Chapter- Twenty- Six

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Love Or Lust?

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Love Or Lust?

The young man served every customer with a smile on his face without being aware of the demon that watched him with admiration.

Each customer that came and ordered something always left a tip for the man, his smile and joyfulness was contagious.

He wasn't aware of the chaos that went on in the world and even if he was, he was doing a good job at hiding it.

Storm found out his mother had another son for a different man before she died. When Lucifer erased her memory she married someone else and they had a son, Storm envied his half nephew despite the age and family gap between them.

He wished he was filled with joy and light instead of sadness and darkness.

The man looked similar to his mom and he felt his heart squeeze as the man stared at him with the same cool brown hair his mother had. He wore a smile on his face so easily, Storm balled his fist as he swore silently that he would make Lucifer pay for what he took from him.

He took his freedom.

He took his joy.

He took his light.

And he swore he would take Lucifer's life and throne.

"Hello, can I get you something?" For the first time in years, Storm flashed a real smile to another person. Not even Kathrine had seen him smile fully.

"No, no. I'm fine." Storm answered the young man nodded.

"Well if you ever need anything do wave." The same words his mom said to some customers when he was younger.

Storm was about to answer the young man when his phone buzzed with a message from Zachary.

Zachary: Get here instantly something happened to Kathrine.

That was all Storm needed to snap him out of whatever mushy feeling he had for his distant nephew.

He stood up and packed his things then left.

When Storm got to the restaurant he saw Kathrine with tears rolling down her cheeks, "Kathrine." Storm called and she ran to him, he hugged her as she sniffled. Zachary walked up to them leaving the police officer he was speaking with.

"So they found a body," Zachary started and Storm felt Kathrine stiffen "And Kathrine at the scene."

Storm finally understood everything and Katherine's mood, "What really happened?" Storm asked, Katherine stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"I-i came out of the bathroom and s-she, she was there. I didn't realize the knife she held not until she slit her wrist. She died in front of me Storm." Kathrine cried more.

"I'll know how to compel the officers," Zachary said awkwardly, Storm knew Zachary didn't know how to console Kathrine, in fact, no demon knew how to console anyone, they were all thought to avoid emotions.

"Kathrine, there was nothing you could have done. Did she say anything before ending her life?" Kathrine sniffled a bit before nodding.

"She said someone told her to tell me since I've decided not to leave you this was what was going to happen, or something like that. Oh, and Mateo was written on the mirror after she died." Storm balled his fist in anger and he felt his beast rise to the surface. Dark clouds formed in the sky as he realized Mateo did this to Kathrine.

"Come on let's leave here. Where's your mom and Sabrina?" Storm asks.

"They left. Dad came to pick mom since Zachary assured her I'd be fine. And Sabrina followed to drop them at the airport." Storm led her to his car, the drive home was silent except for the little sniffles that escaped Kathrine's lips.

Soon rain began falling which added to the sad mood, "Can I stay at your place?" Kathrine asked and Storm nodded.

After they got to their apartment complex, they went into the elevator then into Storm's apartment. Kathrine stayed quiet the whole time, she didn't utter a word even as she removed her clothes for her bath.

Kathrine felt her muscles relax as she got into the bathtub, Storm watched her the whole time and sighed. He removed his clothes and got into the bathtub with her with the determination to make her smile.

"What's really wrong?" Storm sighed when she didn't make a move when he got into the tub.

"I-i watched her die," Kathrine answered, Storm moved a bit closer since the bathtub was big creating enough room for about 4 people.

Storm ran his fingers through her hair softly, he unintentionally inhaled her innocent scent, the same light his mother had was the same in Kathrine, hell, it was almost brighter than his mother's.

"You need to understand that there's nothing you could have done."

"I know, but I can't just erase the entire thing from my head, each time I blink it's like I'm back at the scene again. I'm scared Storm." Kathrine sobbed, Storm gathered her into his arms not minding that she was naked, and from the looks of things she didn't mind either.

"I can help you forget the whole process. It will be like you weren't present when she slit her wrist instead you only found her body." Storm said and Kathrine raised her head.

"You can do that?" Storm nodded, "But that wouldn't do anything."

"It would, at least you wouldn't feel like it's your fault." Storm reassured her, Kathrine nodded. Storm placed his hands on both sides of her head and he closed his eyes.

He was showed what happened in the bathroom; he saw the fear and horror in Kathrine's eyes. And saw the confusion in the other girl's eyes, and how she slit her wrist and the gasp that followed then Mateo's name on the mirror with blood. Storm carefully changed it in Kathrine's head.

He made it look like she just entered the bathroom and the girl was dead already, and Mateo's name was on the mirror while doing this Storm felt Kathrine relax as she slowly closed her eyes and welcomed sleep.

After setting up her memory, he carried her from the bathroom and gently laid her on his bed. In the white sheet, she looked innocent with her wet hair and pale lips. Her cheeks were red and rosy a reminder that she was in the bathtub that was filled with hot water.

Storm felt something awaken in him as he watched Kathrine sleep.

Maybe it was love.


Maybe it was lust for her innocent soul that called out to every demon.

He had no idea, but he hoped for her sake it wasn't love.


Another chapter completed!

Is Storm falling in love?😏

Also, I can't wait for my new book to be out, it's a fantasy novel. I hope you check it out🤗

Thanks for reading!

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