean by 'And Storm?" I ask her and she chuckles.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Her voice is low and tired.

"Are you okay? Your voice isn't like usual." I ask worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just missing you."

"I miss you too Sabrina." I giggle. There's silence from her end for a while and I grow more worried, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yessss, but I have to go now. Bye." She disconnects the call before I could speak. I drop my phone on the couch and play with my hair.

It's already night time and Storm and I are both sitting on the same couch, a blanket draped over us and a bowl of popcorn in between us as we watch TO ALL THE BOYS: ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Well, I'm watching it while Storm frowns each time he doesn't understand a scene.

"See? I really don't understand why she doesn't just tell him she didn't get accepted right now. I mean--" I roll my eyes, it's cute tho but it's also annoying.

"You're literally the worse person to watch a movie with." I groan and Storm stares at me offended.

"It's not like it's my fault the movie is confusing."

"Sure, you're not the only one who doesn't understand the movie." I sarcastically say and his frown deepens.

"Take that back!" I smirk.

"The truth is bitter my dear. You don't understand teenage movies. I mean you're like a zillion years old or something." I tease more, "Soon enough you'll get wrinkles then--" Storm doesn't let me complete my sentence as he suddenly drags me closer to him.

"See a thing about being supernatural is, we never get old. We remain young and fresh," Storm says, I'm so close to him that I could smell the wine we drank earlier in his breath, although his lips are moving but I hear no words.

My focus is on his face, I notice how a bit crooked his nose is, and how beautiful his eyes are, and sharp his chin is, "Are you even listening to me?" Storm's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

But not entirely as my mind wander off to the time Storm came to borrow sugar from me, his hands on my body, the way my body felt loosed and free from worries. The way he commanded my body without words- only actions.

"Kathrine..." Storm calls out and I stare into his eyes and realize they are pitch black and they continue switching from blue to black. It looks like he is fighting to stay in control.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly when I get off him he releases a breath and his hand on my hair drops.

"I-i could read all your thoughts." He states and I wait for him to explain further, "And that has never been possible. While I was reading it I felt like there was something in my head trying to get out it kept bounces around the walls in my head-- it was painful." I raise both my eyebrows in shock.

"I'm sorry," I say and his eyes stay blue and he gives a tiny smile.

"I'll have to remember to stay away from your head." Storm jokes trying to lighten the mood.

"So you could read everything that was going on in my head?" I ask lowly and an arrogant smirk makes its way onto his lips.

"Every single thought about you find me irresistible." My cheeks burn up.

"I didn't say that." I lamely defend myself.

"I think you were thinking about the time I came to borrow a cup of sugar from you." His smirk continues growing and I punch his left shoulder.


"I mean I don't blame you, you wouldn't be the first person to find me extremely attractive." Storm chuckles at my red face.

"Well, I'm going to bed and you can continue watching the movie." I get up.

"Hell no. I can't keep watching... This." He stands up with me and follows me to the room.

"I'm going to shower first," I announce.

After we both showed- separately of course. We both lay on the bed in comfortable silence but my mind couldn't stop wondering why my thoughts brought pain to Storm. He hides that he isn't bothered by it but I could see it on his face.

"So any theory yet?" I ask in the quiet room, the weather makes me snuggle deeply into the covers.

"About?" Storm asks.

"Come on," I push more and he sighs.

"I have no idea. No one's thought has ever caused me, hell I didn't even remember how pain felt until tonight." Storm says and I feel more guilty.

"I'm so--"

"No don't apologize. Pain is good. For a demon to feel pain is good, it means he still has a connection to his humanity, if anything I should be thanking you." Storm pulls me closer and I place my head on his chest.

It's sad that he has to feel pain to feel a connection to his humanity, I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

Sometime in the night, I feel myself being thrown across the room, I open my eyes and I see Storm stalking towards me in his demon form.


Thanks for reading.

PS it's my birthday month 🌚

Have a nice day/night.

My new book is out!!!!!!!!!!

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