Chapter- Twenty- Four

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A drama-free Thanksgiving dinner?

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A drama-free Thanksgiving dinner?

After the introductions are out of the way, we all settle down to eat but before I could settle down Sabrina pulls me to the kitchen leaving her cute new boo all alone with everyone.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Storm are dating?" She asks, betrayal written all over her face and I frown.

"That's because we're not dating," I answer and she crosses her arms.

"Really? So he just happens to be at the family Thanksgiving dinner because he's free?" I nod with a straight face. "Oh, that explains why the sexual tension between you two has increased more that I'm sure it's suffocating your parent. Well if you need me you know where to find me." She walks away back to everyone leaving opening and closing my mouth at her words.

We don't have any sexual tension!

After taking my seat I avoid staring at Storm as Sabrina's words replay in my head. "Do you mind passing the salt?" Storm asks and I look up from my plate and realize the salt is in front of me, I shakingly pick it and give it to him and a tiny smile graces his lips.

My dad stares between us and furrows his eyebrows.

We eat in silence since we all know it's dangerous to talk while eating but I silently thank heavens for no demon invasion. After eating Sabrina and my mom offers to help pack the plates.

"So, you're dating someone else." My mom speaks and I freeze while I catch the mysterious glint in Sabrina's eyes.

"Yes, she is," Sabrina says and I widen my eyes. My mom stares at me with a disapproving gaze.

"Why didn't you tell me? Anyway, I'm not really mad, I mean he's extremely hot! And the sexual tension between you guys was very hard to ignore while we ate!" My mom says and a blush spreads on my cheek, Sabrina bursts out laughing.

"What? No one is dating anyone and there's no sexual tension between anyone! The only person in a relationship here is Sabrina." That shut Sabrina up straight as my mom turns to her with a gasp.

"That's such good news! Wow!" That isn't the reply I was expecting. Sabrina sends a cheeky smile towards me as my mom pulls her into a hug.

"And he's cute too!" My mom adds and I groan. After washing five dishes I told them to let it be that we shouldn't spend Thanksgiving in the kitchen. Part of me wondered where the plates are going to stay since Storm magically summoned them but I don't dwell on that for long as I see my dad, Storm, and Jace watching a football game.

The awkwardness between them seems to have vanished as they watch with all seriousness and yell at the player that was supposed to score a goal. I flop on the couch Storm sat and I whisper in his ears.

"What's going to happen to the plates?" He frowns before he remembers and releases a small chuckle.

"When everyone is gone I'll take care of them." I raise my eyebrows as excitement fills me, I almost bounce on my seat as I stare at the clock.

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