Chapter- Eight

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The witch & the demon

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The witch & the demon.

Five centuries, five hundred years. That was how long Storm was tortured and kept as a prisoner in his father's house. According to how long demons live, five hundred years were considered teenagers.

Flashes of the ripping of his wings flashed into his mind every time he snapped his eye shut, Storm laid on his bed. In a starfish position as he desperately pleaded for a peaceful sleep to welcome him but all his efforts and pleas fell on deaf ears.

He had control over all things, he could command the dead to raise, he could command the living to fall but he couldn't command for a peaceful sleep. Each shut of his eyes brought reminders of the days he spent locked up! Beaten up! For no apparent reason.

Storm walked to the big window in his room, a small smirk graced his lips as he heard Kathrine argument with her boyfriend. "Finally some drama" he muttered as he decided to pay attention to their discussion.

Storm heard her tell her boyfriend about their intimacy. Her boyfriend bursted out laughing before he stopped and pleaded with her to tell him how much of a lie it was.

"But it isn't" Storm chuckled in his room, for the first time he was grateful for his supernatural ears. He would have missed this drama!

Yells were followed by things being crashed and a pleading Kathrine. Soon the doors to her apartment were snapped shut and the voice of Kathrine pleas filled up the hall.

Storm left his room and hung by the door of his apartment with crossed arms and a smirk on his lips. He caught Kathrine wiping her tears away. "You finally told him and he left? He only heard of one and he ran away? What a coward," Storm tsked.

Kathrine faced him with a deadly glare but Storm couldn't be bothered by her glare, after all, it didn't bring any harm to him. "This is funny to you right?!" Her voice cracked and Storm almost felt pity for her.


"As a matter of fact, yes it is. You didn't even mention the time I was in your kitchen a--" the sound of Kathrine's palm connecting with Storm's cheek bounced off on the walls of the hall. Storm's head moved to the side at the force she used.

Kathrine was slammed on the wall and he tightened his grip on her throat and brings his lips close to her ears "I don't know what you are. But the next time you raise your hand on me, I'll be sure to snap your fingers starting with your pinky before I move to the whole arm!" Storm's eyes turned dark as flashes of how he was hit as a kid came into his mind.

But the fear in her eyes and the struggle for breath snapped him back to reality. Storm released her and sped back to his room leaving Kathrine gasping for air.

Another vase was thrown at the wall, another chair was kicked, another yell escaped his lips. Storm back ached him, he stared at everything as if they were his prey. His gum ached him, his back ached him, his head ached him.

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